Chapter 24 - Abnormal ability value

After recovering from her initial excitement, Hestia became a little worried again.

"Won't that start a war game?" Looking at Miyuki she asked in a worried tone

In a war between a family and a family, the losing side unconditionally obeys any conditions of the winning side.

"Impossible, the Soma familia are a group of drunkards who don't have much strength, and holding a war game requires the consent of the main gods of both sides, otherwise it will not be possible." Miyuki shook his head and said.

"What Zanis did is disgraceful, and it won't be reported to the guild."

The teenager shrugged indifferently.

There is a high probability that someone will be sent to follow them, and then they will stumble in the dungeon.

Be tougher, directly intercept at night, and take Lili away by force.

But the possibility of reporting to the guild is too low.

"If that's the case, how can we rescue Lili from the Soma family? If it's impossible, I'll go over and beat up Soma myself!" Hestia asked.

"Erasing the favor requires God's consent. If you beat him up, it will only be counterproductive, so don't." Miyuki said while shaking his head and smiling wryly.

It is good to have a sense of justice, but it should not be too reckless.

"There is obviously a problem with the internal management of the Sumo family. The divine wine that can make adventurers corrupt is similar to drugs. Coupled with their internal chaos, the Adventurer's Guild should be happy to interfere in their affairs." Miyuki analyzed based on what he saw from and remembered from anime.

Take Lili directly to the Soma family. Miyuki wouldn't do such a reckless thing.

After all, Soma is a god and he is much stronger than him, forcing Soma will only be counterproductive.

"Oh? Can this work?" Hestia wondered.

"Ninety percent success rate." Miyuki thought for a few seconds and said.

Judging from the current situation, it is a certain fact that the internal management of the Soma family is chaotic. Even if they don't report it now, it will be a matter of time before they are found out by the Adventurer's Guild.

It is obviously more effective to use the power of the guild to solve troubles and obtain task rewards.

"I won't go to the dungeon tomorrow. I'll go to the guild first to find Miss Eina. She should be happy to help." Miyuki was a bit embarrassed when he remembered how many times he has asked Eina's help.

Although it's embarrassing to bother others like this all the time, Eina seems to be enjoying it.

Miyuki couldn't treat Eina as a tool person.

Since he feels guilty, he will try his best to make up for it.

"Well, let's do it your way... But, who is Eina?" Hestia immediately became vigilant when she heard a name that looked like a woman.

"It's the adventurer consultant I met in the guild, don't talk about it...I bought you a gift." Miyuki remembered Hestia's jealousy, so, he changed the topic in the middle, and took out a few pieces of clothing that he bought along the way from his bag.

The fashionable clothes immediately aroused the interest of the goddess.

Hestia didn't find Miyuki's trick and she happily picked up the clothes and gestured at herself: "Did Miyuki buy them for me?"

"Well, if it doesn't fit, go to that store for another size." Miyuki looked at Hestia's figure and said n

Miyuki didn't know Hestia's size, but after he mentioned Hestia's name, the clerk recommended these styles to him.

It can be seen that the goddess is "famous" in Orario.

As a mascot.

"No, it looks fine to me." Hestia shook her and carefully held the dress.

She hasn't changed her clothes for many days.

Although the goddess does not secret dirt and does not need to change her clothes frequently, she is still a girl after all, and she cannot stop her love for beautiful things.

"I'm sorry...I'm such a useless goddess." Such words suddenly came out of Hestia's mouth.

"How to say?" Miyuki was surprised.

" are my first child, but I can't give you anything. I always feel very sorry." Hestia said in a tone of guilt.

"Don't think so much, the favor you gave me is the best gift. Besides, as a member of the family, isn't it normal for me to support you?" Miyuki said with a smile.

"Also, I have taken a fancy to a few houses in Orario. After Lili's matter is resolved, let's go and have a look together."

As a dignified traveler, if he still lived in the basement, it would be too shabby.

After the discussion, Lili's matter was temporarily put aside.

Miyuki looked at Hestia and said, "Help me update my ability value."

"Well, let's go to the sofa over there."

In order not to disturb Lili, Hestia, and Miyuki went to the sofa in the next room.

Still the same as the posture in the library that day.

When the soft object pressed against his waist, Miyuki endured a certain change, trying not to think about those strange things.

"Any questions?" The goddess put her hands on Shenhui's back and asked.

"No," Miyuki said.

"Hurry up and update my ability value."


There will be no other outrageous actions during this period.

Hestia took out a silver needle from the iron box, carefully pricked the skin of the index finger, and dripped bright blood drops on Miyuki's back.

After the blood dripped into his body, Miyuki could feel his true ancestor bloodline was strengthened again and his magic power and strength increased.

Miyuki could also feel that his magic power was slowly changing after Hestia dropped her blood.

In fact, this change started the moment Miyuki obtained favor. It's just Miyuki didn't notice it at that moment.

Although his magic power was changing, Miyuki could feel that it was in a good direction. So, he didn't care about the change in his magic power.

With the changes brought by favor, Miyuki confidently believed that the higher his level, the faster the bloodline of the true ancestor will be strengthened.

After the blood dripped, Miyuki's ability value shined a white light. Hestia was currently manipulating the suspended sacred text.

This is an ability that only gods have.

By translating his experience into practical experience and instilling it into grace, his ability can be improved.

"What... what's going on? Is there something wrong with favor?!" Hestia on Miyuki's back let out a sharp scream.

If outsiders heard it, they would think that Hestia had been treated inhumanly.

When the Goddess looked at the ability value floating on Miyuki's back and presented an unbelievable panorama, she also showed disbelief in her eyes.

It is too fast.

For Hestia, Miyuki, who joined the family, was the first object of her favor.

Therefore, she has only heard about favor's development method.

But she knew that the ability value engraved on the child should not be like this.

Because the degree of proficiency improvement can be regarded as making people wonder if it is broken.

Totally a rocket-like boost.

"Is there a problem?"

Hestia's scream made Miyuki's heart tight.

I thought that he didn't fight any strong enemy other than Goliath so his ability value didn't improve much.

If that's the case, then his upgrade will be difficult.

However, he guessed wrong.

" can see for yourself, I don't know what's going on." Hestia handed Miyuki the paper with the sacred words printed on it, and at the same time began to check whether there were other problems with Miyuki.



Strength: I(0) → S(973)

Durable: I(0) → S(970)

Dexterity: I(0) → S952)

Agility: I(0) → S(964)

Magic: I(0) → SS(1215)


< Fantasy Materialisation: Anything according to one's fantasy can be materialized >




< World Favor: World loves him and favors him, so growth will be accelerated. >

< Lucky Bonus: One's luck will be passively strengthened. >

< Darling of Nature: When using nature-related magic, magic will be strengthened. >

< Against Magic: Magic resistance will be increased. >

< High vitality: Vitality is strong. Recovery speed will be increased. >


The full ability value is S, and all of them have reached the full level.

Based on the information provided by the guild, the numerical range of each ability value is from 0 to 999, and the level is also from I to S.

Generally speaking, the highest basic ability is only capped.

However, his ability value has directly broken through the highest s level unearthed so far, breaking through to the SS level.

And, what surprised Hestia wasn't limited to this.

Because each of his ability values​​has increased extremely terrifying.

Except for magic which broke through SS, other abilities are also at the highest point of S rank.

Moreover, even the great cause of upgrading has been achieved.

As long as Miyuki is willing, he can upgrade to Lv2 today.

This is not only the ascent speed of the rocket, it is completely open.

Compared with other adventurers, what are those people outside?

"Miyuki... do you feel any discomfort in your body?" Hestia asked cautiously.

Knowing about Miyuki's bloodline and seeing such an abnormal speed of improvement this time, Hestia is really worried that something might happen.

"No, and I feel that I have improved a lot in all aspects." Miyuki tried to squeeze his fist and obviously felt that his strength had increased by more than 20%.

"That's good?" Hestia breathed a sigh of relief then she bit her lips and said, "Then why the ability value..."

"Well, I am special." Miyuki smiled and said, "Not only do I have a strong bloodline but I also have a growth-accelerating skill."

"What's more, I've reached the seventeenth floor and flight Goliath today, so it's not surprising that I can achieve such an improvement."

"Seventeen floors!! Fought Goliath!!?"

The number of layers conquered and the fight with the floor master made Hestia almost jump up on the spot.

The gods who have been in Orario for so long have never met a novice adventurer who was able to conquer the seventeenth floor on the first day.

Much less an adventurer who directly fought Goliath on his first day as a novice.

'Secret!' Hestia's eyes flashed with but of wisdom that didn't match her normal self and she thought.

By the way, it must be a secret of his bloodline and those abnormal skills!

There is definitely something abnormal about Miyuki's bloodline that even the gods don't know about!

She suddenly understood why Miyuki would find her to join the family.

Because she is alone.

'Children's secrets must never be known to anyone.' Hestia didn't think so out of selfishness.

Well, to be honest, she was worried about Miyuki.

The talent of a Miyuki is far stronger than that of any other race in this world. As long as he grows up normally, it is not surprising even if he steps into a realm unknown to the gods.

For this reason, she must not let others know the secret of Miyuki.

After all, if such an increase speed is exposed, it will definitely attract many evil hands.

And in order to protect Miyuki from those sluts, Hestia decided to shoulder the responsibility of protecting him wholeheartedly in the future.

"Do you want to upgrade?" Hiding her feelings, Hestia asked.

"No, I plan to upgrade when all ability values ​​​​have broken through to the highest level." Miyuki shook his head.

Once it is upgraded to Lv2, although the ability value is reset to zero, the improvement of lv1 still exists.

Generally speaking, one can only upgrade a certain ability to C level or above.

But he is more greedy.
