Chapter 33 - Doing indescribable things in front of Eina

"Loki, what happened?" While Ais was looking at the parchment, Finn, and others arrived.

"Go and look at Ais's ability value." Loki rubbed her head and spoke listlessly.

"Huh!" Finn and others were surprised by the look in Loki's eyes.

Finn stepped forward and took the parchment from Ais and looked at it.

"It's really unbelievable." After looking at the ability value of Ais, Finn couldn't help sighing.

"Captain show me." Tiona jumped up and took the parchment from Finn.

"What!!?" Tiona made the same action as Loki.

Tione next to Tiona looked at the parchment then she also screamed.

"It seems we owe that boy a very big favor." Finn rubbed his thumbs, smiling lightly as he spoke with a headache.

Such a big favor, and he doesn't know how to repay it.

"Indeed, he helped Ais increase her ability value by more than 500 points and he also helped her get full s ability value. This is really enough to owe a huge favor." Riveria spoke with a smile but she also had a headache.

Even she doesn't know what can be done to repay Miyuki's favor.

"Captain..." Ais who was silent suddenly spoke with a bright look in her eyes.

"Miyuki asked me if he could join our expedition," Ais spoke and her golden eyes looked at Finn expectantly.

Although Ais is naive, she can tell that Finn and others are thinking of how to repay Miyuki.

She also wants to repay Miyuki, so, she tried to use this chance to help Miyuki join her familias expedition.

"Ais, tell him that we agree to let him join the expedition." Finn thought for a while and then said with a bright smile.

Miyuki's strength is more than enough to join their expedition.

Now that he has done such a big favor to them, Finn can't refuse at all.

"Ais are you guys dating? Or why would that guy help you so much?" Tiona didn't care about the atmosphere, she held Ais's shoulders and asked in a gossiping tone.

"Wooo...Ais-chan...." Loki immediately howled and jumped toward Ais after hearing what Tiona said.

Ais swiftly turned her body and threw Tiona in Loki's arms and dodged.

"Ais-chan no longer loves me." Loki held Tiona and cried in her arms while touching her body.

"Loki..." Tiona immediately slapped Loki's hand and got rid of her.

Then she once again looked at Ais.

"" Ais shook her head after thinking for a moment.

Tiona was a bit disappointed by Ais's answer.

Hearing Ais answer Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just Loki didn't that she was about to be stabbed again.

"But we are going to date tomorrow." Ais golden hair swayed and she spoke with a happy smile on her face.

"Huh!" xn

All the people in the Loki familia froze. It was as if a nuclear bomb exploded on their heads.

"Ais is going on a date," Tiona screamed loudly with an unbelievable look on her face.

"Ais is going on a date?" xn Tiona's voice spread to the whole Loki familia. Immediately the Loki familia became lively.


Miyuki on the other side has come to the guild.

Stepping into the guild, Miyuki searched for Eina.

Eina was currently sorting out some papers.

"Hello, Eina..."

Hearing the familiar voice Eina turned her head and saw Miyuki looking at her.

"It's you." Looking at Miyuki's face, Eina smiled.

"How are you." Eina stopped working and asked.

"I am fine, what about you? You seem to be quite busy." Miyuki saw various papers around Eina and asked.

"It's okay. I just need to sort them out nothing much." Eina shook her head and said.

"By the way, why are you here?" Eina was curious as to why Miyuki was here.

Eina didn't meet Lili in the morning, so, she didn't know that Miyuki would visit her.

"I upgraded to Lv2, so, I came to report to the guild."

"Huh! Lv2, so fast!" Eina looked at Miyuki with an unbelievable look on her face.

"Well, it's level 2." Miyuki nodded calmly.

"Eina, meeting your little lover again." Before Eina could ask any further, a pink-haired walked in and spoke with a teasing look.

"No, it's not..." Eina shook her head with a red face.

She didn't expect this girl who usually teases her to come back when she met Miyuki.

It seems she is going to be teased a lot.

"Yo, Miyuki how have you been." The pink-haired girl or Misha didn't look at Eina and came to Miyuki and greeted him.

Before going to the dungeon with Ais, Miyuki came to the guild quite often. So, he met Misha one day when he came to meet Eina.

Since that day, he and Misha had been friends and Misha has always used Miyuki to tease Eina.

By now, they are already familiar close friends.

"Thanks for worrying. I am fine Misha-chan." Miyuki also greeted Misha and rubbed her head lightly.

He really liked rubbing girls' heads, especially cute girls like Misha.

"Stop it, Miyuki." Misha slapped Miyuki's hand away and then sat beside Miyuki with a familiar look.

Although she has a certain good impression of Miyuki and she likes him to touch her head but Misha still feels embarrassed.

"Okay, Miyuki, tell me how far have you progressed." Misha wrapped her arm around Miyuki's shoulder and asked him as if she cared about his relationship.

'Girl why are you so defenseless.' Feeling the softness hitting his body Miyuki couldn't help thinking about why this girl acted so defenseless.

Although he and Misha are indeed familiar, Misha's actions sometimes are a little defenseless.

"No, we are not in a relationship." Miyuki shook his head and denied Misha. After knowing each other, he knew about this girl, she likes teasing Eina about her relationship. If he says that he has a relationship with Eina then Eina is definitely going to be teased for a long time.

Miyuki doesn't want Eina to have a bad impression of himself because of a mistake. So, he frankly told the truth.

"Really..." Misha looked at Miyuki and was disappointed when she saw his calm look.

This guy is really not easy to attack. It seems I need to change the target.

"Eina you're not dating him, so, how about lending him to me? I want to date him. You won't mind right." While speaking, Misha got closer to Miyuki and looked at Eina with a teasing look in her eyes.

She knew that Eina wouldn't be able to bear it for long. She must be anxious to split her from Miyuki

"Nooooo..." Just like Misha expected, Eina cried out loud and then she fell silent and her face turned red like an apple.

"Really." Misha looked at Eina and understood that she really has a good impression of the boy next to her.

Immediately, Misha once again looked at Miyuki.

Short back hair, pure black eyes, soft facial features, and white skin. Coupled with that special aura and temperament, this guy's lethality toward women is definitely high.

Misha has admitted that even she is attracted to him.

Looking for a while, Misha herself turned red. She didn't expect to stare at a Miyuki for so long.

Although Miyuki is someone she has a good impression of, if it wasn't for teasing Eina and helping her in the progress of her relationship, Misha might not have acted so close to him.

"Why not, Miyuki is alone. He can definitely date me." Although her heart was fluctuating, Misha appeared calm on the surface. Even if her face was red, she spoke unhurriedly and went one step further.

Holding Miyuki's arms, she went a step closer to him.

"No..." Eina once again shook her head with a red face. Perhaps she was unable to think of any reason, so, she said, "I said no, so, no. You absolutely cannot date Miyuki."

Miyuki looked speechlessly at Misha who had buried his hand in her gully and then looked at Eina whose face was red.

It seems today's business can't be done.

Miyuki sat back comfortably and enjoyed the feeling of softness from his hand.

Misha saw Eina's red face and said jokingly, "Why do you want to stop me? Could it be, want to date him..."

"No, no, no..." Eina's already bright red face became even redder. Even steam started coming out of her head.

Eina's heart is a mess. Misha can be said to have succeeded in teasing.

"Okay, Misha-chan stop teasing Eina or I will have to do something." Miyuki suddenly stopped Misha and pressed his hand on her head while speaking.

Miyuki has a certain good impression of this girl when he watched anime. Although it isn't at the same level as Hestia and Ais, he still has a fairly good impression of this girl.

After meeting her and becoming friends with her, his impression of Misha is very good

It's just Eina's weight in his heart is much higher than hers. So, he wants to help Eina.

"Hmm." Her head was patted by a Miyuki again and Misha felt familiar comfortable feeling.

It was only a few seconds later that she reacted and said, "No teasing Eina is so much fun, why should I stop."

Misha felt it was really fun to tease Eina, so even if Miyuki said that there might be some consequences, Misha wasn't ready to stop teasing Eina.

"Eina-san please close your eyes for a moment, I will help you educate this girl who is disobedient and teasing." Miyuki looked at and said with a mysterious smile.

"Huh! Okay." Eina agreed to Miyuki in a daze. She already had enough of Misha's teasing, if she could get rid of it then she didn't min closing her eyes.

What's more, she knows that Misha and Miyuki are good friends. So, she doesn't think that anything bad will happen.

Looking at Eina, Miyuki didn't feel relieved if he did that action just because she has closed her eyes.

So, he materialized a black opaque mirror between Eina and himself then he looked playfully at Misha.

By now, Misha had realized that she stepped on a landmine and this isn't an ordinary landmine. It's a landmine with enough strength to blow herself up.

"You what do you want?" Although she was afraid, Misha still pretended to be calm.

She didn't think that Miyuki really dared to do something outrageous when Eina is present.

"You will know soon." Miyuki smiled mysteriously at Misha.

Then he looked around and confirmed that no one has a chance of peeping.

Immediately, he lowered his head toward Misha.

"You, what are you..." Before Misha could speak, she felt her lips being blocked.

"Woo..." Misha tried to struggle but it was to no avail. Instead, she felt an arm wrapping around her waist and hugging her.
