Chapter 37 - Unexpected Confession

Evening, Orario City walk,

"Ais was today's date fun," Standing on the city wall, Miyuki asked Ais while looking at her blond figure under the setting sun.

"Fun." Ais nodded and her golden jewel eyes flashed with joy.

"Would you like to come again?" Miyuki once again asked.

"Hmm." Ais nodded.

Today was really enjoyable for her.

She really wants to do it again.

"Then let's do it again when we have time," Miyuki suggested.

He also enjoyed today's date. Although in the middle, Ais chose women's clothing for him which embarrassed him but overall, today's date was pretty good.

"Miyuki close your eyes." Ais's face was slightly red and she said to Miyuki after a moment of thought.

"Huh, okay." Miyuki nodded and closed his eyes.

Although he didn't know what Ais wanted to do, it matter to him. After all, he was just closing his eyes.

It's not like Ais will kiss, right?

That's impossible, Ais doesn't have that much common sense.

"Um, huh." Just when Miyuki thought so, he felt his lips being blocked by something moist.

No way, no way, Ais really won't kiss.

Miyuki immediately opened his eyes in shock and saw Ais clumsily trying to kiss him.

After seeing Miyuki open her eyes, Ais quickly separated from him and her face turned red visible to the naked eye.

"Ais, why did do it?" Miyuki touched his moist lips and asked.

He really doesn't understand why Ais kissed him.

Although their relationship is close, according to his understanding, Ais isn't someone who knows about men and women. So, she shouldn't do such a thing.

"Huh! Does Miyuki not like it." Hearing Miyuki's question, Ais's mood became depressed and she spoke while dropping her head.

"Tiona said that after the date you should kiss Miyuki and Miyuki will definitely like it and be happy. But Miyuki seems to not like it." Dropping her head, Ais sat on the ground and kept muttering in a depressed tone.

She didn't expect Tiona to lie to her.

"Tiona..." Hearing Ais muttering, Miyuki understood the culprit who caused this.

Now he only wants to say, 'Good job Tiona' and give Tiona a thumbs up.

"Ais, it's not that I don't like it. It's just I was surprised by your action." Miyuki held Ais's hand and pulled her in his arms and said while looking into her eyes.

"So, Miyuki likes it." Ais's mood instantly turned 180°, her golden eyes showed hope and she asked with an expectant tone.

"Like it, such beautiful Ais gave me a kiss, why don't I like it," Miyuki said and looked into Ais's eyes seriously.

A beautiful girl like Ais kissed him, why does he have to complain?

"It's just Ais, I have to tell you something." Miyuki held Ais chin and looked at her golden bright eyes with a look of helplessness.

"You can't do such a thing to any man, it's advisable to only do it with the man you like." Miyuki seriously taught this girl what is the difference between men and women. He didn't want Ais to just kiss anyone.

Although this might lower his probability of getting a kiss, Miyuki has to do it. Ais is too deceptive, he doesn't want her to be taken advantage of by any other man.

"But Miyuki isn't someone." Ais's mood had already brightened after hearing Miyuki liked it. So, she pondered on Miyuki's question for a moment and said, "What's more Tiona said that liking means that you will feel safe and comfortable with someone and you will want to be with someone, you will go on a date with him and do happy things together."

"Being with Miyuki feels safe, comfortable, and happy. I like to be with Miyuki and I am happy that we went on a date."


Hearing Ais mention one thing after another, Miyuki's brain was a bit of a mess.

He always thought that Ais just had a good impression of him and she didn't know anything about liking.

He didn't expect that Tiona would tell Ais so many things and let her feeling for him produce a qualitative change.

Anyway, he has to thank Tiona for her help.

"So,..." Hearing Ais lengthening her tone of voice, Miyuki couldn't help following her and speaking.

He really wants to know what Ais means.

"So, according to Tiona, I seem to like Miyuki."

"Therefore, what Miyuki said is wrong. I didn't just kiss anyone, I kissed the man I liked." Ais pressed her fingers on her cherry lips, her face was little red and she said with a smile on her face.

It seems like she was declaring that Miyuki was wrong and he shouldn't teach her about love. She already knows enough.

"Then does Ais want to associate with me?" Miyuki looked at Ais's beautiful appearance and asked.

He didn't expect that he really succeeded in making Ais fall for him.

Even it was Ais who confessed. He thought it would take at least three or four months, but he didn't expect it only took a month to succeed.

"Hmm." Ais nodded and her face turned visible to the naked eye.

From Tiona, she has learned what associating means and what liking means. And she also heard about love from Tiona.

After she combined Tiona's teaching with her father's last word, she understood why her father said that he could only be her mother's hero, not hers.

The first day she saw Miyuki fighting Goliath, she felt this is what a hero should be like after knowing his level.

After that, she traveled through the dungeon with him for about half a month. During that time, she saw how he fought against monsters far beyond his level and she also saw how he made himself stronger.

She didn't know since when Miyuki replaced her father's figure in her heart and occupied her heart.

It was only after Tiona's reminder that she somewhat understood her feelings for Miyuki.

Looking at Miyuki, Ais remembered how they met, how they fought against monsters, and how he helped her become stronger.

This boy who is about the same age as her possess incredible power and he has become a pillar in her heart.

"Miyuki will you be my hero?" Ais spoke with red cheeks and her golden eyes looked seriously at Miyuki.

"Yes," Miyuki answered very concisely and hugged Ais in his arms.

Ais is so beautiful and she likes him and he also likes her. So, he has no reason to refuse.

"As your man let me teach you how a kiss should be performed." Saying so, Miyuki sealed Ais's cherry lips.

"Ah, hum." Ais felt her lips were blocked, her face turned red but she didn't push Miyuki.

From Tiona, she learned all the knowledge, so, she knows that what Miyuki and she are doing is a very normal intimate contact between couples.

Ais doesn't reject Miyuki being close to her and expressing his feelings through intimate actions.

Looking at Miyuki's handsome face up close, Ais closed her eyes and hugged Miyuki's back then she began to respond clumsily according to the knowledge taught by Tiona.

A few minutes later,

Under the setting sun, the figure of a boy and girl kissing each other could be seen.

Both Miyuki and Ais have non-human physical strength, so, they didn't feel out of breath while kissing. Therefore, this kiss went on for a long period of time.

Ais felt Miyuki's lips opening her mouth and then slowly entering inside her mouth.

Ais didn't stop, instead, she immersed herself in the comfortable feeling brought by kissing.

She never felt such a comfortable feeling before.

Ais really wants to enjoy this feeling forever.

Miyuki on the other side also enjoyed Ais lips as a great delicacy.

Ais's lips are different from Misha's and Yuri's.

If Yuri is gentle and Misha is arrogant then Ais is innocent and pure like a fairy.

He really likes the feeling brought by kissing.

About fifteen minutes later,

Miyuki and Ais separated their lips.

"Miyuki... comfortable..." Ais touched her lips and looked at the silver line between her and Miyuki and said.

"Let's do it again." Ais looked at Miyuki with bright eyes

"Not now, we still have to return to our familia." Miyuki lightly kissed Ais forehead and said in a helpless tone.

He can still continue to kiss and enjoy the feeling brought by Ais. But if he did that Miyuki isn't confident that he would be able to control himself from doing something immoral.

This isn't a place to do that kind of thing, so, Miyuki doesn't want to lose control of him.

"Familia..." Hearing Miyuki talk about familia, Ais no longer asked for a kiss, she seems to remember something that she had to inform Miyuki about something important.

"Remembered..." Ais remembered after thing for a few seconds. Immediately she looked at Miyuki and said, "Captain agreed to let Miyuki join the expedition."

"That's good news." Hearing that Finn agreed to let him join, Miyuki smiled and said in a happy tone.

Today is really his lucky day, not only did he get Ais but he also got to know that he could join the expedition of the Loki familia.

Joining the expedition of the Loki familia means he can become stronger and upgrade quickly.

"Would Miyuki like to visit our familia?" Ais suddenly thought of something and said in a hopeful tone.

"Won't that trouble you," Miyuki asked in a worried tone.

Although he also went to the Loki familia last time and no one stopped.

But if Ais brought him into the familia then there is bound to be a commotion.

"Won't." Ais shook her head resolutely.

'Sun hasn't completely set and night is still a while away. Hestia and Lili shouldn't be worried if I am a bit late.'

Miyuki looked at the sun and thought for a moment and said, "Then I will trouble Ais to take me to your family."

Saying so, Miyuki let Ais leave his arms and then held her hand, ready to go to the Loki familia.

Ais heard Miyuki's response, she took Miyuki's hand and walked towards the base camp of the Loki family.

In the northern part of the city, beside the road of Fanhua Street.

A long and large mansion that is much taller than the surrounding buildings is located here.

There are several high-rise towers overlapping the mansion. The copper-colored appearance looks like a burning flame. Among the towers, the tallest central tower stands with a clown flag, fluttering in the wind.

This is the base camp of the Loki family, the Twilight Hall.

Ais pulled Miyuki to the outside of the mansion. Through the gate, you could see the heads of people shaking inside, and people of all races could see it. Everyone showed a busy look.

"Huh? That's...Miss Ace!"

Someone spotted Ais who came to the door, and their eyes were instantly attracted by this beautiful woman who was close to a goddess. After a while, they saw Miyuki behind her.
