Chapter 40 - The Metamorphosis of Lefiya

Putting down the completed light armor, Miyuki handed it to Lefiya and said, "This Armor is specially created for you. You should wear it. After all, you don't have any experience in close combat."

After that, Miyuki helped Lefiya put on this set of light armor.

Although Lefiya felt embarrassed, she stop him from putting on the light armor.

Looking at the light armor on her body and the long spear in her hand, Lefiya understood that Miyuki worked hard to help her.

All of a sudden, the emotions in her heart were slightly agitated.

"Thank you, Miyuki!"

"It's okay, who told me to promise to help you," Miyuki said and he looked at Lefiya's heroic Valkyrie-like appearance with an admiring look.

I have to say that Lefiya looks good in everything she wears, she deserves to be an elf known for her beauty and magic.

"What's more, Lefiya is so cute, how can I not help you?" Miyuki laughed and said.

"Cute...cute or something." Lefiya blushed and muttered.

Looking at Lefiya whose face was already blushing, Miyuki couldn't help teasing.

So Cute!!

"Alright, Lefiya, the enemy is coming." Looking at the half-orcs and little devils coming here not far away, Miyuki hurriedly reminded.

"Well?" Looking at the approaching monster, Lefiya's hands and legs couldn't help shaking.

Although she had almost no problems when she fought in the upper and middle ranks, at that time she was still a mage, the guard of the team, and was in a safe position.

Even when she went with Miyuki and Ais, she was protected by Miyuki, so, she didn't feel much fear.

But now, she is a warrior! She has to face monsters head-on.

Lefiya, who had never been in such close contact with a monster, instantly became nervous.

The hands and feet are constantly moving.

"What to do?"

Just when Lefiya was so nervous that she couldn't breathe, a flash of silver light cut the orc in front of her into two pieces.

"Miyuki!" Lefiya who was rescued couldn't help shouting excitedly and then saw Miyuki moving left and right among the monsters, and there was only one monster left in an instant.

"Raise your weapon, Lefiya!"

"The enemy is only Lv1, but you are Lv3 of the Loki family! Believe in your ability, even if you don't have any combat experience, the crushing of attributes cannot be erased. Victory is inevitable." After cutting down their monsters, Miyuki encouraged Lefiya.

Hearing Miyuki's encouragement, Lefiya's will gradually became firmer.

Picking up the spear in her hand, Lefiya rushed towards the remaining half-orc.


Relying on her roar to give herself courage, when Lefiya rushed in front of the monster, she was so nervous that she even closed her eyes.

There was a tactile sensation of piercing something, and hearing the wailing beside her ears, the nervous Lefiya opened her eyes.

Then she saw the scene where the half-orc who was pierced by her shot gradually turned into fly ash.

"I did it, Miyuki, I did it!" The spear in the hands of the excited Lefiya fell to the ground, and she jumped into Miyuki's arms and spoke excitedly.

"Well, good job." Holding excited Lefiya blushing, Miyuki gently stroked her head and gave her a thumbs up.

It was only then that Lefiya feel the arms around her waist. Immediately she blushed and left Miyuki's arms and lowered her head unable to speak.

Looking at Lefiya, Miyuki felt that she was too cute.

So cute, that he can't help but want to bully her.


The twelfth floor of the underground city.

As the last layer of the upper layer, the monsters on the twelfth layer have reached the peak of the upper layer in terms of strength, number, and refresh rate.

And in this fog, Lefiya was fighting non-stop against the monsters around her.


Waving the long spear in her hand non-stop, Lefiya, who has won the essence of the "blindly hacking genre", used the long spear as a stick in a daze.

Thanks to Miyuki's foresight, he lengthened the tip of this long spear, so that even chopping can effectively hurt the enemy.

But the most important thing is Lefiya's basic attribute of crushing potential.

Facing the ferocious monster, Lefiya swung the spear indiscriminately and killed all the enemies around her.

This is typical attribute suppression.

"Calm down, Lefiya."

"You have also seen that your enemy cannot withstand your blow at all. Calm down and deal with the opponent with your consciousness instead of relying on your body." Miyuki kept pointing out for Lefiya while sending useless monsters to death n

"Yes, Miyuki." Lefiya gradually calmed down. After these three levels of exploration, she had a clear judgment of the strength of the enemy in her heart.

Even with the long spear in her hand dancing wildly, she has eliminated many monsters.

Gradually, she became firm.

"Hooo hoo hoo!"

Looking at the half-orcs gradually approaching her side, Lefiya tightly grasped the spear in her hand.

Although she had never used this type of weapon, what she had seen and heard during the expedition also made her know how to use it.

Spears are for stabbing!

Picking up the long spear in her hand, and aiming the end of the spear at the orc on the opposite side, Lefiya shouted and rushed forward.

But this time, she didn't close her eyes again but firmly remembered this scene in her heart.

"Go to hell!" With Lefiya's shout, the orc with a huge body was pierced in an instant, his weak body collapsed, and then gradually turned into fly ash.

"I did it!" Looking at the long spear in her hand, Lefiya's eyes brightened and she couldn't help muttering.

This was the first monster she had killed in close quarters with her own will.

Although as an orthodox mage specialized in magic power, Lefiya's power accumulation in the first two levels is not so strong, the qualitative change brought about by the upgrade is still not something Lv1 can handle.

Otherwise, how could defeating the Lv2 monster with the strength of Lv1 be called a great achievement?

As for Miyuki who can fight Lv6 with Lv1. Well, he is a special case. After all, not everyone has a system, and not everyone has a True Ancestor bloodline.

Facing the half-orc of Lv1, Lefiya as Lv3 can be said to be crushing level existence.

After killing the half-orc in front of her, Lefiya's self-confidence greatly increased and she rushed to the next monster with a spear in her hand, no longer passively waiting for the monster's attack.

For Lefiya, as long as she can strengthen her fighting spirit, the monsters here are no match for her at all.

This is also the case now.

Although the spear in her hand was still immature, relying on the level of crushing, Lefiya still killed in all directions among the monsters.

Blasting unnecessary monsters around Lefiya to death, Miyuki observed Lefiya.

"Sure enough, with Lefiya's Lv3 level, these monsters can't even bring her much damage. The suppression between levels is quite strong!"

Looking at Lefiya who rushed into the pile of monsters because of recklessness, and was attacked one after another but did not suffer any harm, Miyuki couldn't help but feel the gap in level.

If he wasn't a special existence then maybe he wouldn't be able easily to cross the level gap and fight opponents across several levels.

"It seems that with Lefiya's basic attributes, it is enough for the upper floors but if she enters the middle level, her weapon needs to be changed." Shaking his head, Miyuki analyzed while looking at Lefiya.

Looking at Lefiya's fighting style, Miyuki felt that a sword might be more suitable for her than a spear.

After all, as an orthodox mage, Lefiya's focus in the future will still be on magic. Even close defense can't consume too much energy, but the study of long spears is very difficult.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have made her a spear just because she used a staff. Using a sword is also very good! Or can you use fists?" Looking at Lefiya who hacked monsters with a spear, Miyuki couldn't but lament with a speechless expression.

In fact, these are not important.

The important thing is that in the face of sudden attacks, she must have the ability to resist them so that she can chant magic with confidence.

Although trusting your teammates is also important, your own strength is even more important.

In "Attack on Titan", facing the pursuit of the female giant, Allen finally chose to believe in his companions, and then Levi's class was almost wiped out.

In the final analysis, one's own strength is more important.

As the saying goes, it is better to have your own than to have your father and mother.

Improving your strength is never wrong.

If Lefiya can face monsters calmly and chant magic then she has basically mastered parallel chanting.


Charged among the monsters with a spear in hand, Lefiya felt like a hero in a heroic story.

Chop, cut, swing, stab.

These basic four moves are used repeatedly, coupled with her basic ability to crush level.

It made Lefiya kill all directions in the crowd of monsters.

After she stabbed the last monster around to death, standing there, she only felt exhausted all over her body.

She was so excited just now that even my fatigue was forgotten.

As soon as she stopped now, fatigue flooded into her heart instantly.

But even so, Lefiya still had a happy smile on her face. She finally overcame her cowardice and became strong.

At this time, she suddenly thought of Miyuki who was worried about her, so she turned around and planned to look for him and thank him for his training.

"Thank you, Miyuki." Lefiya came in front of him and seriously thanked him while bowing her head.

This time is really a big harvest. After this training, she might be able to accurately grasp parallel chanting.

"You're welcome and you did a good job Lefiya." Miyuki looked at Lefiya with a smile and said while rubbing her head.

Rubbing Lefiya feels really good.

"Then let's continue to exercise your courage."

After that, Miyuki took Lefiya deeper into the middle layers and exercised her courage.

By the evening, Lefiya basically got rid of fear and initially mastered parallel chanting.


Evening Orario dungeon square,

"Lefiya you have successfully overcome your fear and you have initially mastered parallel chanting. Next, I don't have anything to teach you." Miyuki looked at Lefiya with gratified expression and said with a smile.

He thought that it would two or three days but he didn't expect Lefiya to succeed in just one day.

Now it seems he can free his hand to go there and try to exercise his ability value.

Maybe he will be able to upgrade before joining the expedition.

"Um...huh!" Lefiya who was excited and happy immediately quieted down after hearing Miyuki speak.

During this time she was really happy to spend time with Miyuki alone. Although she was fighting monsters Lefiya felt happy and excited.

It's just thinking that she no longer has any excuse to be alone with Miyuki, Lefiya's mood was a bit down.

"Don't be so down, I still have a gift to give you." Miyuki couldn't bear the down appearance of Lefiya, so, he said while holding her hands and taking her to another corner.

"What gift?" Lefiya didn't stop Miyuki from taking her hand and dragging her to another place and her mood slightly recovered. Looking at Miyuki, she became curious about what gift Miyuki would give her.

"Here." Miyuki took out a purple bright magic wand from his system warehouse and said, "This is a magic staff I specially prepared for you."

Lefiya didn't feel surprised at the sudden appearance of the magic staff.

"Magic staff," Lefiya held the magic staff Miyuki suddenly took and carefully observed it.

"Such increase in magic power and such a beautiful magic staff." The moment Lefiya held and observed the magic staff, she found her magic power increasing rapidly and the magic staff was too beautiful.

"I can't take it." Lefiya shook her head and gave the magic staff back to Miyuki.

Just from her observation just now, she knows that the magic staff is definitely a treasure that might be comparable to or even surpass Riveria's magic staff.

Lefiya doesn't think that she can take such precious staff from Miyuki.

"This is my apology gift for that time. So, please accept it." Miyuki didn't take the magic staff and said with a hint of embarrassment.

Having seen Lefiya's naked body, he can be said to have taken advantage of Lefiya. So, Miyuki really can't rest assured if Lefiya doesn't take the magic staff.

"Apology...that time..." It took a while for Lefiya to understand what Miyuki meant.

Immediately her face turned red and she looked at Miyuki with a hint of shame and shyness and said, ""

Lefiya couldn't say another word than 'you'. Having remembered that she was seen naked by this guy, she can't help but be ashamed and shy.

It's just there is another emotion in her heart that Lefiya still hasn't noticed. This emotion is why she was shy but not angry after remembering that she was seen naked.

"Well, I am leaving." Miyuki hurriedly said goodbye and escaped from Lefiya.

He knew that he might be beaten by Lefiya if he stayed any longer. So, he escaped.

"This guy..." Looking at Miyuki running away in embarrassment, Lefiya laughed.

"It's a good gift." Lefiya held the magic staff and said while looking at its exquisite appearance, "I accept your apology."

Lefiya finally accepted that she was given a magic staff as an apology gift.

As for the matter of being seen naked. Lefiya thinks she can't do anything. After all, Miyuki is much stronger than her, she can't beat him.

Liefiya still has to realize her thoughts about Miyuki.

In a happy mood, Lefiya walked back to the Loki familia.
