Chapter 44 - Dungeon Exploration

Morning, on the day of the expedition,

Miyuki arrived at the door of the Loki familia.

"Miyuki..." Ais saw Miyuki and she immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Come in quickly, Captain is waiting for you," Ais said and she immediately took Miyuki inside without waiting for his response.

"This girl..." Seeing Ais's impatient look, Miyuki sighed and he let her drag him.

"Miyuki, are you here?" Lefiya met Miyuki and Ais and she immediately greeted him.

"Oh, it's Lefiya. You should already know that I am joining your familias expedition, so, why are you surprised." Miyuki looked at her with a surprised look and asked doubtfully.

He has already explained it to Lefiya long ago, and he even met her yesterday, so, why is she surprised?

"Oh, it's nothing." Lefiya shook her head.

In fact, she wasn't surprised but hit. Seeing Miyuki and Ais's closeness to each other, she feels uncomfortable. It's just she can't say it.

After the three of them greeted each other, they went to the courtyard of the Twilight Pavilion together, where members of the Loki family were arriving one after another.

At this time in the atrium, Loki was standing there, looking at everyone with his arms folded.

It is completely different from her usual unconscious child-like self. At this time, her aura is fully open, giving people a strong sense of presence.

That is the real god.

"You're here." Seeing Miyuki coming with Ais and Lefiya, Riveria immediately stepped forward and greeted him with a smile.

For Miyuki, Riveria already has a good impression. After knowing that he and Ais have formed a relationship, her impression of him changed into a good son-in-law. Now, she really cares about him.

"Meet again, Riveria." Miyuki also greeted Riveria with a smile.

When it comes to Riveria, he also has high favourability and this one is definitely not son-in-law's favourability for mother-in-law. It's the favourability between men and women.

Riveria is still a pure elf girl who has been single for a long time. The only reason why she can be said to be Ais's mother is that she treats Ais like a daughter.

So, Miyuki thinks there is no problem in attacking Riveria while having Ais.

If Riveria knew Miyuki's thoughts then she might give him a magic attack. After all, she treats him as a son-in-law yet he wants to fuck her.

Although she might also agree because she has been single for too long. But the chances of being bombarded are much higher than directly getting Riveria.

"Yo, little brother, you're here." The lively Tiona jumped up and patted Miyuki's shoulder while speaking in a loud tone.

"Come with me, Finn wants to introduce you," Riveria said and stopped Tiona from sticking to Miyuki.

They still need to introduce Miyuki to their familia. Although most of the members already know him, none of them know his real strength. They only know that he is someone whom Finn and others admire and he has a close relationship with Ais.

"Ok." Miyuki nodded and said a few words to Ais, Tiona, and Lefiya then left with Riveria.

Then he met Finn and Gareth.

"Finn, what is this guy doing here?" Before Finn could greet Miyuki, Loki had already jumped up. She grabbed Finn and asked in a low voice.

"Loki have you forgotten that we need to repay his favor? You shouldn't forget that you also agreed to let him join our expedition." Finn looked at Loki and smiled wryly while explaining.

He is thankful that Loki doesn't know about Miyuki and Ais getting together. If she knew then the problem would be bigger.

"..." Loki was speechless after hearing what Finn said. In fact, she is indeed the one who gave the green signal to Miyuki to join the expedition. If not then no matter how huge Miyuki's favor is Finn would think of other ways to repay.

"Well, do whatever you want." In the end, Loki shook her head and no longer cared about letting Miyuki leave.

"Boy, if you dare to snatch out Ais-chan then we will make you look good. So, remember not to do anything to our Ais-chan." Before leaving Loki have a solemn warning to Miyuki.

Hearing Loki's warning, not only was Miyuki speechless, even Finn, Riveria, and Gareth were speechless.

If they tell Loki that Ais already belonged to Miyuki then Loki will definitely explode.

"Hello, Captain Finn and Gareth, please give me more advice during the expedition." Shaking his head, Miyuki didn't bother Loki and greeted Finn and Gareth

"Hello, Miyuki, let's go. Most of the members have come, it's time to introduce you." Finn smiled and he patted Miyuki on the shoulder while speaking.

Gareth also came over and greeted Miyuki with a smile and then he took Miyuki to stand on the platform with Finn.

"Guys I have something to announce..."

The moment Finn's voice fell, the whole courtyard became silent and everyone listened to Finn.

Next Finn introduced Miyuki and told them a little bit about why he joined their expedition. He also said that Miyuki was enough to rival himself in terms of strength, so, they didn't need to worry about him joining the expedition.

Most of the people in the Loki familia already know Miyuki because of one reason or another. So, after Finn's explanation about Miyuki's strength and telling about the reason, they quickly accepted it. After all, most people in Loki familia think that Miyuki and Ais are already together, so, it doesn't matter if he joins their expedition.

Looking at charismatic Finn and the Loki familia, Miyuki has to sigh that Finn's prestige was really high and Loki familia was really untied.

After a few more words, Finn stepped back and gave the stage to Loki.

"Everyone, let's fight to our heart's content, the time has come to show the spirit of our Loki family." After Finn stepped back, Loki's face became serious, she raised her hand and said loudly.


Under Loki's speech, the morale of the Loki family expedition team was particularly strong.

"Then we're off, Loki."

"Well, I leave everything to you, Finn."


Looking back, looking at the members who were all ready to go, Finn's body showed a stern aura.

This is the leader of the Loki family, the head of the Loki family, Finn, the brave.

"Get ready to go, gather at the central square of the Tower of Babel."


Literally carrying nothing other than the sword he condensed not long ago, Miyuki moved forward with the crowd.

Beside him, Ais and Lefiya are constantly communicating.

Since Ais confirmed her relationship with Miyuki, she has grown both in communication and emotional intelligence.

Although she still hasn't changed too much from her previous self, now it's no problem for her to communicate normally and she is no longer the self who looked serious all the time.

Lefiya feels very happy that Ais can talk with her like this.

It's just, I don't know if she will still be happy after knowing the relationship between Miyuki and Ais.

"Lefiya, how is your parallel chant learning going?" Miyuki asked with a smile.

He still hasn't gotten the system rewards, this means that Lefiya hasn't completely mastered parallel chanting. So, he really wants to know how far Lefiya has progressed.

What's more, Lefiya is one of the few girls who are close to him. So, he really cares a lot about her.

Hearing the question from Miyuki, Lefiya quickly calmed down from a happy state and replied seriously: "I have basically mastered it, but I am not very proficient."

As a highly qualified mage, Lefiya's talent is worthy of recognition.

With Miyuki's help, her most important self-confidence has also been strengthened, which makes her have almost no difficulties in the process of learning parallel singing.

The rest is just a grind.

Miyuki nodded in satisfaction. In his opinion, Lefiya's progress was pretty good.

With her current speed of progress, his mission reward isn't too far away.

"It seems that I have paid less attention to her during this period. After all, whenever I come it's basically for Ais and our familia isn't the same, so, meeting each other is also difficult." Thinking so, Miyuki felt that he neglected Lefiya.

Miyuki, who realized his mistake, patted her head and said softly: "Then when we come back from this expedition, I will accompany you to practice again."

"Um!" Lefiya happily responded. Although she didn't know why she was happy, Lefiya just felt happy.

Seeing this, Ais who was following the two didn't feel uncomfortable and she couldn't help showing a smile.

She likes this warm atmosphere very much.

So she also stretched out her palm and stroked Lefiya's head and said, "Come on, Lefiya!"


Feeling the intimacy expressed by the two at the same time, Lefiya only felt that the happiness came too suddenly.

She suddenly has an idea about what to do about her future.

"Yes!" Lefiya replied cheerfully after thinking about her solution to the problem that had haunted her for days.

Her problem is who is the one she likes, is it Ais or is it Miyuki? After being seen by Miyuki, this question has already risen in her mind.

After Miyuki gave her the magic staff, her feelings for him became stronger and stronger. Later her mind was messed up and she didn't know whom she really liked. Due to this, she spent the past few days thinking about solution.

Today, she finally came up with the solution under double patting of Miyuki and Ais.

Her solution is very simple. Since she can't choose between two then have both.

Miyuki is a man and Ais is a woman. As long as Ais and she, both become Miyuki's women then isn't she with both Miyuki and Ais. At that time it didn't matter who she liked. Both of her favourite people would already be together with her.

Thinking of the solution, Lefiya felt perfect. If it wasn't for the timing not being perfect she might have thought about assisting Miyuki in taking down Ais.

Poor Lefiya still doesn't know that Miyuki and Ais are already together.


The long line walked on North Avenue, attracting many eyes along the way.

The other passers-by and adventurers on the road looked at the Loki family's team, all showing amazing expressions.

"It's the Brave Finn Deimne, the Princess of Nine magic Riveria Ljos Alf, and Heavy Champion, Gareth Landrock, are these the Big Three of the Loki family?"

"Look, it's the Amazon twin sisters of Tione and Tiona, Lv5. They are really likable!"

"There's also Bete Loga, the wolf. This is also a super stylish Lv5, so handsome."

"Then there is the city's strongest female swordsman, Sword Princess Ais Wallenstein, the darling who combines beauty and strength."

Looking at the cadres of the Loki family, the adventurers on both sides of the street couldn't help talking.

"Wait, who is the guy walking with Sword Princess and Fairy of Thousands, so enviable."

"Where, where,..."

"It's that bastard, I saw him and sword princess together once before..."

"Who is the new handsome guy..."

"Don't know but he is really handsome. I really want to have him."


Listening to the discussions coming from both sides from time to time, Lefiya couldn't help but blush.

Well, a little shame.

That's the thing about the title, you write it there, and it looks really handsome.

But if someone shouted it out on the street, it would be as shameful as it really is.

"Fortunately, I don't have a title yet." Patting his chest, Miyuki thought after seeing Lefiya's reaction.

If he has such a title then he might as blow Orario up, so as not to feel shameful.

As for the guys who are jealous and envious, he doesn't care. Anyway, he is already used to it.

Soon, the Loki family arrived at the central square under the Tower of Babel.

Raising the Loki familia flag high, Finn began to speak.

"All personnel, the expedition begins now!"

Hearing Finn's voice, everyone in the Loki familia and Miyuki looked towards him.

"It's the same this time. We have to divide into two groups when we advance to the floor. The first group that starts first is commanded by me and Riveria, and the second group is commanded by Grace."

"After the reunion on the eighteenth floor, we will head to the fifty-ninth floor in one go. We have only one goal, and that is the unknown domain on the fifty-ninth floor."

"Everyone, let us go and see the unknown that the gods have never seen before."


Hearing the goal set by Finn, everyone shouted loudly.

Yes, that is a picture that the gods have never seen before, and it is the ultimate unknown.

"Loki Familia, let's go!" Shouting loudly, Finn matched towards the dungeon with the first team which had the main members.

Miyuki was also present on this team.

While Miyuki joined the expedition of Loki familia, a certain goddess on top of the tower of Babel was sour with jealousy and the possessive desire in her eyes was so strong that one would feel chills.

"How did that damn Loki join in?" Crushing the glass in her hand Freya looked at Miyuki who has joined the Loki familia and spoke in a rather angry tone.

"It seems we have to hold the Gods meeting earlier than planned." Freya's thoughts began to turn and she started planning about Miyuki.

"His soul is so brilliant. No one can take him away from me." Freya's eyes showed an undisguised look of possessiveness.

"Ohh..." I don't what happened but Freya moaned and something came out from below her when she again looked outside the window.

Miyuki on the other side didn't know that Freya had begun to target him.

Mixed in the first team of Loki familia, Miyuki entered the dungeon with Ais and Lefiya.

After entering the dungeon, they advanced at an unbelievable speed.

The whole first team was composed of first-level adventurers of Loki familia and Miyuki.

With two heavy war fortress-like Miyuki and Lefiya, it can be said that monsters would die before they even have a chance to know what happened and Loki familia will directly advance forward without even having to let other adventurers take action.

Even at the middle level, Loki Familia's first team didn't have any tendency to slow down.

Under Miyuki's firepower, none of the members had to do anything. They only had to advance forward.

Because of this, the Loki family soon arrived at the seventeenth floor of the dungeon.

At the end of the passage connecting the seventeenth and eighteenth floors, a huge cave appeared in front of the Loki family.

Goliath was killed by Miyuki sometime ago and it still hasn't resurrected, so, Loki familia kept advancing and entered the 18th floor.
