Chapter 46 - Solving relationship


Surrounding the rising flames, the adventurers of the Loki family are celebrating happily.

This is the 28th floor, one of the safe floors of the dungeon. The Loki familia which was beaten with chicken blood advanced further than they planned.

But their next plan is still to be steady. After all, the dungeon isn't easy. So, after calming down Finn decided to rest on this floor which is a safe floor and they didn't need to worry about monster attacks.

After a day of fighting, the Loki family members who arrived here are undergoing repairs.

Looking at the Loki familia celebrating, Miyuki who sat beside Ais, smiled happily.

He liked this kind of atmosphere.

"Ais would you please come with me." After dinner, Miyuki called Ais.

"Okay." Ais simply nodded and walked towards the depths of the forest with Miyuki.

"Hey, hey, are you already so secretive." Tiona looked at Miyuki and Ais leaving secretly and muttered with a tone of gossip.

"I want to go and see what these two are hiding." Tiona stood up and was ready to go after Ais.

"Ouch," It's just, before she could follow, she fell down.

"What are you doing Riveria." Looking back at Riveria who made her fall, Tiona asked angrily.

"You shouldn't peep at other people's privacy." Riveria grabbed Tiona and held her back while speaking seriously.

Riveria is a serious type. Ais is like her daughter and Miyuki is both a son-in-law and someone of whom she has a good impression. So, Riveria doesn't want Tiona to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Lefiya should also solve her problem," Riveria muttered and looked at Lefiya who secretly ran behind Miyuki and Ais.

She has clearly seen the inner struggle of Lefiya's last few days.

After seeing Lefiya look at Miyuki with love in her eyes, she realized the source of the trouble.

Lefiya is her clansman, she naturally wants to help. After all, there is no such thing as monogamy in this world.

So, Riveria doesn't think that there is anything wrong with Lefiya and Ais liking the same man.

"It's just what about myself." After looking at Lefiya, Riveria thought about herself.

She also has a good impression of Miyuki. If it wasn't for Ais liking him and being with him, she really wants to be with him.

Liking the same man as your adoptive daughter, she is really embarrassed.

"Unfortunately, there is no if..." Smiling wryly, Riveria shook her head.

It seems she is still going to be single for a long time.


While Riveria held back Tiona, Miyuki and Ais arrived in an open space.

"Ais would you mind if I have other women besides you." Standing in front of Ais, Miyuki's heart was beating fast and he asked his most critical questions.

"Huh! What does Miyuki mean?" Ais tilted her head and looked at Miyuki with doubt.

Although Tiona has taught her many new concepts and her emotional intelligence has increased a lot but Ais still doesn't know what it means by being someone's woman. She only knows that Miyuki is her hero and she is his heroine.

"Tiona has explained a lot of things to you, fight?" Miyuki looked at Ais embarrassedly and asked.

"Hmm." Ais nodded simply.

Tiona did indeed teach her many things. According to Tiona, doing some of those things can advance her relationship with Miyuki.

"Then did she ever tell you about harem or polygamy or something like that," Miyuki spoke and he was even more embarrassed than before!

Openly telling what a harem is to a girl, especially your own girlfriend is quite embarrassing.

"Hmm." Ais nodded again after thinking for a while.

She did remember that Tiona tell her about the harem.

According to Tiona, a harem is something that most men open and there are many men who dream of opening it. Harem is something in which there is only one man and several women.

This is all she understood from Tiona nothing more. Other than this she also remembered Tiona saying that Miyuki must also want to open a harem.

Remembering Tiona saying that Miyuki must also want to open a harem, Ais tilted her and seems to think of something. Immediately she spoke in a blank tone, "Does Miyuki want to open a harem."

"Huh!" Miyuki looked at Ais and was shocked after hearing her words. He could no longer open his mouth to speak, Ais words had a big impact on him.

It took some time for Miyuki to calm down. Patting his fast-beating heart, Miyuki said to innocent-looking Ais, "Ais why do you think I want to open a harem."

Miyuki really wants to know how Ais came to the conclusion that he wants to open a harem.

"Tiona told me." Ais blinked her golden eyes innocently and replied.

"It's Tiona." Miyuki held his forehead and muttered. He immediately understood the culprit who changed Ais so much.

"Then Ais will you agree to me opening a harem." After thinking for a while, Miyuki asked Ais.

Up until now, Tiona has helped him a lot inadvertently. So, he has reason to believe that Ais's resistance to the harem will be very low after knowing it from Tiona.

"Ok." Ais nodded very simply.

"Huh, huh,..." Miyuki blinked his eyes and he was shocked at the speed of Ais's answer.

You know that he was prepared for Ais to agree but he never thought her speed would be so fast.

It seems Tiona is really his lucky star.

"Why?" Although he is very happy, Miyuki still wants to know why Ais agreed.

"Because Tiona said that Miyuki must dream about opening a harem and he must like opening a harem." Ais didn't think too much and she began to explain her reason which was quite simple.

*I like Miyuki and I feel happy when I am with Miyuki. So, I also want Miyuki to be happy. If Miyuki will be happy by opening a harem then I will help Miyuki open the harem."

Hearing Ai's words, Miyuki felt like he was hit by the arrow of the god of love and his favourability for Ais was rising rapidly.

"Ais..." Miyuki could no longer express his feeling for Ais, he immediately embraced her and kissed her.

"Um..." Ais was surprised by the sudden kiss but even so, she still began to respond to Miyuki.

Wrapping her arms around Miyuki, she slowly began to enjoy the sweet feeling brought by kissing Miyuki.

"Miss Ais and Miyuki..." Behind a certain tree, Lefiya covered her mouth so as not to scream and sat down on the ground with a lost look on her face.

She never thought Miyuki and Ais were already together and they would even kiss. What's more, Ais would allow Miyuki to open a harem.

"But doesn't this mean I have a chance?" Lefiya thought for a while and muttered. Immediately she blushed and hid behind the tree ready to listen to Miyuki and Ais's conversation.

From time to time she peeked at Ais who was immersed in the kiss and thought with a blushing face, "Does it really feel that good? I also want to try it."

About ten minutes later,

Ais's face was a bit rosy and she looked at Miyuki whose lips had a silver line connecting to her lips.

"Ais let me explain to you what really means by the harem." Miyuki held Ais's hand and walked towards the tree where Lefiya was hiding.

After hearing Ais's words he knew Ais loves him too deeply, she can tolerate anything for him. So, Miyuki doesn't want to rely on Tiona's words to deceive Ais and enjoy harem. He wants to tell Ais what really means to open a harem then he wants to know Ais's choice.

Ais didn't stop Miyuki from taking her somewhere. She likes Miyuki, so, she can let him do almost anything.

"Huh!" Hiding behind the tree Lefiya felt that she might have been found out. If not, why would Miyuki come to the place where she was hiding?

"Ais, wait for a while." Taking Ais in front of the tree where Lefiya hid, Miyuki spoke to Ais and then walked behind the tree.

Ais stared blankly at Miyuki and tilted her head with doubt.

Lefiya can't hide from her an Lv5, so, she naturally knew that Lefiya was behind the tree. It's just she still doesn't understand what Miyuki wants to do.

Behind the tree, Lefiya's heart was already beating fast, even she felt her heart might jump into her throat. Under excessive nervousness she didn't even dare to look up, so, Lefiya didn't find that Miyuki was already in front of her.

Miyuki stood in front of Lefiya and looked at her.

Although it's bad to use Lefiya, but if Ais really agrees then it's good both for Lefiya and him.

What's more, even if Ais doesn't agree, he will still give Lefiya her due status and he will also try his best to make up for Lefiya.

"Lefiya..." Miyuki immediately took Lefiya's hand and dragged her out from behind the tree.

"Mi, Miyuki..." Lefiya was a bit timid when Miyuki grabbed her and dragged her out. After seeing Ais, she didn't even dare to look at her.

"Lefiya do you like me." Miyuki forcefully held Lefiya's chin and made her look into his eyes.

During the trip, he has already noticed that Lefiya's feelings for him have undergone a major transformation due to some reason. So, he already knows that Lefiya has to feel for him.

As for why ask Lefiya about her feeling for him in front of Ais. That is to let Ais understand what truly means by opening a harem.

And he also wants to take this opportunity to confirm his relationship with Lefiya otherwise who knows when will a shy girl like Lefiya will give him another chance.

"Huh!" Lefiya's eyes widened and she looked at Miyuki with incomparable shock. She didn't understand why Miyuki asked this question.

Could it be? He wants to confirm his relationship with her.

"Lefiya do you like me?" Miyuki once again asked the same question after seeing Lefiya remain silent.

"Like, I like you." Gathering all her courage, Lefiya answered with a red face.

"That's good." Miyuki nodded and then he immediately kissed her.

"Um, hum..." Lefiya's eyes widened in surprise after her lips were blocked by Miyuki.

She didn't expect to lose her first kiss so suddenly.

But it really feels good.

Miyuki didn't let Lefiya have much time to think, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly then he began to perform a deep kiss with Lefiya in front of Ais.

Under Miyuki's gentle deep kiss, Lefiya felt her brain buzzing and her face was already red like a tomato, even steam was already coming from her head.

In just a few seconds, Lefiya lost herself under the kiss and she forgot about Ais beside her. Slowly, she also immersed herself in the kiss.

Looking at Miyuki and Lefiya whose tongues were intertwined and were kissing each other deeply, Ais felt a bit uncomfortable on her chest.

"Why does it feel uncomfortable?" Pressing her left breast, Ais couldn't help muttering.

A few minutes later, Miyuki separated from Lefiya's moist lips.

Panting slightly, Lefiya looked at Miyuki with slightly moist eyes. With the kiss just now, her feelings for Miyuki have undergone another change, now she can't wait to be with Miyuki.

"Then, Ais and Lefiya, it's time to tell you anything. After that tell me your decision." Miyuki looked at Lefiya in his arms and he brought Ais in his arms while speaking.

Next Miyuki told Lefiya and Ais about him having a relationship with Lili and Misha.

After Miyuki told everything, I don't know what happened but Lefiya didn't break away from Miyuki and accepted the fact that she had two more sisters.

Lefiya had already planned to be with Miyuki together with Ais, so, it was relatively easy for her to accept this. But even so, she was still angry with Miyuki, so, she directly left Miyuki and returned to the camp with but of anger.

Ais, well, her decision was very simple. After hearing everything from Miyuki, she just asked whether Miyuki was happy to be with her and whether he liked being with Lili and Misha.

Miyuki's answer was very simple, 'He likes Ais and he also likes Lili, Misha, and Lefiya. He is happy to be with Ais and he wants to be with her forever. As for Lili and Misha, he also likes to be with them.'

After hearing Miyuki's answer, Ais accepted Miyuki having a relationship with several women and she said, "As long as Miyuki is happy everything is fine."

Although Ais felt a bit uncomfortable feeling when Miyuki kissed Lefiya and she got to really know what harem meant. But after knowing that Miyuki really wanted to be with Lili, Misha, and Lefiya, she still accepted it.

She can tolerate anything as long as Miyuki likes it because Miyuki is her hero and as the heroine of the hero she must accept everything about the hero and do her best to help her hero.

Although the reason is very simple and Ais sounds like a silly white sweet but after knowing the reason, Miyuki's heart was moved even more. Ais weight in his heart was slowly becoming heavier and heavier.

"Ais..." After Lefiya left, Miyuki held Ais back.

"What is it Miyuki." Ais looked at Miyuki with some doubt.

Since everything has been explained what else is there to say?

Miyuki didn't answer Ais, he immediately kissed her.

"Um..." Although doubtful, Ais felt the sweet feeling from the kiss and all the uncomfortable feelings in her heart disappeared. Then she began to enjoy the kiss which made her heart flutter.

While enjoying Ais's lips, Miyuki materialized a simple wooden house around him and Ais.

After creating the wooden house, Miyuki's hands became presumptuous and they began to wander around Ais's soft body.
