Chapter 62 - Belittling Freya

"You mean something different to me. If you are willing to embrace me, I can give up everything I have for you. You can play with this body as you like!" Freya spoke with incomparable temptation and she twisted her body and looked seriously into Miyuki's eyes, desire was almost overflowing through her eyes.

The gods next to him were shocked when they heard these kinds of words. They couldn't understand why the god of beauty could do such a thing for a citizen of the lower realm.

"I refuse. No matter how beautiful you're, I don't think you can compare to the girls around me at all." Miyuki spread his hands and spoke in a very merciless tone.

"It's impossible for me to like you."

"Although I have more than one girlfriend, in my eyes, they are far more beautiful than a slutty beauty god like you."

"You can neither compare to girls who like me nor can you compare to my lolita goddess. Why would I like you?"

"Why, you are not charmed? Why don't you want to be with me?"

Freya's face was distorted, and she pointed at Hestia and asked jealously, "Which thing am I inferior to this dwarf? Or why do you think that mortal girls can compare to me?"

As for having many girlfriends, gods concept is vastly different from humans, so she doesn't care how many human relationships Miyuki has.

What she cares about is why did he refuse her?

'Charm? I have charm resistance, it's impossible to be charmed.' Thinking so, Miyuki raised the corner of his mouth and answered with some contempt, "Stupid question, if you don't count power, there must be many people willing to patronize a promiscuous woman like you in a brothel."

"But who would take advantage of you and be willing to marry you back home?"

"Compared to you, whether it is the girls who truly love me or my little goddess, Hestia who is a virgin, I like them more."

Hestia on the side heard Miyuki's words and she immediately puffed out her chest proudly.

Although Miyuki added several other girls, Hestia already knew about it. So, she didn't care much about that.

What she cared about was that Miyuki liked her.

As I said, the concept of gods is different from that of people, and it is not a big deal for them to do that kind of thing. Therefore, harem and reverse harem aren't uncommon and a few virgin goddesses such as Hestia are more like aliens among the gods.

Ignoring Freya's sudden ugly expression, Miyuki indifferently pulled Hestia away and went towards Ais.

Seeing Miyuki coming towards her, a charming smile appeared on Ais's face.

She was very happy that Miyuki said that she was more beautiful than Freya.

Although he didn't directly state that name, Miyuki still indirectly spoke for the girls who had relationships with him or those girls who liked him.

It wasn't until this moment that the onlookers erupted into violent discussions.

"Unexpectedly, I refused!"

"It's unbelievable that there are people in the lower realm who can resist Freya's temptation!"

"That is to say, her condition just now moved my heart..."

"No, it's not your turn to be moved by such a good thing, right?!"

"But, damn it... why did you say it in front of your family members? I don't want to lose face."

"Hestia you really got a good child." Hephaestus sighed after Miyuki rejected Freya.

She thought that Miyuki might fall when Freya unreservedly displayed her charm, she didn't expect Miyuki to be so merciless to Freya.

'This kid is very pleasing to the eye.' Hephaestus looked at Miyuki and smiled.

Now, she thinks that it's not bad that she forged a weapon for him.

Miyuki and Hestia quickly came beside Ais and Loki.

Seeing Miyuki, Ais smiled at him.

Miyuki also smiled at Ais.

"Great!" Hestia didn't care about the small movements between two people. She hugged Miyuki tightly with a happy smile and said: "I almost thought you were going to be snatched away by her..."

Miyuki smiled slightly, patted her head, and said, "Don't worry, I don't like Freya at all and did you forget that I have charm resistance."

"Who would remember that kind of thing immediately..." Hestia's face turned red and her voice became lower as she went on speaking.

In fact, she remembered Miyuki's skill after the first conversation between him and Freya. It's just she was still worried even after knowing that he could resist the charm of the gods. After all, Freya's beauty is oblivious to all.

"Oh boy, you did a good job." Standing beside AIs, Loki said gloatingly, "It's the first time I've seen Freya's face turn black like that."

Loki, who almost believed that the poor dwarf would suffer a lot, did not expect Miyuki could regard the power of the God of Beauty as nothing.

Even her impression of Miyuki changed a little. Although she still doesn't like Miyuki because he snatched her Ais away, if Ais really wants, she will no longer object to their relationship.

After all, what she cares about is Ais's happiness. As long as Miyuki can give her happiness, she doesn't mind him being with Ais even if she feels uncomfortable in her heart.

"Thankfully Freya wasn't fully liberated," While talking with Loki and Ais, Miyuki couldn't help thinking of Freya's charm.

Although he resisted her charm easily, only he knows that it was because Freya was in a sealed state.

If she was fully liberated then even he would have to work hard even if he has charm resistance.

This world is very strange, although the gods here are all very friendly.

But you must know that most of the unique existence of gods will become stronger the longer they live.

This group of gods has not experienced the twilight of the gods and has survived and lived for countless years.

If they really want to go crazy, you can't tell how strong their combat power is!

"You have to be careful of the poor dwarf, that guy is not a god who gives up so easily..." Before leaving Loki mercifully reminded her irreconcilable busty goddess.

"By the way, many of those gods want to chase your child. Size be careful about them as well."

Hearing this, Hestia immediately became vigilant and she said, "That's right. You can't stay here anymore, you have to go back quickly!"

As she spoke, she took Miyuki's arm and walked away quickly, looking around nervously like a thief.

It's a pity that all of this was seen by Freya who was by the window on the second floor. She looked at Miyuki's back with fiery eyes, and the distortion on her face gradually turned into a flush.

"I will never give up, you are must be mine!"

"Ottar, go and bring that child back to me, at any cost!"

Sensing that the main god had lost his usual calm tone, the pig-human youth behind Freya spoke, "I understand, I will definitely bring him to you!"

"Good boy, go quickly, I can't bear it anymore..." Freya's breath became moister, and her charming voice became more and more like a seductive moan.

At least one thing, Miyuki was wrong about, that is, there are still people who are taken advantage of in this world.

Although Freya is one of the most lascivious gods in the world, this pig-human youth, Ottar, is willing to give everything for her.

As long as it was Freya's order, even if he was asked to give up his own life, he would do it without hesitation.

Ottar, who was rescued by her, not only has infinite admiration and respect for Freya in his heart but also has a deep obsession with her.

Watching the figure of Ottar, who had always been attentive to her, leave, Freya showed a satisfied smile.

However, when I looked carefully, I found that the eyes she looked at the family members had lost the pampering of the past, replaced by endless indifference.

After Ottar walked away, Freya let out a heart-pounding moan, and then slowly stretched out her right hand towards the wet and ugly bottom...

In the deserted streets—

Miyuki and Hestia walked towards home, and the moonlight shone on the two of them, coating them with a layer of silver brilliance.

Perhaps thinking that the crisis was over, Hestia's footsteps gradually slowed down, and her nervous expression turned into a happy smile.

Hehehe... Compared to Freya... Miyuki likes me...

Although Freya's behavior is very lascivious to humans, and to gods, she is a big star among the gods.

Miyuki rejected the super popular Freya for the sake of an ordinary god with a little reputation like herself.

Although it is thanks to his new skill that he resisted Freya's charm and there are still many girls who have relationships with him.

But, he rejected Freya for her.

This is enough for her.

Resisting Freya's charm will never be easy even if he has certain charm resistance skills.

How could Hestia not be happy?

'How should I visit Misha.' Miyuki had completely forgotten about Freya.

What he now cared about was the girl who might be waiting for him silently in her room.

Although Misha might not blame him if he didn't go, he still didn't intend to break his words.

Besides, after saying to leave the window open and not go, Miyuki thinks that it's not good behavior not to go.

Although this is a good opportunity to increase Hestia's favor, even he might be able to take her home if tries a little.

But Miyuki thinks that it's better to first be with Misha.

After all, he has kept her waiting for quite some time.

"First send Hestia home." Looking at the goddess who was very happy, Miyuki smiled while thinking.

The breeze blows Hestia's twin ponytails and Miyuki's short hair, matching the surrounding quiet scenery, it is as beautiful as poetry and painting.

It's just that someone out of season has arrived.

Blocking the way of the two of them was a burly young man of the pig race.

"How could it be..." After seeing the pigman in front of her, Hestia's happy mood instantly dimmed, she suddenly panicked, and her eyes were full of disbelief and worry.

Although there is also Alfia who is Lv7 at home, Ottar is more imposing on her than Alfia. After all, she doesn't know that Alfia is someone who killed Leviathan.

What's more, even if Miyuki's ability value is beyond imagination and he has reached Lv4 but she still doesn't know his exact strength.

Just like many other gods, she also thinks that Miyuki should be comparable to Lv6.

So, she will inevitably worry about Miyuki.

"Freya isn't afraid of being sanctioned by the guild... Ottar is a Lv7 adventurer! Miyuki, let's run away..." In the end, Hestia chose to run.

Even if there is a slight chance, she doesn't want Miyuki to be hurt.

Miyuki stood there, not at all ready to run away. He silently protected Hestia behind him and then sighed somewhat helplessly, "Well....."

He said to the adventurer who was rated as the strongest in the dungeon: "Aren't you going to stay by your goddess's side, do you have to run over to trouble me?"

"Put yourself in the arms of the Goddess of Beauty, the Lady Goddess will bestow favor on you."

The young man who dedicated his body and mind to Freya faithfully carried out the order of the goddess, even if he was asked to bring back a man who would steal his goddess's favor.

"Tsk, that crazy goddess is not going to give up yet... I think I've made it very straightforward. She is not someone whom I like. Let's forget about switching to the family or something." Miyuki smacked his tongue and said while showing disdain.

Although he aspires to open a harem, Freya is definitely not included on his list.

Hearing Miyuki's words, a little heaviness appeared on Ottar's rock-like face, and he stared at Miyuki and said, "I don't know how to praise, if this is the case, I can only tie you back."

A pure warrior who has been born and died several times, and has pushed himself to the current peak, he doesn't care about Miyuki's words. As long as it's Freya's order, he will do his best to fulfill her.

"Sure enough, do you still have to do it? I really don't understand why so many people are obsessed with a whore." Miyuki looked at Ottar and sighed helplessly.

The number one thug under Freya raised his head abruptly upon hearing this, with anger in his eyes, he said, "You are not allowed to insult Lord Beauty God!"

Ottar stepped on his feet suddenly and rushed towards Miyuki like a violently shot rock. At the same time, he waved his fist with the sound of breaking the wind and bombarded him.

Faced with this menacing blow, Miyuki's face remained unchanged, and after taking a step forward to prevent Hestia from being affected by the aftermath, the magic power surged out, and he also punched him.


The collision of punches produced a bang, and the strong wind swayed around. The ground where Miyuki and Ottar stepped on began to crack, making a "cracking" sound.
