Chapter 65 - Change and Growth


Miyuki invited Hestia and others to Hostess of Fertility for dinner.

Hestia, Meteria, and others readily agreed to his proposal.

So, Miyuki took them to Hostess of Fertility.

Hostess of Fertility,

Miyuki and others sat at a table under the guidance of Syr and they ordered the dish.

"Guest, the dishes are here." The silver-haired girl with the plate arranged the dishes neatly.

Because they went on a date in the afternoon, Syr didn't show much jealousy after seeing many Miyuki being with so many women.

"Thanks, Syr," Miyuki spoke with a smile.

Next, Miyuki and the others began to enjoy dinner.

After dinner, Miyuki said goodbye to Syr and left with everyone.


Time slowly passed and about a month passed by.

During this time, many things happened.

First, Miyuki got the title of strongest in the Orario, it's just not many people believe that Miyuki really defeated Ottar. After all, Miyuki only dragged Ottar out of the corner, no one really saw him fighting Ottar.

Other than being announced to be the strongest, Miyuki was chased by countless gods because they wanted him to join their familia.

Many times, Miyuki even thought about whether Gods really sealed their powers because many gods caught up with him even if he tried to escape.

Thankfully, he already had several girlfriends, so, Miyuki hid in their houses from time to time and did indescribable things with them, while avoiding the ending of being chased by gods and running in Orario.

In the end, most of the gods gave up after chasing for a few days.

Second, In order to repay an unknown favor of Loki, Freya had to let an Lv6 member of her familia fight Ais.

Ais fought against the Lv6 member of Freya familia and defeated him. Thus, she was promoted to Lv6.

Ais's promotion caused a lot of stir in the Orario and many people even believed that Miyuki really helped Ais become stronger. If not then how could Ais defeat a Lv6 as a Lv5 easily?

Other than Ais, Lefiya also upgraded to Lv4 because Miyuki also turned her into a half-true ancestor and helped her in completing her great achievement.

Under the stimulation of Ais and Lefiya, the fallen fairy incident still has yet to happen but Bete, Tiona, and Tione have already started to prepare for their great achievement.

Besides this, the news of Miyuki reaching Lv4 was also announced.

Miyuki's rapid upgrade caused a lot of stir as well. Many people even questioned if there was something shady in his fast promotion.

If it wasn't for Loki coming forward to help, maybe many people would have questioned Miyuki.

In the end, his fast upgrade was attributed to his hero bloodline and most people believed the reason.

Other than Lefiya, Miyuki also turned Misha and Lili into half-true ancestors because he wanted to let them have the strength to protect themselves and get eternal lifespan.

Besides Miyuki, Bell also caused a stir. She reached full SSS value in half a month and upgraded to Lv2.

Hestia understood what it means to inherit the talent of her father.

Bell was almost the same as Miyuki in terms of speed, so, how can this not make everyone surprised?

In the end, it was told that Bell belonged to the same clan as Miyuki. So, her rapid upgrade is normal.

Although not many people believed it, they couldn't do anything. After all, Miyuki, who is said to be the strongest in Orario is standing behind Bell. Loki familias shadows can also be seen.

They didn't dare to trouble Bell.

Because they often communicated with each other. So, Tiona, Tione, and Bete were even more stimulated after knowing that Bell reached Lv2.

At Bell's current speed, she is likely to surpass them in just a few months.

They have already accepted Miyuki who is stronger than them, they don't want to be surpassed by another junior in his clan.

After all, they don't want to lose face.

Other than this, Bell went on daily adventures with Lili and Lili also reached Lv2 after a lot of hard work.

As for Welf Crozzo, there is no such existence near Bell in this life because of Miyuki's interference.

As for Miyuki himself.

Well, he no longer went to the dungeon, instead, he went outside Orario with Alfia and fought with her.

According to Miyuki, it is better to fight against Alfia who is stronger than Lv9 than go to an unknown floor of the dungeon to search for monsters above level 9.

Alfia naturally wouldn't reject Miyuki's request, so, she daily accompanied him to fight and she returned home late at night with him.

Because he spent a lot of time with Alfia, his relationship with her, or rather his feelings for her have changed. Now, he can accept her as his wife.

In fact, not only Alfia, but he can also accept that Meteria is his wife.

It's just, he still wants to wait until he travels and meets them in the past.

While progressing in his relationship with his official girlfriends, he didn't forget Syr, Ryuu, Eina, and Riveria.

Even he added some more girls to his list. These new girls are Line and Anakitty from Loki familia.

Anakitty, because he was curious about this cat girl first, and later, the two of them came closer because Anakitty liked him.

Line, he pitied this girl's original ending, so he first established a friendship with her in order to change her original ending. Later, this cute and timid girl confessed to him, and that's how their relationship was established.

As for Syr, Ryuu, Riveria and Eina.

He has taken down Syr. Now the only three cute girls out of his palm are Riveria, Ryuu, and Eina.

By the way, there is another thing which is most important.

Miyuki got light armor and a short blade from Hestia.

According to Hestia, whether it is light armor or the short blade, they both have the function of growing with their host, she let Hephaestus forge this weapon for him.

After getting the armor and weapon, Miyuki was quite moved by Hestia.

Even though he created many artifacts from different worlds but those are different from the armor and blade given by Hestia, to him, these two represent Hestia and her heart.

Moved in his heart, he named these two things, Hestia's Blade and Hestia's armor.

Hestia's armor is a light armor of silver color.

As for Hestia's blade, although it is called a blade, it is more like a katana or sword.

He later visited Hephaestus and asked her the price of the weapon.

700 million Valis.

This is the cost of the weapon according to Hephaestus.

Thankfully, Miyuki has fantasy materialization, so he created many precious gems and diamonds and paid them as money.

Miyuki was also very grateful for Hephaestus's willingness to forge such a weapon.

In order to express his gratitude to Hephaestus, Miyuki tore off her eye patch and used the Restoration potion given by the system to heal her.

At that time, Hephaestus was angry when Miyuki suddenly took off her eye patch. She thought that he would think that she was ugly and terrifying.

However, when she saw that Miyuki had no fear, most of her anger vanished.

Later, when Miyuki took out the Restoration potion and told her that it could heal her side face, Hephaestus was moved but she didn't think that potions from the lower realm could heal her.

Even so, Hephaestus used the potion given by Miyuki.

Then she was stunned because her side face really healed and her face returned to her goddess's appearance before being disfigured.

Hephaestus's heart was overwhelmed with emotions because of Miyuki's help.

Her hundreds of millions of years of torture were solved by Miyuki.

Miyuki felt Hephaestus's emotion. He naturally wouldn't let go of Hephaestus who returned to her beautiful appearance. So, he began to try to get Hephaestus's heart.

Hephaestus's heart was thus attacked by Miyuki and he succeeded in the raiders of another beautiful goddess.

Well, Miyuki can be said to be a very lucky guy because he got another goddess's love.

All in all, many major and minor things happened in Orario during the past half month and Miyuki fully enjoyed his life in this world.


Outside the Orario, about tens of miles away,

Boom, Boom, Boom,

Countless continuous sonic booms sounded and two people, one man, and one woman could be seen fighting against each other.

Some time magic also flashed by and hundreds of meters sank under the barrage of magic.

Fist, legs, shoulder, etc. They used everything and fought against each other.

Every time they clashed, a hurricane would appear and an area of tens of meters will be destroyed

Under the ravage of these two people who were like incarnations of disasters, the area within a mile has already been destroyed.

Finally, the boy squeezed all of his magic power, condensed his strongest blow, and said, "Alfia be careful. This is my strongest blow."

"Magic Cannon"

Alfia's silver-white hair fluttered and her different-colored pupils looked at the incoming attack with a serious look.

Even though the attack had the possibility of injuring her but she didn't intend to dodge.


"Silentium Eden"

Using a super short chant, Alfia used her, magic that could cover her body as armor and negate magic attacks.

Covering her body with magic armor, Alfia used her strongest, super long chant magic

"Blessing of the root of evil, curse of birth. My original sin that devoured half of my body. Not hard. There is no purification. There is no salvation. The resonance of this heavenly sound is my sin. The trumpet of gods, the lyre of spirits. Melody of light, the seal of the sin. Loved by the miniature garden, my destiny is shattered. I hate you. The compensation is here. Destroy everything with a proof of my sin. Cry, holy bell tower

Astraea "

"Genos Angelus"

Immediately a bell of hundreds of meters in size appeared above Alfia.

Because Alfia no longer has the disease to pull her down and her strength has reached the realm of gods, her magic is now much more powerful than the original version.

Looking at the magic cannon that appeared in front of her, Alfia immediately used the bell on her head and collided with her.


The moment two magic attacks met, a huge mushroom cloud appeared, and an explosion swept away the vegetation and land in few miles area.

Tress, plants, small hills, everything in a few miles radius was flattened under the aftermath of two super magics.

A while later, when the aftermath disappeared.

"Cough...Cough!!" Coughing heavily, Miyuki spitted out blood in his throat, and only then did he feel comfortable.

"Did I win?" Miyuki didn't pay attention to his state, instead, he looked at Alfia's position.

He wanted to know whether he defeated Alfia who suppressed her strength to Lv9.

During his training with Alfia, his ability value has already reached the limit, but he has still been unable to beat her.

If he could really beat her then even if she suppressed her strength to Lv9, his great achievement will be completed and he can definitely advance to Lv5.

Then his guarantee against Antares and the unknown monster will be greater.

"Cough...You finally won, Miyuki." Walking out of the explosion area, Alfia coughed up a bit of blood and said to Miyuki with a satisfied smile.

She doesn't care about being slightly injured, she is just happy that her man-made progress.

"If you didn't suppress your strength then I wouldn't have won." Miyuki shook his head and spoke with a wry smile.

Even though his injuries have recovered a lot due to the strong recovery power of his true ancestor but Miyuki knows that if Alfia uses her full strength then the current him is no match for her,

At least he has to reach Lv5 and complete his transformation. Only then he might be able to face Alfia.

"Anyway, your great achievement has been completed, you will definitely become stronger." Alfia swiped away the blood on the corner of her mouth and said.

She is really happy that Miyuki is growing into the man she once knew.
