Chapter 67 - Apollo Familia Troubles

In the middle of the banquet, Miyuki unintentionally met the eyes of the guy who was making trouble. Immediately he couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Hehehe..."

"What happened." The girls around couldn't help but look at the source which made Miyuki laugh.

"It's him." Most of the girls immediately recognized the guy who made Miyuki laugh.

After all, most of them have strong strength, so, it was very easy to find the person who spoke ill about Miyuki.

Immediately all of them looked at him with cold eyes.

It's fine if they don't notice. After noticing, they definite;y want to beat the guy who slandered Miyuki.

Especially Bell. She didn't react much previously because her mother and aunt stopped her and that person was too weak for her. Now that her father wants to do something, she will naturally help.

That person had an immature face and a short stature, but since he appeared in the tavern, he should be a small human.

The short-haired minions are wearing gray uniforms, and the badge on the chest is engraved with a bow and arrow badge.

There was no special reason for Miyuki to laugh, it was purely because the other person's appearance just hit his point of laughter, and directly amused him.


The voice was so loud that the entire noisy tavern fell silent, and everyone listened to his speech.

The noisy sound fell silent for a moment.

The little human race holding the wine glass paused, but he could only bite the bullet and continue shouting.

His palms were sweating.

When he and Miyuki looked at each other inadvertently, he felt the hairs on his back stand upside down, as if being stared at by the floor master of the maze, which made him shiver in fright.

When the other girls looked at him, he felt like he fell into an abyss.

Especially those three white-haired girls with similar appearances, they made him feel like he was in abyss purgatory.


Do you really want to push yourself out as a leader?

I knew I shouldn't have taken this job.

But the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

"What did you talk about me? Say, I am listening." Miyuki looked at the small human and said in an amusing tone.

He seems to have a little impression of the badge on the other party's clothes.

If he isn't mistaken then this guy was sent specially to make trouble. He wants to know who is daring enough to make trouble for him.

"You are called Sword Master, but as far as I can see, where there is a shadow of Sword Master... Lv3 defeats Lv7 Ottar, I think it is basically fake!"

The loud voice of the little human made the adventurer cast a scrutinizing gaze on Miyuki.

As I said before, no one other than Hestia witnessed Miyuki's fight with Ottar.

Many people never heard of Miyuki nor did they see him fight.

He suddenly became the strongest person in Orario.

So, many of them doubt him.

What's more, Miyuki's promotion speed is too fast. Many people are jealous of him.

It's just because of the words of the Loki familia, they don't dare to speak out.

More than half of Orario adventurers can only struggle at Lv1 all their lives, and they can only wander in the middle and upper levels after all their lives.

This is the daily life of most adventurers.

Therefore, the first reaction of these Lv1 adventurers was not to believe the news circulating in the market.

This has nothing to do with jealousy, it's all about the difference in rank.

A whole team of Lv3 can't beat Lv4 easily. Yet you tell them that a Lv3 beat Lv7 Ottar who is the strongest adventurer in Orario.

What's more, he is said to be a hero and his promotion speed is super fast.

The psychology of many Lv1 isn't very good because they have been pressed for too long.

So, there are many who don't believe that Miyuki can really fight Ottar

"Go on, let me think about who you are." Miyuki continued to speak with a chuckle on his face. He has basically guessed the perpetrator.

The little human race froze as if he hadn't expected such a reaction.

Isn't the temper of adventurers generally very violent?

Helpless, he can only continue to add fuel and vinegar.

"We can all see your close relationship with the Loki familia, so everyone should be able to guess what happened."

"What kind of Sword Master? It's just a fake. I think it's just because the people from the Loki familia fought Ottar and you just picked up the leak."

These speeches also made the surrounding eyes look more contemptuous.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

But anyone with a little brain knows that Ais and Loki were attending the god's banquet when everything happened. So, only these low-level adventures will be instigated by such words.

"That's not the case! Miyuki is very powerful!" Lili couldn't hold back at first.

Miyuki is not only her savior and hero, but he is also her man, and she cannot tolerate others slandering him.

"You bastard..." Bell's eyes showed an angry look and she was about to directly slash the guy in front of her.

It's just Meteria held her hand,

"Mother..." Bell looked into Meteria's eyes and then fell silent.

At this moment Meteria's eyes have lost their gentleness, only endless indifference remains in her eyes.

Alfia looked at the guy and she really wanted to kill him and burn him to ashes. It's just, Miyuki held her hands.

The girls from the Loki familia also looked at him with dead eyes. It's just, they couldn't directly shoot because that would affect their familias reputation and it would also make everyone believe that Miyuki relied on the Loki familia to beat Ottar.

"Hey, he finally stood up, but even the Lord didn't speak, what kind of tail are you wagging when you are a woman!"

Seeing that this group of people finally reacted, the little human was relieved.

But, it's not enough...

But just when the little human adventurer was about to continue to taunt, he was interrupted by Miyuki's words.

"The dog who was instigated by others and still begging for mercy should be you," Miyuki said with an indifferent smile.

He can still listen because he felt it was a clown's one-man show and only some blind men following him.

Now, that this guy dared to say something bad about Lili and Bell, he is naturally in no mood to continue to watch the show.

"I know what you want to do, so I will satisfy you."

Saying that Miyuki stood up from the edge of the chair.

"Miyuki, don't be impulsive, those people did it on purpose." Eina grabbed Miyuki's sleeve, shook her head, and said.

"Yes, Miyuki-san, this kind of thing happens almost every day in the tavern, you sit down first, I'll let Lyu take care of it." Syr also tried to dissuade him.

She is also angry at the guy who slandered her lover. It's just if Miyuki really does something then something big will definitely happen and the whole Orario will know about it.

Syr doesn't want Miyuki to cause trouble and be wanted by the guild.

"It's fine." Riveria held Ais's clenched fist and said with a gentle smile.

Ais and the other girls in the Loki familia calmed down under Riveria's care.

Hephaestus held Hestia who wanted to run away while Lili held Alfia who was going to fight directly.

They all knew very well that this matter would escalate if Miyuki beat the other party. It's just they don't intend to stop Miyuki. They only intend to stop the girls who might kill the other party and make this matter more troublesome than beating.

While other girls were held back, Meteria's indifferent face saw Miyuki's smile at her, and immediately she also calmed down.

"It's okay, I'll keep it under control."

Miyuki gave the girls a reassuring look, put his left hand in his pocket, grabbed the drink on the table and took a sip, then walked over with a smile.

The emblem worn by the adventurers of the little people - the combination of golden bow and arrow and flaming fireball, is undoubtedly the family of Apollo.

According to the memory of the setting, Miyuki thought about what this familia did in the original.

Apollo hit the idea of Bell in the original work.

Now, Bell has become a girl due to his interference and she is his own daughter. So, Apollo hit his own idea.

Whether it is to avenge Bell for the original plot or to take revenge for eyeing him, he is definitely going to teach Apollo.

If there are gods he hates the most in the dungeon worldview, then Apollo must be among them.

In fact, in Orario, most of the gods have good personalities, let's say they are good people.

The gods who invited Miyuki to join before were not bothering at this time.

But Apollo is an exception.

He is the only god other than Freya who has strong taboo emotions for the person he likes.

He looks handsome, but in reality, he is a filthy scumbag.

Compared with Freya who seduces the favorite adventurers with her own beauty and let them take the initiative to join, Apollo's methods are much tougher.

For the adventurer he likes. He will not attract the opponent with his characteristics but directly confess. If the confession fails, he will use the power of the family to force a fight in the town and force the other party to join his family. If it still fails, he will start a war game.

If they don't agree, they will continue to send people to attack and harass them. If they agree, few familias can defeat the entire Apollo family.

After all, when Apollo launched a war game, he would have people investigate the opponent's family's power.

He will give up the family members whose power scale is the same as his own, or above.

Otherwise, there will be war.

A very disgusting and cautious god.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The reason why Miyuki hates Apollo is purely because he is a gay.

Once you join, the consequences can be imagined.

Just thinking about it makes Miyuki shudder.

Gays back away!

"You... what do you want to do?"

The little human adventurer looked at the young man who was right in front of him, but he could only look up due to the height difference.

"It's nothing, I just want to show you a big baby." After finishing speaking, Miyuki grabbed the collar of the little human adventurer and threw it out the door. His head hit the ground and he fainted instantly.

As annoying as the Apollo program was, it was also an opportunity.

A great opportunity to loot property and resources.

The winner of a war game can demand everything from the loser.

Since Apollo took the initiative to send money to the door, Miyuki accepted it unceremoniously.

After all, they are still living in the house brought with EIna's help. That house is a bit cramped, Apollo came at a very accurate time.

His mansion is big enough for everyone to live freely. So, Miyuki naturally targeted his property while beating him.

It's his style to make a move when it's time to make a move. So, he naturally did it directly.

"You bastard!"

The people at the same table as the little human adventurer stood up one after another.

They also didn't expect Miyuki would be so decisive in making a move.
