Chapter 69 - Yamato Mikoto

Apollo is insatiable for love.

If what Freya gave is selfless "love", then Apollo is a metamorphic and distorted "love".

As a male god, he only likes men.

The adventurer who didn't make a move that night found out that it was "Hyakinthos".

An adventurer codenamed "The Beloved of the Sun" with a strength of Lv3.

Needless to ask, Hyakinthos must be Apollo's forbidden house, and "wonderful" things may happen every night.

Terrible, even more disgusting.

This made Miyuki, a true ancestor with the blood of the Princess of the Moon, have the urge to vomit.

"Although it's good to participate in the God's Association, the host is actually the Apollo familia." Hestia had a frowning face, she really wanted to eat the free dishes inside.

It's not that Miyuki didn't give her food, it's all because she was too poor before, and the free ones are better than the paid ones.

"Obviously there was a conflict just a few days ago, we shouldn't go." Bell didn't hide her thoughts and clearly expressed her view.

The invitation letter received can also be regarded as not seen.

"What does Miyuki-san think." Meteria didn't immediately express her view, instead, she asked Miyuki's thoughts.

Hestia, Bell, Alfia, and Lili also looked at Miyuki silently after hearing Meteria's question.

"No, let's go." Miyuki grabbed Hestia's wrist.

"Oh? Why?" Hestia asked with a frown.

"If you don't go, won't you be looked down upon?" Miyuki gave a reasonable reason.

In fact, he knew that even if he refused to go this time, next time, he couldn't avoid it.

So, he wanted to take this opportunity to directly settle the Apollo familia.

"Okay...but the above description says that you can bring a follower, Miyuki, do you want to come with me?"

"Or do you want to let Bell attend?"

Hestia accepted all of Miyuki's suggestions, and besides, she also felt that not going would cause gossip.

"Dad, let me go. I will definitely teach those guys a lesson." After hearing Hestia's words, Bell immediately jumped into Miyuki's arms and spoke in a coquettish tone.

If she can get a chance to beat Apollo's familia, Bell wants to get it and then beat them hard.

How dare a bastard like Apollo, eye her father.

Well, Bell's awe towards gods is much lower than the original, or rather she doesn't have much awe for gods other than Hera who brought her up, and Hestia who is her main god.

"Calm down little Bell. I will attend the banquet." Miyuki held his daughter who was the same age as him and said while rubbing her smooth long white hair.

After having lived with each other for so long, he has accepted that Bell is his daughter.

"Okay..." Bell immediately quieted down after her father rubbed her head and she squinted her eyes in enjoyment.

"Then I'll trouble you guys, Meteria, Alfia, and Lili,... take care of little Bell and continue to look after the house," Miyuki said.

"Oh... another day when Lili is home alone."

The pretty face of the brown girl became depressed, but it didn't make any protest against Miyuki's decision. For Lili, Miyuki is her hero, her man, and his choices are always right.

"We also have to stay at home again." Meteria also sighed after Lili.


It was spring, and the temperature at night also made people feel comfortable.

The Apollo family was far away from the urban area. After getting off the carriage, the luxurious palace came into view, shining brightly under the night.

The forces of the Apollo Familia are at the top of the Orario list, and they have the experience of defeating the giant Goliath in their own team. Therefore, the popularity is also very wide.

Wearing a blue kimono, a gown that wraps around the waist and the moon part, Hestia got off the carriage with Miyuki.

'This dress sets off Hestia's delicacy and luxury.' Miyuki looked at Hestia and thought.

"That's Apollo's home, cut! Nouveau riche!" Hestia looked at the mansion in front of her and snorted disdainfully.

Hestia had a feud with Apollo in the heavenly world, so, she didn't like looking at his luxurious mansion.

Before going down to the lower world, Apollo, who blindly pursued "love", saw one loved the other in heaven, and even Hestia was proposed by him.

Of course, the ending is naturally rejected.

The goddess turned around, and when she saw Miyuki, her pretty face immediately became cute.

The corners of the mouth seemed to be drooling.

The black-haired boy was wearing a suit and trousers, except for the bow tie and the subtle lines on the left chest, everything was simple.

Although Orario is from another world, she has quite a variety of clothing styles. Miyuki brought this dress when he dated Line.

"Let's go." Hestia took the young man's arm and walked into the venue happily.

Thanks to the hard work of the members of the Apollo familia, the base is very luxurious. There are a lot of handmade sculptures and fountains along the way. After entering the main entrance, the gorgeous dome is inlaid with a lot of exquisite magic stones, and the light is breathtaking.

In addition to Miyuki and Hestia, there are already a large number of gods and family members in the arena, and people from outside have entered one after another.

The presence of the limelight stepped into the venue, and it attracted most of the eyes.

The Sword Master is mentioned together with Sword Princess and he is said to be the strongest in Orario.

So, gods will naturally pay attention to him.

The gods are masters who will not be content with the status quo, until now, some people want to win Miyuki and let him join their familia.

In addition to those unfamiliar gods, Hestia's acquaintances also came up to say hello.

Takemikazuchi, the god of war in the Far East, Mihe, the god of medicine in the Celtic pantheon, Hephaestus, the god of forging, and Hermes, the god of travelers.

Those who have good relations with Hestia are all gods who are familiar with Miyuki.

If he didn't know the setting of this world, it would be really difficult for Miyuki to classify these men and women into the ranks of true gods.

For the sake of fun, seal the divine power and play in the world.

Miyuki, who was still trying to figure out how to become stronger, just wanted to say: Just be happy.

"Hephaestus-chan! And Take-chan!"

"Mihe and Hermes are here too!"

The color of joy is beyond words.

Hestia was very happy to see her old friend.

After all, she didn't meet them in the last banquet of gods.

While Hestia was chatting with several fellow gods, Miyuki came to Hephaestus.

Like a goddess cast by flames, she looked at the Miyuki with a hint of emotion in her eyes.

Ever since her disfigured appearance was restored, she already has the shadow of Miyuki in her heart. If it wasn't for her reservedness as a goddess, maybe she would also chase after Miyuki just like some goddesses and adventurers.

"Hephaestus, good to see you again. How are you." Miyuki said with a smile on his face.

Since that day, he has also detected that his position in Hephaestus's heart is very high. So, he naturally intends to win this goddess's heart.

In fact, Miyuki doesn't know that he has already gotten the goddess's heart.

"Well, it's quite nice to see you again. As for myself, I have been busy as usual." Suppressing her crooked thoughts, Hephaestus folded her arms and said.

"Your appearance has already recovered, so, why do you still cover it up with a blindfold and why do wear such neutral clothing." After greeting each other, Miyuki looked at Hephaestus up and down then he asked with a puzzled look.

After recovering, Hephaestus's appearance can be said to be one of the best even among the gods. So, Miyuki doesn't understand why Hephaestus doesn't dress herself up.

"That's because..." Hephaestus's face turned slightly red when she thought of the reason but in the end, she didn't say anything.

She can't say that it's because of you, right? That would be too shameful.

She only wants to show her appearance to Miyuki, but if she tells Miyuki about this openly then she would rather die on the pillar of shame.

"Anyway..." Seeing Hephaestus's blushing face, Miyuki lowered his head and spoke in her ears, "I don't care why you didn't dress up but Hephaestus your original appearance is really beautiful. If you dress up then you will definitely be more beautiful."

Speaking in Hephaestus's ear, Miyuki turned and left, and he began to eat the food on the table.

As for the flame goddess, that pretty face has already exploded in red.

Hephaestus stood there and her shyness reached the top.

If she had a hammer in her hand, she would hit it without hesitation.

"Oh, Mikoto-chan, are you nervous? It's such a cute face, it's a pity~"

Miyuki, who was filling his stomach, looked at Hermes, who was dressed casually, with crescent moon eyes and a talking mouth, praised all his acquaintances, and finally approached Takemikazuchi as if he saw something interesting Bring-the-girl.

The close proximity and frivolous flirting finally made Takemikazuchi couldn't help but punched him in the head, while Hermes' entourage lifted up and kicked him with his toe.

Hermes squatted down clutching his head and buttocks in pain.

God is really interesting.

Miyuki looked at the shy Oriental girl over there.

He remembered that the name seemed to be Yamato Mikoto.

She is only a supporting role in this anime, but he has a good impression of her. Tokyo's soft face makes her look kind, and she looks like Yamato Nadeko.

Miyuki also recalled that Yamato Mikoto appeared in a later episode.

In Flower Street in the North District, the kidnapped fox girl Haruhime seems to be her childhood friend.

But now, judging by her appearance, she doesn't seem to know about it.

Miyuki, who was planning to ask Mikoto and try to trigger the mission while getting another girl's heart, was about to walk over when he heard a loud voice.

On the stairs leading to the second floor of the mansion, the red-haired male god Apollo appeared like a sunburst.

Behind him, one left and one right, there are male and female troupe members standing by.

"Everyone, thank you for coming today!"

The loud and clear declaration aroused the applause of the gods.

It is their motto to have a party whenever there is nothing to do.

Miyuki didn't listen to Apollo's banquet announcement at all.

Very boring.

It is nothing more than being the host, expressing some thoughts and remarks, and then letting everyone eat and drink well.

In the eyes of the gods, it was just an ordinary dinner party, and there was nothing to care about at all.

Listening to a speech is not as refreshing as eating with a beautiful girl.

The double enhancement of upgrade and transformation, in addition to bringing strength, brings a bigger appetite.

"Excuse me, is your name Yamato Mikoto?" Miyuki walked up to the girl who was still blushing and said.

Hestia was constantly eating meat over there. According to her theory, it would be a waste if she didn't eat it anyway, so she might as well keep it in her stomach.

"Huh? That... Hello, my name is this."

Being approached by a strange man, the girl jumped like a rabbit.

"May I ask you are..."

Before she finished speaking, Yamato Mikoto recognized the boy in front of him.

Orario's famous "Sword Master".

She has seen the boy in front of her at the previous banquet.

And as a high-level adventurer of Orario, of course, she has heard the legend of Miyuki.

It's just that it's the first time to chat with him. In the previous banquet, they never met.

"Miyuki Ariyama." Miyuki introduced himself.

"Oh? Are you from the East like me?" Hearing Miyuki's name, Yamato Mikoto showed a friendly expression and asked.

Orario is far away from the Far East. Surviving in the labyrinth city, it is undoubtedly a joy to meet fellow villagers.

After all, one of the three great blessings in life is meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land.

"That's right." Miyuki nodded.

Just the Far East of another world.

After exchanging names, I felt that meeting a fellow girl was obviously much easier.

Wearing an off-the-shoulder gown, she showed herself before the gods, ashamed of her attire.

Miyuki's attitude also made her feel kind, and she soon became friends.

And through chatting, I learned that Yamato Mikoto came to Orario with his companions a few years ago, and was adopted by Takemikazuchi together with no one to rely on, until today.

"By the way, Miss Mikoto, do you know a girl named Haruhime?" Miyuki asked after chatting for a while.

His main purpose is Haruhime, so, he needs to talk about her.

"Ah? Do you know this name too?" Yamato Mikoto spoke in a surprised tone.

"I once heard that the oldest daughter of a big family paid more attention to her because she was rumored to be pretty, but I didn't hear about her again after that."

According to the memories in his mind, Miyuki made up a reason.

"Yes..." Yamato Ming nodded and she seemed to think of something, and couldn't help feeling sad.

"I used to be good friends with her, but because Ms. Haruhime violated the family rules, she was kicked out of the house, and there was no news about her."

family rules.

Hearing this word, Miyuki showed disgust.

No matter which world, there are always old pedantic people. They always follow old-fashioned rules and do something bad.

Miyuki doesn't like such people.
