Chapter 75 - Fighting Apollo

Thinking of the fact that the Apollo family, who was the mainstay of Orario, disappeared in an instant, and his main god was also exiled forever, even he himself suffered countless insults because of the man in front of him.

"all because of you--!"

"It's all your fault—!"

With red eyes, Hyakinthos roared loudly, his facial expression was completely distorted, and his originally handsome face was completely transformed into a demon who took revenge on Miyuki.

Roaring loudly, he threw the dazzling golden light wheel in the direction of Miyuki viciously.

The dazzling sun wheel suddenly turned around, making a sharp and piercing sound that shook the air, and the extremely fast light wheel cut through the space, galloping towards it like a ferocious harvester and it shot straight towards Miyuki's direction.

In Orario, if you want to defeat the strong with the weak, there are very few ways, either to have special skills or awaken magic.

And Hyakinthos's magic is an absolute killing move, with the belief that he will kill, Hyakinthos wants to completely kill Miyuki with this blow.

"Hahahaha, are you too scared to move?"

Seeing that Miyuki didn't move, and stood there expressionlessly, Hyakinthos smiled and controlled the ball of light to cut Miyuki's neck with a deadly attack.

Just at the moment when Hyakinthos thought he had succeeded, the next scene completely detonated Jacintos' eyeballs. The man in front of his eyes just stretched out a hand and grabbed his halo.

"It's just so-so." As he became more proficient at manipulating the magic power, it was also a breeze to condense the magic power in his hands. He pinched the corner of the magic light wheel that Hyakinthos thought he was sure to kill, and the extremely fast rotating light wheel made a sharp piercing sound in Miyuki's hands.

This flat tone made Hyakinthos completely lose his mind, he roared and raised the long sword in his hand, a moment later, the long sword with sharp vigor came to Miyuki, and he slashed with a ferocious expression.

Raising the eyelids, the cold light flashing across the eyes fully shows that Miyuki is not as calm as he appears on the surface. This person who repeatedly and repeatedly plucked his beard in front of the tiger completely bored Miyuki.

With a choking sound, the light wheel pinched by Miyuki directly cut off the long sword in Hyakinthos's hand and pressed the light wheel in his hand against his chest under his horrified eyes.

The next moment, the burst of vigor from the light wheel directly pushed Hyakinthos out and slammed heavily on the nearby trees. After breaking several trees, Hyakinthos stopped.

He spat out blood with a wow and glanced at Apollo, who was completely stunned. He lowered his head and saw a big hole in his chest. Hyakinthos opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. and the breath of life is passing away quickly.

Finally, bowed his head. It was also at this moment that Hyakinthos, the head of the Apollo familia died in battle.

"Hyakinthos!" It was only a split second from when Hyakinthos cast his magic to his death. In this split second, he turned into a corpse. Apollo couldn't help crying out in pain.

It's a pity that in the space at this moment, only Miyuki can hear his mournful cries.

"Stop howling, I'll send you to see him right away."

Speaking in a cold voice, thinking of Apollo's glance at himself and Mei and the others before, the cold light in Miyuki's eyes became more and more intense.

Miyuki raised his hand, and several vines protruded from the magic circle that appeared on the ground, and Apollo, the whole person was suspended in mid-air.

"Wait! Child! Calm down!"

"I was wrong! I apologize to you immediately!"

"I'm sorry! This time, I'm obsessed with ghosts. I shouldn't have shot you, but that's because you are so good! For Hestia's sake, let me go this time!"

The shock was written all over his face, Apollo didn't expect that Miyuki really planned to do this...

Kill God!

This is considered taboo by Orario.

In this regard, Apollo could only anxiously beg Miyuki to let him go.

Because even if you are killed in the lower realm, the god will not die. However, once one suffers an injury that must touch the power of the gods to restore the identity and power of the gods, according to the rules set by the gods, even if it is not used voluntarily, it will be regarded as using the power of the gods and will be forcibly sent back to the heaven.

Returning to the sky to continue that boring life, Apollo would rather be permanently exiled by Hestia and start from scratch in other cities.

However, Miyuki who looked at all this just smiled flatly.

From the very beginning, this person with wandering eyes has been written in Miyuki's small notebook,

If it wasn't for the fact that killing god in an open way will make his situation dangerous, he would have killed Apollo long ago.

Miyuki raised his hand and a huge amount of magic power began to transform the surrounding.

Immediately, Apollo felt that they were separating from the real world and that a new world was slowly taking shape.

Apollo was shocked after feeling this.

Such powerful magic that can separate reality isn't something that a mortal can master.

In just a few seconds, Apollo felt that he really came to an independent space and that his theocracy and authority could no longer be used.

Looking around, he saw an incomparably majestic city with traces of time. It's not clear how long the city has existed.

Miyuki was also shocked after seeing the Brunestud city which was formed due to the activation of Arcueid's inherent enchantment(Reality marble) in the depths of his blood.

"It's just now is not the time to look around." Feeling the consumption of his magic power, Miyuki muttered and he immediately took out the artifacts he had prepared.

A red gauntlet appeared on his right arm and white wings spread from his back.

A golden spear appeared in his right arm and a golden Armor condensed on his chest.

Besides these, another trident appeared in his left hand.

Under the blessings of several weapons from different worlds and mythologies, Miyuki felt his strength increase by more than just one level.

The red gauntlet is the Red Dragon Emperors' cage hand and the white wings are White Dragon Emperors' wings from Highschool dxd.

The spear in his hand is the Holy spear that kills the gods in the high school dxd. It is also the spear of destiny and the spear of demise.

The Armor on his chest is Karna's Armor in Indian mythology from the Type-moon world.

As for the trident, it is Vajra of Indra from the world of Small Garden. Even though it is a simulated version of Black Rabbit, it is his strongest weapon.

He was able to use all these weapons simultaneously because none of them are original and they fused because of his fantasy materialization.

If they were original and had their own consciousness then it was impossible for him to use all of them simultaneously because they have their own restrictions.

After all, his magic type Fantasy materialization can create anything he thinks of but it can't give shape to consciousness and completely produce such high-end weapons.

Looking at Apollo, Miyuki didn't intend to let the other party react.

The reason he brought Apollo here is that no one will notice if he killed Apollo in the inherent enchantment. After all, this is a separate world.

Because it is a separate world, Apollo can also release his seal. So, Miyuki didn't intend to let the other party react.

He immediately revealed his true ancestor posture.

His black hair changed to blond and it quickly reached his waist and his eyes turned red.

His facial features became softer and his appearance was also enhanced by more than one level.

Holding the trident(Vajra) in his left hand, Miyuki felt the increase in his strength because of revealing his true ancestor self.

"Unfortunately, I haven't been able to let the god-killing artifacts have to achieve the balance breaker, otherwise victory will be more certain." Sighing lightly, Miyuki activated the ability of the weapons in his hand and was ready to throw the trident toward Apollo.

His artifacts have not been perfect because his level is too low. Even so, their power is still outrageously strong. After all, their prototypes are all extremely strong weapons, especially the trident.

"Boost." The red gauntlet sounded a mechanical voice and Miyuki's strength immediately doubled.

Looking at Apollo, Miyuki immediately threw the trident in his hand.

By now, Apollo has reacted. After all, Miyuki's changes are too huge and the aura of treasures in his hands is too strong.

It's just his reaction was still a step late.

The trident burst out a thunder light and it accurately hit Apollo then the thunder of outrageous magnitude bombarded Apollo and it also raised a large area to the ground just relying on the aftermath.

The moment he was hit, Apollo's seal was destroyed and he immediately felt his body being torn under thunder light of the trident. But even so, he could contend with the attack of Miyuki because his Divine power was liberated.

While Apollo's seal was destroyed, Miyuki wasn't idle. He immediately used the ability of the white dragon emperor.

"Divide." The mechanical voice of white wings sounded and Apollo's Aura was immediately reduced by half.

Apollo didn't recover to his peak just after breaking the seal and now half of his power was reduced. So, under the attack of the trident, he could no longer block.

Immediately, he flew out and slammed into the walls of the majestic city behind him.

"Cough, Cough... You have really enraged me." Spitting out a large amount of blood, Apollo walked out and said.

"But don't worry, since you have broken my seal then I will show you the posture of true God and I will also love you after defeating you," Apollo spoke in a very morbid tone and dazzling golden light began to surround him.

Because it wasn't real Vajra, Apollo was able to live. Otherwise, in front of a treasure of victory, Apollo isn't enough to survive.

"Spit." Looking at Apollo's disgusting look, Miyuki spit out in nausea and he felt sick just by looking at him.

"Such a guy must be killed." Muttering to himself, Miyuki looked at the moon in the sky of the enchantment.

Immediately the moon turned red and Miyuki's strength increased again then Miyuki stepped on the ground and came to Apollo at a speed far beyond sound.

"Ding." I don't know when a bow appeared in Apollo's hand it collided with Miyuki's spear.

"Such attack will not work on god's." Apollo dismissed Miyuki's attack and said with disdain.

"Really." Miyuki smiled indifferently.

Immediately, he once again thrust his spear at Apollo at an extremely tricky angle.

"I said it's useless." Apollo once again waved his bow to stop Miyuki's attack and spoke with utter disdain.

He didn't think that he would really be defeated.

"Ding." The unexpected will always happen.

Apollo who thought that he could easily stop the attack was sent flying.



Ten seconds passed and the ability of the god-killing artifacts was activated again.

Miyuki's strength was once again doubled and Apollo's strength was halved again.

It is due to this reason that Apollo was sent flying.

"Although unexpected, I will no longer be careless." Standing up, Apollo became serious.

Due to the sudden first attack, he was injured quite a bit because of carelessness.

Now, his strength is being reduced again and again and Miyuki's strength is constantly doubling.

If this continues then it is certain that he will die.

Thinking of his death Apollo became serious and he lost the thought of wanting Miyuki.

Streching out the string of the bow, a golden Arrow condensed on Apollo's bow.

Looking at Miyuki, Apollo sent the arrow at him.

The speed of the arrow was beyond description, under Apollo's magic, even Miyuki couldn't completely react.


With the sound of an explosion, a golden mushroom of several hundred meters appeared and the hurricane brought by aftermath destroyed several kilometers of ground and even the city wall was also destroyed.

"Cough..." Spitting out a bit of blood, Miyuki felt thankful that he trained with Alfia and wore Karna's Armor.

If it wasn't for his intuition due to regular fighting with Alfia, he might not be able to dodge that Arrow and if it wasn't for Karna's Armor reducing most of the attack power, he would have been seriously injured.

"It seems I underestimated the gods in this world." Looking at Apollo who was still surging with divine power, Miyuki muttered and his pride due to constantly increasing strength vanished.

Now, his normal state seems to only fight a level 10, who has just been promoted to God level. As for Gods who are considered strong, don't even think about fighting them without artifacts and preparation.

If it wasn't for successfully injuring Apollo before and then reducing his strength twice, he would never be able to fight against Apollo.

"Hehe... I said that you won't be able to fight against the gods."

"Even if you have strong weapons, gods are not something that a mortal can fight." Apollo looked at several weapons in Miyuki's hand and said with contempt.

Because these weapons came from different worlds and they were still a copy, Apollo couldn't identify them. But even so, he understood that they were extremely powerful.

But so what, his strength can still crush a mortal.
