Chapter 80 - Happy street

A few days have passed since the incident of three pheonix and one dragon happened.

Taking advantage of these days, Miyuki dated Cassandra and Daphne whom he accidentally slept with.

Although it was an accident, Miyuki didn't intend to escape.

So, during these few days, his relationship with Cassandra and Daphne progressed by leaps and bounds and the awkwardness due to sudden sex was erased.

Now, both of them have accepted their relationship with him.

Although he and the two of them aren't like other girls who gradually established a relationship.

But it doesn't matter, feelings can be cultivated slowly.

After saying goodbye to Cassandra and Daphne at home, taking advantage of the rest day, Miyuki went to explore the bustling streets alone.

There is no holiday for adventurers, but it is reasonable to relax occasionally.

Alone, without bringing anyone with him, Miyuki sat by the window sill on the second floor of a restaurant, drinking tea leisurely while watching the busy traffic outside.

In his past life, he was used to being a lonely otaku even if he had a family. Although this habit changed a bit after traveling, it is still there.

As it is now, he occasionally enjoys his world.

Orario is the center of the world, so merchants from all over the world gather here and set up shops here.

The restaurant he is eating in is one of such shops

Eat the dumplings wrapped in meat. If the taste is light, pour some vinegar and chili oil into it to taste. Although it is not rich, it tastes good.

It was getting dark.

Miyuki, who was about to leave, subconsciously glanced at the street and soon noticed a girl in a kimono appearing in the crowd.

It's not because the other party is a cute girl, but an acquaintance who has met once.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, her long black hair was tied into a capable ponytail with a white rope, her facial features were correct, and her appearance was soft. She was a girl who could feel gentle at first glance.

It was Yamato Mikoto whom I saw at the God meeting that night.

If it was just meeting acquaintances, Miyuki would not care.

However, the girl who usually smiled was showing a restless expression at this moment.

In front of Mikoto, there was an inconspicuous girl who was slightly shorter, with bangs covering her eyes.

The Takemikazuchi family is a weak family with few members and a poor life.

Therefore, to save money, the members will not spend money on entertainment.

This is the leading bustling street in Orario, and the cost is one-third higher than that of the surrounding shops, so it is unlikely that they will come here to spend.

"Does that mean we have already reached the story of the fox girl..."

The image of the girl leaving overlapped with the memories, and familiar memories emerged in my mind.

After almost clearing up the cause and effect, Miyuki checked out from the front desk, wrapped his windbreaker tightly, and walked towards the direction where the girls disappeared.

The closest place to the busy street.

There is no doubt that it is the happy street of Orario.

Adventurers spend the night at the tavern, if they don't want to go back to their families to sleep, that's the only place they can go.


"Taking this opportunity, it's not bad to go over there and have a look."

Miyuki didn't go to the happy street because he was interested in that aspect. He was just curious about the happy street.

After all, he already has several girlfriends who can satisfy him, so, why would he do that kind of thing behind their backs?


Happy Street at night ushered in quite a crowded flow of people.

The streets that are depressed during the day are also crowded with consumers at this moment.

All of them are men, and the smiles on their faces are that only men know how to express.

"Hey, this place almost makes me think I'm in a museum."

Whores in different costumes are constantly coming and going in the streets.

Starting from the eastern and desert regions, there is row upon row of buildings whose appearance is extremely rare in Orario.


The upper floors are open-style oriental houses, and there are also stone mansions with a heavy sense reminiscent of the cold north. Whether it is a Japanese-style building or a castle, it is the result of a building to please guests.

It's full of exoticism.

Beyond that, of course, are the striking, heavily perfumed women.

Everything from humans to elves.

The young man who is a bit short, wearing a windbreaker, and neatly dressed, was spotted by a few sharp-eyed prostitutes the moment he set foot here.

Thankfully, Miyuki had already used the magic eye of true ancestors to confuse his appearance in other people's eyes otherwise the flower street would have been quite lively because of his appearance.

They walked towards them beautifully, but Miyuki didn't stop there and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

The women put on a cold face, and after suppressing their dissatisfaction, they invited other guests.

They didn't realize that it was the famous Sword Master whom they met.

Not long after, Miyuki saw the person he was looking for.

In Happy Street, men are guests, but the only women who appear here are prostitutes.

After all, clean girls don't come here.

Mikoto and her companion Chigusa set foot here because they heard about their friend's deeds, but they ignored the nature of Happy Street because of their anxiety, so they couldn't move a single step.

The men and prostitutes who were drunk and ready to have fun watched the two of them often teasing, and Mikoto and Chigusa would also be frightened and their shoulders would tremble.

If someone touches their bodies with unruly intentions, they will be ordered to close their eyes and yell, please stop, and then they will be beaten to the ground.

Two pure girls are like lost hamsters.

Think about it.

Miyuki who came behind the girl patted Mikoto on her shoulder.

Probably due to being too nervous.

Sensing someone approaching from behind, Mikoto grasped his arm reflexively, closed her eyes, and prepared for a shoulder throw.

The arm was heavy, and there was a heavy feeling.

With her extraordinary arm strength, even monsters can be easily moved yet the guy harassing her couldn't be moved.

The few adventurers who molested her just now are still lying on the ground unconscious.

"Have you forgotten me after only seeing you for a few days? Miss Mikoto?"

A slightly familiar voice came from behind.

The girl with the ponytail turned her head, and when she saw Miyuki's face, her expression suddenly became unnatural.

Mikoto faltered and asked: "You...why are you here?"

"Isn't it normal for men to come to flower street?" Miyuki shrugged, and said with a joking look in his eyes, "I'm still wondering why you guys are here."

"I...we...that..." Yamato Mikoto became embarrassed and she couldn't speak.

Perhaps it was because the nature of happy street was too special, and I never thought that I would meet an acquaintance here, which seemed quite embarrassing and speechless.

If it was misunderstood and spread outside, how dare she go out to meet people in the future?

A traditional woman born in an ordinary family has the same reputation and name compared to an elf.

Looking at red-faced Mikoto, Miyuki smiled.

Sometimes it's a good idea to strike first.

If Mikoto asked himself in turn, he would have no way to explain.

You can't say that he followed them here.

Would that be considered a pervert?

"Mikoto, is this who I think he is?" Chigusa who was walking with the girl asked in a low voice.

She couldn't believe that that person came to flower street

"He is indeed who you think he is. He is the well-known Sword Master in Orario. The one who defeated Apollo familia." Ming whispered back.

"Ah? It's that Lord Sword Master, isn't it? I actually saw him alive... But I didn't expect it to be in the happy street. It turns out that Lord Sword would also have that kind of demand." Chigusa didn't show any fear and she said a few almost venomous words.

"Maybe men are generally more energetic."

The two girls muttered as if no one else was around.

Miyuki looked at two girls in front of him speechlessly.

What live? I am not dead.

As for the other question, I pardon him for not answering it.

"I overheard both of you talking." Miyuki folded his arms and said.

"Ah, sorry, it was a bit loud, I will pay attention next time."


After the nonsensical short-lived farce. In order to clear up the misunderstanding of the friends who worshiped the Sword Master, Chigusa lowered her eyes and apologized guiltily, "...I'm sorry, I asked Mikoto to come with me because I heard that someone saw our acquaintance from the Extreme East in the Happy Street, so I wanted to find out if it was true."

The girls explained reluctantly.

This was actually information that Chigusa was the first to know.

In addition to fighting among the Orario family members, many family members are friendly with each other, and they will form teams with each other when they meet in the maze.

Takemikazuchi familia is no exception.

During a team formation, Chigusa accidentally learned from other family members that a group of foreign women had arrived in Happy Street.

Among them, the orc girl with blond hair and fox ears was the hot topic of discussion among those people.

"But I dare not come here alone, at least after discussing with Mikoto, I will come here to have a look."

"Then, I met you."

After finishing speaking, the two girls didn't dare to look up at all, for fear of being taught a lesson from Miyuki.

"Blonde fox ears... Is it the girl I told you last time called Haruhime?" Miyuki asked.

It seems the plot of Haruhime, that cute fox girl is coming.

"Yes..." Mikoto nodded and said, "However, I don't want to believe it. After all, Miss Haruhime is different from the inferior people and has a distinguished status. I heard that Miss Haruhime would show up on Happy Street during the day. I really can't believe it."

In the girl's perception, most of the women who came to Happy Street to become prostitutes were ambitious women without the talents of adventurers.

In her impression, Haruhime was a polite and courteous daughter who would never set foot in a dirty place.

"I see." Miyuki nodded and smiled.

He guessed right. Now, the time to save the fox girl has finally arrived.

As for why you don't save her before.

First, because Ishtar involves too many gods. Open conflict when strength is weak wasn't a good thing.

Later when he became strong, he once searched for the Ishtar familia secretly but he didn't find Haruhime at all.

So, he chose to rely on the plot to save the fox girl.

"In that case, I'm here to help." Miyuki smiled and offered to help.

He has a good impression of fox girl Haruhime and has wanted to save her.

Besides, meeting her is likely to trigger a mission, so Miyuki will not let go of the mission that was brought to his mouth.

Besides, maybe Haruhime will be a great help in his fight against Antares and that unknown monster.

Her magic which can help one temporarily level up is of great significance.

"Really?" Mikoto showed a hopeful expression.

"Didn't I say before that if you need help, you can come to me?"

"Thank you!"

The face under the pink light, Mikoto looked at the young man in front of him, and a reddish color appeared on his cheeks.

But what comes with it is joy...

With Miyuki walking together, it will not be difficult to walk in the happy street.

Happy Street occupies an entire street.

After nightfall, the flow of people will skyrocket.

A wide variety of buildings are lined up on both sides of the street, and the doorways of the shops are full of prostitutes in cool clothes and winking eyes.

There are laughing guests walking into the deep room with their arms around women, and there are also gods who enraged group members spot and sneak out to seek pleasure.

Occasionally, a whimsical voice came, making the girl following behind Miyuki blush.

Mikoto unconsciously grabbed the swinging windbreaker, her heart was pounding, and her palms were sweating nervously.

Passing by the brothels decorated with lights, I finally came to a slightly quiet place.

Lanterns are hung on the Japanese-style buildings, cherry blossom trees are planted by the roadside, and women in kimonos, holding pipes, lean on the door frame and wink at the passing male guests.

According to the plot, Haruhime was sold to the Ishtar family by human traffickers. As a fox girl born in the Far East, the place where she was placed would naturally be related to the wind.

In fact, in places like Orario where fish and dragons are mixed, such things as human traffic are not uncommon.

Most of them are country girls.

If these girls are lucky, they can be chosen by the gods to become adventurers or other industries that do not sell their bodies. If they are not lucky, they will end up in prostitution, and either accept it or commit suicide.

Haruhime's luck is not good.

She used to be the daughter of a wealthy family in the Far East.

She was supposed to enjoy a carefree life, but because she was favored by a small human businessman, he designed to lure Haruhime to eat the tribute offered to the gods.

After being found out by her father, the family was quite straightforward and kicked Haruhime out of the house.

Then, Haruhime was picked up by a long-awaited businessman but was attacked by a monster on the way, Haruhime was thrown away again and was rescued by passing thieves. After learning that it was a chick, she was sold to the Ishtar family.

Human trafficking is illegal, but under the weak restraint of the guild, many black transactions will be carried out secretly.

A brothel-painted vermilion came into view, a girl sitting in the depths of the room, alone in it.

At this time, the system that Miyuki had been waiting for for a long time finally sent out a mission reminder.
