Chapter 86 - Dowargon Kingdom

Miyuki looked at the green scenery curiously and walked forward.

After separating from Veldora, he naturally appeared in Jura Forest.

Now, he is traveling around looking at everything curiously.

Goblins, Slimes, etc. He met many low-level monsters in the wild but he didn't bother them.

"I have to say, this world is really stretched in terms of combat power." Miyuki felt the surging magic power inside his body and he felt the magic power in other monsters then he sighed.

The low-level combat in this world is extremely low and the high level is extremely high.

From Slime, Pig monsters, Lizard men, etc.

To Elf, Dwarf, Dragon demon, Dragon species, etc.

Even Four Primitive Dragons.

Miyuki can only sigh about the combat power of this world.

According to his estimation, his current self should have the same strength as the Cute King who devoured the pig devil king and established Jura Tempest in the original.

That is, he is able to fight the devil king species but he is not an opponent of the awakened demon king.

"Thankfully, it isn't magic forbidden book catalog." Remembering another world with a terrifying upper limit, Miyuki felt thankful that he came to Reincarnated world, not that world.

Magic forbidden book catalog is a world with a single universe to multiverse level combat.

Although low-level power is still ordinary level.

But once someone is promoted to demon god then the stretching power can be described as terrifying.

Demon gods in that world can distort reality and play with the universe in their palms.

To them, laws of physics are nothing, they can bend them at will.

They play with planets and hit with galaxies.

That kind of terrifying power isn't something that Miyuki can even imagine.

"But, let's think about the current issue." Shaking his head, Miyuki focused on his current situation.

Now, his strength has multiplied by several times, so, he currently has two options.

One, return to Dungeon World and fight Antares and upgrade then face that unknown monster.

In the Reincarnated Slime, because he is not a human, he can't become a brave man or take the human path.

So, his second choice can only be to stay in Reincarnated Slime world and become a devil king species.

As an awakened demon king.

He doesn't have enough time to become an awakened demon king.

After thinking for a while, Miyuki chose to stay and become stronger.

He doesn't know the strength of the monster Meteria and Alfia talked about.

And he doesn't know whether his current self can survive in the space-time storm in which even gods have a hard time surviving.

So, he has no choice but to become as strong as he can.

Sometimes Miyuki wants to give his future self a punch in the face.

Why didn't his future self tell Meteria about the exact strength of the monster he faced?

Wouldn't he be unable to understand that it would be easier if his past self knew the details?

Anyway, he can't do anything except try to become stronger.

In the end, Miyuki could only sigh.

First because of Yuri and now because of an unknown future, he can only become stronger.

"But let's use that lottery." Opening the system panel Miyuki looked at his lottery draw.

Since he wants to become stronger then using the system's lottery is the best way.

"System draw lottery."

[ Ding! The host uses his lottery. ]

[ Ding! Host Spiritual eyes. ]

[ Spiritual eyes: It is an eye that can see through illusion, hypnosis, and charm. It can also identify the level of strength of the opponent and it can help detect the flaws of the opponent.

It is a growth-oriented skill. ]

"System merge." Looking at the introduction of the Spiritual eye, Miyuki immediately urged the system to merge.

[ As you wish Host ] Miss System immediately responded to Miyuki.

Miyuki felt a little cold in his eyes and he subconsciously closed them.

Then he felt a warm current flowing through his eyes.

Miyuki silently enjoyed the comfort brought by the change in his eyes and he carefully felt his situation.

A while later, Miyuki opened his eyes.

At this moment, Miyuki's eyes were no longer black, they had turned into pure azure blue just like the sky.

Just looking into his eyes, one might be able to see his own shadow.

Miyuki looked around and he found that his vision has extended by at least half.

By analogy, if the previous him was able to see everything within 100 meters then his current self can see within 150 meters.

In fact, the real vision range is much larger.

Even Miyuki doesn't fully know his current strength.

After all, too many new skills and abilities were acquired and too many of them were upgraded.

It is normal that he isn't fully aware of his strength.


"Um, that direction should be Dwargon kingdom." Flying high in the sky, Miyuki looked at the place where he felt countless human auras.

"Let's go and see it."

After getting the spiritual eye, Miyuki began to think about his future life.

Since he has come to a new world then he must first visit the human kingdom and acquire the currency of this world.

Although he can create batches of gold and silver, he still needs to get acquainted with this world and get money through legal ways.

Among the human kingdom, his first target was Dwargon who had good relations with the cute king in the original.

After finding the Dwargon kingdom, Miyuki locked the coordinates at the border of the plain outside St. Entral and then he activated his teleportation skill.


As the central city of the dwarf kingdom Dwargon.

The prosperity of St. Entral is self-evident, and the defense outside the city gate is also very tight.

Although it is still early.

But outside the city gate, there was still a long queue.

After Miyuki crossed the plain, he followed the team to the gate of the city.

Almost an hour and a half had passed.

It's not easy!

"What is your name?"

"What are you here for?"

"From where?"

Logically speaking.

It is normal to be questioned if you want to enter the city.

But the problem is.

It was Miyuki's turn, although the question asked had not changed.

But beside him, a dwarf guard wearing leather armor and holding a spear kept looking back and forth at him with suspicious eyes.

This can't help but make Miyuki very surprised.

Is there anything weird about him?

But all came, and he couldn't just turn around and leave.

Otherwise, even if there is no suspicion, it will be a sign of guilty conscience in the eyes of others.

Besides, there is no need to fear the Dwargon kingdom.

The only ones he is afraid of are ancient devil kings, Star Creation Dragon King, and other two primitive dragon girls

"My name is Miyuki."

"From a small remote village."

"This time I want to work hard in a big city and see if I can make a name for myself."

Miyuki announced his name in a very calm manner

Communication in this world is not well developed.

It shouldn't be a problem to make up the origin and purpose of it casually, and no one will really confirm it anyway.

Logically speaking.

There is nothing wrong with Miyuki's thoughts.

After hearing his answer.

Looking at the dwarf guard on the opposite side, he couldn't help but look even more suspicious.

"A small remote village?"

"Come to the big city?"


"Go in."


"Don't cause trouble, don't violate the laws of Dwargon!"


"If you plan to settle here, go and apply for a freeman's certificate as soon as possible."

The look in the dwarf guard's eyes made Miyuki very uncomfortable.

He even subconsciously prepared for it.

Once the opponent intends to do something that is not good for him, he will immediately fight.

After being in Dungeon World for so long, he is no longer that pure young man.

Now, he is extremely decisive when it comes to fighting.

It's just, the result was beyond Miyuki's expectations.

Although the other party's words were not very friendly, they also warned Miyuki quite meaningfully.

But in the end, they still chose to let him into the city.

This is very strange.


"I see."

"Thank you for your reminder."

Miyuki was a little confused by the other party's actions.

But confident in his own strength, he didn't worry too much.

After expressing his thanks, he followed the flow of people, passed through the city gate, and entered St. Entral.

After all, it is a city built in the mountains, it really has a hole in the sky.

The high and low buildings are combined together, giving people the feeling that this is a huge steel city.

The only pity is.

Although you can see the blue sky when you look up, the sun doesn't directly shine into the city.

This also led to the fact that even in the daytime, the surrounding buildings must be brightly lit.

This world's architecture is not even as good as that of Dungeon World.

Even the commodities are not good.

Miyuki looked at the glass which couldn't compare with real high-end glasses.

Then he looked at the food stalls.

The food resources are quite abundant. The staple food is mainly bread made of barley and wheat, and root plants such as potatoes and carrots are made into a thick soup.

Not only that, but the meat side is also plentiful.

Although the price is slightly more expensive, it is not unaffordable for ordinary people.

Just green leafy vegetables and fruits...

The number is relatively small.

Other than the low amount of green vegetables and fruits, everything else is fine in terms of food.

It was only after looking at the situation of the Dwargon kingdom that Miyuki understood why cute king's products would sell so well in the future.

In this world with backward technology, modern products are really luxury.

Even if there have been a large number of travelers in this world, the technology of Reincarnated Slime World is still backward.

"System, you said that if I defeat many named monsters then my promotion would be much faster right? And the time taken to condense devil king seed will also shorten." Walking nonchalantly on the streets of Dwargon, Miyuki asked in a casual tone.

[ Yes, host. Why do you ask again? ] System asked puzzledly.

Just after leaving Veldora, Miyuki had asked him about how to be quickly promoted to devil king species and she answered him.

"Then do humans also count on this list," Miyuki asked in a seemingly casual tone again.

[ Yes ]

By now, miss system had realized why Miyuki asked this.

Miyuki walked casually and entered a silent alley with almost no one present.

"Then Miss, who is hidden in the dark, would you come out yourself or shall I invite you out?" Miyuki smiled and he said while pointing at a certain place in the darkness.


The person hidden in the darkness was surprised that Miyuki was able to find her, then she was relieved after thinking about the huge magic power emanating from Miyuki.

"I am sorry for flowing you, Mr. Miyuki."

"But please understand me. Your strength and aura are too strong and you are still openly displaying it. So, our Dwargon Kingdom can't rest assured without someone following you."

As the words fell, an extremely beautiful elf girl appeared in front of Miyuki.

"Huh," Miyuki was surprised after hearing the words of the elf girl.

Surveillance, he can understand that. After all, no one would let some strange strong man wander freely in their backyard without any worry.

It's just when did he release his aura? And how did the other party get to know about his strength?

The elf girl seems to see through Miyuki's puzzled eyes and she smiled.

"Presumably, Mr. Miyuki has just come to this world, so, you shouldn't know. Please come with me, I will introduce you to this world."

"By the way, my name is Anrietta."

The golden blond elf beauty bowed in western etiquette and said to Miyuki.

'Anrietta.' Miyuki murmured, he seems to have heard of this name. It's just he can't remember it for a while.

Subconsciously, he opened his spiritual eyes to look at the elf girl's status.

{ Name: Anrietta

Race: High elf

Level: A~A+

Combat: A~A+ }

[ Note: Strength of Reincarnated world is divided into F, F+, E-, E, E+, D-, D, D+, C- C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+, S rank/Demon King's seed, Special S or SS Rank/Awakened Demon King, SSS/Ancient Demon King, from lowest to highest. ]

The introduction was short but Miyuki grasped the strength of the other party.

So, he looked at the elf girl with a surprised look.

The elf girl can be said to be at least city-level existence in terms of combat and she is much stronger than the strongest adventurer in Orario, Ottar.

"Well, I would be happy if you guided me but can you please tell me how you found my identity as another world visitor and perceive my strength." Miyuki also repeated the same etiquette as Anrietta and asked.

He is really curious as to how Anrietta found his identity and strength.

Although Anrietta is A~A+ level and her strength is fluctuating, she is definitely not as strong as him.

So, how did she find it out?

This isn't Reincarnated Spider's world where identification skill is available to everyone. There should be only a handful of people with identification skills.

Besides, if everyone can tell his information just by looking at him then isn't he exposed completely to anyone he meets?

"Please come with me, I will explain everything to you," Anrietta replied and she motioned Miyuki to follow.

In her heart, Miyuki's evaluation changed.

Previously, she was slightly afraid of Miyuki because of the other party's terrifying magic power(Magicules) like a god and a demon.

But now, after observing him and talking to him, Anrietta understood that the other party was completely oblivious to his situation.

And he might be a beginner in terms of concealment.

Anrietta's cold face drew a slight arc and she took Miyuki to a high-end hotel.
