Chapter 101 - Visiting the Beast Kingdom

All right, let's look at the current situation instead of looking at Miyuki's complaints.

At this time, the originally proud Phobio has completely put away his self-esteem.

Under the gaze of Albis, he stood beside Miyuki without turning his eyes, like a loyal soldier, waiting for an order from the officer.

See this scenario, Miyuki could no longer say anything.

"Then Mr. Phobio, I will trouble you." Miyuki isn't a narrow-minded person, so, after sighing a little, he accepted Phobio's help.

"Sister Albis, I'll take a step ahead. After doing the market survey and investigating the goods that can be used for trade, I will come back and talk with you." Turning his head, Miyuki said to Albis who had returned to calm.

Since he got Phobio as a guide, Miyuki planned to first visit the Beast Kingdom and then come back and talk with Albis.

"Sure, Miyuki-kun can come whenever you want."

"My sister's home will also be your home. After all, you called me sister." Albis smiled happily and said.

Although the contact is short, she has already regarded Miyuki as her real brother.

And after that kind of thing happened, her attitude towards Miyuki changed slightly.

Now, she thinks of Miyuki as her prospective husband.

Naturally, she is happy that Miyuki was willing to stay and come back later.

Seeing the scene between Miyuki and Albis, Phobio, who was standing upright by the side, couldn't help being stunned.

The demon king is on top!

Is there something wrong with my eyes?

Why would the yellow snake-horned Lord Albis, who has always treated men as nothing, be so close and enthusiastic to a human being?

Could it be because... that guy's face is paler.

Looks better too?

As a member of the orc family, since when did Lord Albis care about such things?



Lord Albis is definitely not such a superficial woman.

So the truth is...

Is this human actually not an ordinary human at all?

To be treated like that by Master Albis...

Could it be that this guy's strength has reached the level of the Three Beastketeers?

In the kingdom of beasts Eurazania, a power-oriented country, if you want to gain the respect of the other party then you must at least have the same strength as the other party.

Albis and Suphia are so warm to Miyuki.

Firstly, it was because the drinks he brought out were indeed in line with the wishes of these two.

But more importantly, it is because he has enough strength to crush and beast Suphia.

If not, no matter how delicious the drink he brought out, it was impossible for those two to look at him with such warm eyes.

Liking, loving, and doing that kind of thing with Albis will be even more nonsense without enough strength.

After all, the nature of monsters is to believe in the supremacy of the strong.

So in every sense, none of Phobio's guesses weren't wrong.

It's just that he miscalculated Miyuki's true strength.

Of course, it didn't matter what Phobio thought because from beginning to end, Miyuki only treated him as a tool man.

After coming out of Albis's house, he directly asked the other party to take him to the market.

It wasn't until half a day passed that he finally returned from the market with a full load!

"Your Excellence Miyuki, don't you like eating fruit very much?" Miyuki gained a lot from this market research. But behind him, Phobio hesitated to speak several times, until he finally couldn't bear it anymore and then asked out the doubts in his heart.

No way, he really didn't understand.

Why is this man who is highly valued by Lord Albis so interested in the fruits that can be seen everywhere in the Beast Kingdom?

He witnessed with his own eyes that the fruit stalls in the whole market were swept away by the other party.

How much does this man like fruit to do this?

"You know a hammer! This is all good stuff!... Forget it, I can't explain it to you!" Miyuki spoke with a slightly angry tone.

He was very upset by the astonished look in Phobio's eyes.

Fruits are popular in the Beast Kingdom, but it doesn't mean that such good things are also common in other places.

In particular, the land in Eurazania is fertile, with direct sunlight all year round, and the farming techniques are also very good, which leads to the excellent quality of the fruits that are abundant here!

When he was buying fruits in the market just now, seeing the juicy and attractive fruits, Miyuki couldn't help himself, and he ate several fruits on the spot.

The kind of sweetness that seems to be able to infiltrate the bottom of my heart is simply irresistible, okay!

He didn't taste the fruits grown by Demeter familia which belongs to the goddess of harvest Demeter in Orario.

So, he doesn't know whether these fruits can compare to the fruits grown by the Demeter Familia.

But one thing is certain, these fruits are definitely top quality.

Seeing Phobio's eyes, Miyuki can't help but look at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

This guy really doesn't know the blessing in the blessing!

Rolling his eyes at confused Phobio, Miyuki didn't talk to the other party anymore and began to sort out today's harvest.

The fruits in this world are of extremely high quality.

The wine made from these fruits must be extremely popular and these fruits themselves must also be extremely popular in the human world.

Although these fruits can be used in various places to make money and complete his mission, Miyuki is still one person, he can't do it all alone.

Even using Fantasy materialization, he will be tired to death if he wants to supply wines for millions of orcs in one day.

If only he could find the Cute King then he could let the other party produce high-quality alcohol in batches.

Never mind! Let's talk about this later.

At worst, he will just wait for the Cute King to come.

Miyuki didn't think about it anymore, and went all the way back to Albis's house, planning to have another discussion with the other party.

It's just, the scene in Albis's house shocked Miyuki.


"Miyuki-kun,...are you back?"

"What did you say? The specific transaction content?"

"You don't need to tell me this, you can decide for yourself!"

"Anyway, you are my younger brother, so you won't cheat me."

"It's such a happy decision!" Albis tried to Miyuki's question and then fell into his arms.

I haven't seen him for a long time, and the drinks left by Miyuki in the living room have been swept away by Albis and Sophia.

Not only high-grade vodka but also no beer and fruit wine left.

As for the snacks, there were only packaging bags scattered on the ground.

God knows how big the appetites of these two women are, and Miyuki was dumbfounded.

But what made him speechless even more?

Albis, who had turned into a drunken snake, had no intention of discussing business matters with him at all.

Without talking business, she directly leaned into his arms without any politeness and fell into a deep sleep like this.

This made Miyuki dumbfounded and he did not know what to do for a while!

Subconsciously, he reached out to embrace the snake girl in her arms.

Then feeling the opponent's state, Miyuki couldn't help but smile wryly.

With the current situation of Albis, there is definitely no way to talk about business.

He could only call the servants of Albis's family to come over and let them remove the drunken snake in his arms.

Then let the people find a room for him to rest.


Lying on the soft bed, Miyuki thought about his future plans.

His harvest in the Beast Kingdom is indeed not small. While finding a huge fruit and grain import base, he also got entangled with Albis and befriended Suphia.

It's just that he needs to think more about the next transaction.

After all, the Beast Kingdom is different from other countries.

Here, the currency has no meaning, and most transactions are done by barter.

The previous drinks can certainly be counted as one of the commodities used for trading.

But other than that, Miyuki felt that it would be best if he could enrich the types of products.

Like perfume!

Maybe it will become a popular bestseller among orcs. Even its status may not be inferior to that of wine!

Yes, that's right!

When trading in the market before, Miyuki had already discovered that no one cared about commodities like paper and glass here.

On the contrary, all kinds of spices are quite popular with the beastmen and even caused a fight for them.

At first, he thought that the beastemens competed for spices to cook more delicious dishes. But things were not like what he expected.

Then, he discovered that those beastmens rubbed the spices on their bodies directly after getting the spices, and he was stunned.

He didn't understand until later.

It turns out that the main reason the beastmen love spices so much is that they want to cover their body odor with spices.

They are beastmen after all. It's okay if it's just a demi-human race with some beast characteristics.

But if it is the type covered with body hair, under the abundant sunlight of the Beast Kingdom, as long as it sweats a little, it can emit a great smell.

in this case, spices with the same strong taste are naturally sought after by beastmen.

After all, it is a different world in reality.

This truth is too real.

But that's why.

Miyuki just started to think about buying and selling perfume.

Since the beastmens have such big trouble, as a friendly businessman from another world, he must send warmth to everyone!


Miyuki thought a lot about the trade with the Beast Kingdom.

However, how to operate in the next step will definitely need to be practiced and tried step by step, and there is no need to rush for a while.

So, in the next few days, Miyuki was quite busy.

While creating treasures for barter, he also began to materialize a large number of wines and perfumes.

These perfumes were the ones that were highly popular in his previous life.

Just like Miyuki expected, the perfume was extremely popular in the Beast Kingdom.

Whether it is Albis or Suphia or the lower-level beastmen. All of them like perfume and the money brought by perfume even exceeded wine for a while.

During these few days, Miyuki found out that Lion King, Carrion wasn't in the Beast Kingdom and he went out for some reason.

As for the other party's return, Albis and Suphia have no idea.

The plot about Carrion and the Beast Kingdom wasn't long in the anime, so, Miyuki didn't think much about Carrion going out.

He was just disappointed that he couldn't fight Carrion and promote the speed at which he would be promoted to demon king seed.

Although Carrion wasn't in the Kingdom, Miyuki still stayed for a week in the Beast Kingdom.

During this weak, while trading with the Beast Kingdom and establishing an official trade relationship, Miyuki also spent the due amount of time with Albis in order to enhance her favorability.

Miyuki's efforts were not in vain, Albis indeed showed a high degree of love for him after several attempts.

While attacking Albis's heart, he also told her about Anrietta. After all, he never planned to hide his ambitious thoughts.

As for Ais and others, he planned to tell her after confirming the relationship.

At first, he thought that Albis would show jealousy or angry emotion. After all, this is the most normal reaction he can think of.

It's just things were beyond Miyuki's expectations.

Albis readily accepted the existence of Anrietta and she agreed to date him.

Miyuki was dumbfounded at Albis's actions.

In his mind, Albis should at least be jealous. After all, she did show jealousy in the original book.

But after the two people dated, he accepted the fact the Albis agreed to let him open a harem.

Later, he also told Anrietta about Albis.

Anrietta already knew about Miyuki having several women in another world, so, she accepted Albis directly without saying anything.

The situation of Albis and Anrietta made Miyuki feel strange.

He didn't understand why the two of them didn't show much jealousy.

Later, Anrietta told him that this world has no such concept as monogamy.

As long as you have strength, you can open a harem.

Miyuki's strength is strong and they all like him deep in their hearts. So, naturally, they accepted him having other women even if they were slightly jealous.

The understanding of Anrietta and Albis made Miyuki sigh and he was also surprised by the rules of this world.

Opening a harem in this world is even easier than in the dungeon world.

As long as you have the strength and two people love each other then it doesn't matter how many women you have in your harem.

Although Miyuki was happy that the two people accepted each other, he didn't leave them behind.

And he constantly coaxed them and repeatedly eliminated their slightest bit of jealousy.

Because of his efforts, the last bit of jealousy between Anrietta and Albis was eliminated.

After solving Albis's and Anrietta's problem, Miyuki spent the day with Albis trying to enhance their relationship and he spent the night with Anrietta making a baby.

Both Albis and Anrietta were happy.

Thus, a harmonious relationship between the three people was established.

As for Suphia, Miyuki never attacked her because of Albis. After all, trying to get the heart of another woman in front of his own wife is a death sentence.

Miyuki doesn't want to try to defy the sky in this matter.

Anyway, Suphia won't run away and he will still get her in the end.

So, after spending a lot of time in the Beast Kingdom and finding that Carrion still didn't return, Miyuki left.

Even so, he would regularly teleport between Eurazania, Jura Forest, and Dwargon.

Eurazania, not only because he had to trade with them but also because of Albis.

Jura Forest, because he wanted to fight strong monsters and upgrade.

Dwargon, in order to complete his trade with the Dwarf King and spend time with Anrietta.

As for the sealed Cave, Miyuki found that Veldora was gone. So, he never went back there again.

Although he didn't find Cute King after searching around, Miyuki still understood that Cute King, Rimuru has already arrived in this world. So, he was relieved to leave Veldora to him.

All in all, Miyuki once again began to wander around in order to search for a qualified opponent.

He would occasionally return to Eurazania and Dwargon.
