Chapter 105 - Eren and trio

"Eh?" Suddenly stopped by two companions, the girl named Eren looked a little dazed for a moment.

Looking at the action of the two men, Miyuki smiled and said while shaking his head, "That's not necessary."

"I'm not boasting. In fact, I'm quite confident in my own strength. At least in this Jura Forest, there's nothing wrong with ensuring safety."

"It's just that... I just experienced space teleportation, and my body is still a little uncomfortable. If possible, can I stay here for a while?"

Miyuki didn't want the other party to find out that he was approaching on purpose, so naturally, he declined Eren's kindness.

If you just want to keep in touch with the other party, you must find a suitable reason to stay.

Fortunately, the way of meeting this time was quite unusual, and the excuse he gave was also irresistible.

"Of course it's fine! I've heard that space teleportation will have strong aftereffects. If you feel uncomfortable, Mr. Merchant, please take a rest. As for your safety, leave it to us to protect it!" Eren held her staff and directly made the promise of protection.

I have to say, this girl Eren is indeed very cheerful and generous, with a very warm personality.

Even Miyuki felt that she was extremely likable.

Miyuki naturally accepted her promise happily and found a clean place to sit on the floor, as if she really planned to rest.

Just like this, after looking at each other, the two men on the side couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It's not a good job as a guard.

Miss, can't you let us relax a little bit?

The man you said to protect is someone who doesn't need protection at all.

In this Jura Forest, there is hardly someone who might be able to threaten the other party.

As the guards arranged for Eren, they naturally have skills and items to identify the strength of their opponent.

Although they couldn't completely perceive Miyuki's strength, they could still feel that his strength was far higher than their own.

Unfortunately, for them, Miss Eren really didn't understand her companions' worries.

"Mr. Miyuki, what kind of product are you selling, do you need to come to Jura Great Forest to collect materials?" As Miyuki sat down, this cheerful girl immediately approached, first introduced each other's names, and immediately asked Miyuki enthusiastically.

Obviously, she had a very strong curiosity about Miyuki.

"Commodity..." Hearing her question and looking at the girl who had already close beside him, Miyuki thought for a while and then answered, "Actually, most of the products I sell recently are food."

"I came to Jura Great Forest just to find some suitable ingredients for sale."

"Oh, by the way, I also recently opened a bakery in Saint-Entral in Dwargon."

"Miss Eren, if you have a chance to go there, please be sure to visit my shop." Under Eren's curious eyes, Miyuki spoke to her with a smile.

Miyuki knows that this is a trio of eating and drinking, and they are all foodies in essence.

As expected!

As soon as she heard that Miyuki sold food and opened a bakery, the interest in Eren's eyes became even stronger and she said, "Really? I must try it if I have the chance!"

"Hmm... Kaval! Gido! After we finish this mission, let's go to Dwargon!"


This girl really dares to say it!

Although the Blumund Kingdom is not very far from Dwargon, it will take at least ten days to walk there!

Just to eat a piece of bread, do you really plan to go to Dwargon?

"..." Miyuki was both surprised and speechless by Eren's words.

But looking at her two companions again, they seemed to be familiar with it.

It seems that the two of them have long been used to this girl's detached personality.

But yes.

If they couldn't stand Eren's character, they wouldn't be able to be her 'nanny' for such a long time!

"Actually, Miss Eren, if you want to taste my bread, you don't need to make a special trip to Dwargon," Miyuki said and took out a piece of toast from the system space while speaking.

In fact, he didn't quite understand why his bakery aroused so much interest from the other party but since this girl was so interested, he gave her the toast instead of letting her run around.

"As a businessman, the products I sell will definitely be carried with me. If Miss Eren doesn't mind, please treat this piece of bread as a thank-you gift for protecting me on the next journey." Miyuki stretched his hand towards Eren motioning her to take the taste while speaking.

Logically speaking, when normal adventurers meet strangers in the wilderness, they will definitely not eat the food sent by them.

But the freshly baked toast bread exuding a thick milky fragrance in Miyuki's hands attracted Eren's attention in an instant!

At this moment, she can't care about the rules of adventurers.

The two companions behind her didn't even have time to stop her!

"Wow! Seems to be a delicious bread, then I won't be polite!" Saying so, Eren took the toast from Miyuki's hand.

It really deserves to be a foodie.

The girl named Eren really doesn't have any resistance or self-control. After taking the toast in Miyuki's hand, she opened her mouth and took a big mouthful!

Seeing this, Gido and Kaval behind her almost exclaimed!

However, it is obviously too late to stop.



"This bread...better than any bread I've ever had!"

"That's great, Mr. Miyuki! Your bakery must be very popular, right?" Eren ate the toast and then exclaimed at its deliciousness.

Eren swallowed a piece of toast bread that was about a catty in size, almost in three or two bites.

Because the swallowing speed was too fast, some parts were not swallowed completely, which caused her cheeks to bulge when she spoke, like a little squirrel.

Miyuki felt that Eren's current appearance was quite cute and he chuckled.

Seeing the happy look on Eren's face, Gido and Kaval subconsciously patted their foreheads and thought simultaneously, "It's over! If the businessman named Miyuki on the opposite side had any thoughts, Eren would definitely be doomed!"

"It's not bad, because my bakery has just opened, and it has indeed received good reviews from many customers."

"But Miss Eren, I think it's better for you to raise your vigilance when encountering such a thing in the future. After all, strangers' food should not be eaten casually."

"Look at Mr. Gido and Mr. Kaval. They were in a hurry just now." Although the current Eren looks cute, Miyuki still warned her carefully.

Miyuki's words made Gido and Kaval feel ashamed that they treated him as a villain. After all, not only did Miyuki not intend to be unfavorable to Eren, but even after answering her question, he seriously reminded her.

"Forehead..." Hearing what Miyuki said, Eren subconsciously turned his head to look at his companion.

Only then did she realize what mistake she had just made.

But in the next moment, she didn't reflect on herself but smiled carelessly and said while waving her hand cutely, "It does not matter. Actually, my senses are very keen. If someone has any bad thoughts about me, I can definitely detect them immediately."

"But on Mr. Miyuki, I don't feel that uncomfortable breath. So I believe that Mr. Miyuki will definitely not harm me."

Good guy!

Hearing the words of Eren, Miyuki called her a good guy.

Co-author, do you mean to say that you also have the function of distinguishing friend from foe?

Is it that exaggerated?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that girl Eren is not human, but has the blood of an elf.

The elves in this world are slightly different from the elves in the dungeon world he knows.

So, if there is any ability to distinguish between good and evil, maybe it is not a lie!

"Don't blow it! Who was cheated out of our money last time, and made us almost sleep on the street?"

Miyuki almost believed what Eren said.

The result was unexpected.

Before he could say anything, Kaval, who had hair parted in the middle, a sparse beard on his chin, and an epee behind his back, pierced through Eren's lie on the spot.

At this moment, the girl's face was a little uneasy and she said without admitting defeat, "How did I blow it? It was just a mistake last time. Besides, didn't we get the money back later?"

In front of Miyuki, Eren didn't want her old background to be uncovered by her companions.

However, it is a pity that Kaval didn't give a good face to his young lady at all and he exposed her old bottom to Miyuki, "The money has been recovered! But isn't that only half left? Isn't the other half a loss?"

"You still have the nerve to say that I lost our food expenses last time because of your carelessness?"

"I...the last time it was always because of you, right?" Eren retorted weakly.

"It was because of you last time!" Kaval didn't give up and continued to speak angrily.

Good guy!

Miyuki called it a good guy.

The two of you are poking at each other here, you really dare to talk about any embarrassing things.

Do you really not treat me as an outsider at all?



"Cough cough cough!!!"

"I said you two... it's almost enough!" The quarrel between his two companions was really embarrassing. This scene fell into the eyes of the strong man with a square face, and Gido couldn't help coughing heavily and reminding them.


With Gido's reminder, Eren and Kaval finally reacted.

As a big man, Kaval is better, after all, he is not a shameless character.

Eren is different. As a girl, she was so embarrassed in front of Miyuki whom she met for the first time, it really made her blush!

"Although it's noisy, it can be seen that your relationship is really good. Actually, I'm also quite envious of an adventure team like yours. I'm sure you won't be lonely all the way through this journey, right?" The atmosphere at the scene was somewhat awkward, and Miyuki also smiled when he saw this and smoothed things over.

"Who has a good relationship with them!... It's just two idiots, they always make me worry." Hearing Miyuki's words, Eren's cheeks were still red, and after glancing at the positions of the two companions, she raised her head a little aggressively.

But it is because of this performance that people can see her sincere words, which makes people smile.

"In any case, today I am very glad to meet your friends. If you have the opportunity to go to Dwargon in the future, please come to me and let me do my best as a landlord." Miyuki smiled and said then he got up from the ground.

He knew very well that although he ran into the trio by chance, it was impossible for him to act with them.

At this point in time, no matter whether the three of them have received the task of exploring the sealed cave or not, there is still a considerable period of time before they meet Shizu.

This time, his purpose is only to establish a good relationship with them and establish a foundation for the next reunion.

Now that, a good impression has been made, so next, it's time for everyone to part ways!

"Mr. Miyuki, are you leaving now?" Seeing Miyuki get up from the ground, Eren was a little surprised and even subconsciously took two steps forward and asked.

But as an adventurer, she has long been used to such separation.

Although Mr. Miyuki in front of her did have a lot of affection for her, she knew that she had no reason to keep him.

"That... if Mr. Miyuki's business reaches the Kingdom of Blumund, then you must come to the Free Association to find us. As long as we are here, we will definitely come to see Mr. Miyuki as soon as possible!" Eren said such words after finding that she had no reason to keep Miyuki.

She left the hope of meeting again with Miyuki in the future.

It's just, with the world's backward transportation and communication, no one knows whether this time's separation will be forever!

"Good!" Miyuki nodded simply.

"Then we've made a deal!" Eren also cheered up after hearing Miyuki's answer and said.

Eren didn't know if there would be a chance to see each other again after this separation but Miyuki knew very well that he would inevitably deal with this trio of eating and drinking in the future.

Therefore, before he was ready to leave, he also took out a large bag of toast from the space backpack and said, "Just now I saw that Eren, you seem to like this bread very much. Then treat this as a small farewell gift, I will ask Eren to taste it slowly."

After saying this, he handed the bread to Eren and then greeted Kaval and Gido, and then Miyuki disappeared in place and disappeared without a trace.

Such a scene immediately shocked Kaval and Gido and they muttered among themselves.

"It's actually... not using a magic circle, but a personal ability?"

"This Mr. Miyuki...who exactly is he?"

The ability to teleport through space is definitely one of the rarest abilities in this world.

As special A-level masters who are being sealed, Kaval and Gido naturally understand what it means for Miyuki to have this ability.

However, when the two were surprised.

They saw Eren holding the toast in her hand, seemingly in a state of obsession and muttering, "Miyuki-san... what is the meaning of sending me so much delicious bread?"

"Could it be...does he like me?"

"But...why did he leave so fast again?"

Hearing Eren's muttering to herself, Kaval and Gido couldn't help but look at each other.

That Miyuki-san likes you?

How do you know?

Didn't he just give you some bread?


When did the eldest lady of our family become a nymphomaniac?
