Chapter 118 - Saving Shizu (1)

"I really can't hide it from you." Shizu looked at Miyuki helplessly but she didn't blame him for probing her and spoke with a gentle smile.

Another reason why she left was that Miyuki could tell see through her situation and he even said that he wanted to save her.

She knew that she couldn't be saved because everything happening to her is a natural process.

Therefore, instead of harming Miyuki and letting go to a dead end for her, she would rather leave.


"Miss Shizu is transforming into Majin?"

"Suppressing the elves? What's going on?"

Although Miyuki didn't talk much, the amount of information revealed in it was huge and Shizu's nod confirmed the information.

Therefore, not only did the trio of food and drink all have disbelief, but even Rimuru, who had just recognized Shizu, a fellow townsman, was shocked and panicked.

However, when everyone was in a panic, Miyuki waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down first and said, "Don't worry, I already have a solution for Shizu. So, nothing will happen to Shizu."

After hearing Miyuki's words the panicked crowd calmed down.

"What's the solution Miyuki-san?" Rimuru immediately asked Miyuki.

Although Miyuki didn't tell the real situation of Shizu, he has already guessed a few things from his words. Therefore, Rimuru still wants to find out about Miyuki's solution.

"The solution is easy, as long as Shizu's body can be recovered and enough vitality is used to transform her body, she will no longer have any problems." Regarding the solution, Miyuki didn't hide anything at all.

He knew that if he wanted to save Shizu then he needed to give her hope of living.

Otherwise, if Shizu doesn't even have hope for living then it's useless, even if he saves her.

"That's good." Hearing that solution has already been thought of and even the process has been figured out, Eren and the trio breathed a sigh of relief.

Rimuru also sighed in relief.

"You guys, I need to take Shizu to another place, so, I will leave for a while," Miyuki said then he didn't give Shizu, Rimuru, or others a chance to react and teleported with Shizu.

"This..." Rimuru and others were stunned at Miyuki's sudden disappearance.

"What should we do?" Eren looked at her companions then at Rimuru and she asked worriedly.

"Well, we can only wait for Miyuki-san. I believe that Miyuki-san will be able to solve Miss Shizu's problem." Rimuru thought for a moment and then he chose to believe Miyuki.

"Okay." Eren and others could only nod after hearing Rimuru's words.


Sealed cave,

Miyuki teleported here with Shizu.

[ Ding! ... ]

"Huh!" After bringing Shizu to the sealed cave, Miyuki found that a system prompt sounded in his head.

However because Shizu's situation was dangerous, Miyuki ignored the system prompt and paid attention to Shizu.

Shizu was unaware of the system in Miyuki's mind. At this time, she looking at Miyuki with gentle eyes.

"Thank you, Miyuki." Shizu looked at Miyuki with a gentle smile and thanked him.

She doesn't know whether Miyuki has a way to save her.

But she is happy that he tried to figure out a way to save her and he didn't tell everyone about her real situation.

If they knew her real condition then they must be worried to death.

Shizu doesn't want the friend she just made, to worry about her.

Miyuki's action of leaving and saying that he had a solution touched Shizu's heart.

"Shizu, you don't need to say thank you." Hearing Shizu's words, Miyuki sighed and then he looked into her clear eyes.

After looking at the beautiful face of Shizu, he said, "I have already found a way to save you, do you want to use it."

His way to save Shizu is just like what he told Rimuru and others.

First, he will use the Restoration potion to help Shizu recover to her peak then he will transform her into his dependent.

After letting Shizu's strength increase, she will naturally be able to control Ifrit and she will become stronger.

As for asking for her opinion.

It's just a ceremony. He won't truly abide it.

After all, he will save Shizu no matter what her answer is.

"Thank you again for your efforts for me, Miyuki. But sorry, I may have to disappoint you, I have lived enough, I am already tired..." Shizu gently rubbed Miyuki's cheeks and spoke gently.

She has really no desire to continue. It's just Miyuki's efforts really moved her.

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Miyuki.

Shaking Shizu's shoulders, Miyuki said in a serious and angry tone, "Shizu, I have already planned how to save you, so, you can't just give up like this. You still have a lot of attachments in this world, you should still think about the future."

"Maybe, you can give up, but what about Chloe, what about Kenya, what about Ryota, what about Alice, and what about Gale?"

"What will happen to those children, if you leave?"

"Besides, I will tell you this. I have already decided to save you regardless of your opinion, you can't refuse at all." Finally, Miyuki vented his dissatisfaction at Shizu and said a lot in one breath.

In fact, Miyuki has been angry with Shizu since the beginning.

Giving up your life because you're tired of living.

He can't understand.

Even if he knows about Shizu's past, he can't understand at all.

Can't you just think about the future and live for the better?

Wouldn't it be good to make up for the regrets in the future?

Why do you directly think about dying?

After speaking a lot of words and releasing all his dissatisfaction, Miyuki calmed down, then he realized that he said a bit too much.

If Shizu could then maybe she wouldn't hope to die.

It's just before Miyuki could say anything, Shizu spoke gently, "Indeed, I can't give up Chloe and others but since you're here. I believe that you will take good care of them. This is why I am relieved to leave."

"Now, I have no reason to..."

If there is no Miyuki then maybe Shizu's desire to live will be strong because of Chloe and the other students.

But with Miyuki, it's different.

Shizu has already told Miyuki about Chloe and the others. She believes that Miyuki is a good person and he will take care of them, so, she is relieved.

Now, she has no reason to live.

"Shizu, you're hopeless." Looking at Shizu, Miyuki interrupted her again and said in a complicated tone.

Then as if he had determined his ideas, Miyuki said, "Shizu, I said before, I am not asking your opinion and I will save you even if you refuse.*

"As for not having a reason to live, aren't I and those children enough for you."

"You can treat me as your spiritual pillar."

"After saving you, I will make you mine and become your reason for living." Saying so, Miyuki tightly hugged Shizu's slender waist then he sealed her moist lips.

Miyuki has understood that he can't reason with Shizu and Shizu will not change her mind easily.

He doesn't have a good way to change Shizu nor does he have enough time to think of a way to change her because Shizu doesn't have much time. So, he chose a drastic and dangerous way.

If it succeeds then he will become Shizu's eternal support and spiritual pillar.

But if it fails then even if he saves Shizu, she will hate him. Even so, she will get another reason to live.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if he becomes her beloved or her most hated person, he will save Shizu.

This is his selfishness. He wants to save her in order to make up for the regrets of his previous life.

He never wants the original tragedy to appear.

"Um..." Shizu was stunned by Miyuki's action.

Her kiss, which has been preserved for an unknown number of years, was stolen.

And it is still stolen by her friend who met her not long ago and wanted to save her.

At this time, Shizu's heart is in extreme turmoil.

Having lived for an unknown number of years, she can feel Miyuki's determination and she can guess his intentions.

He intends to make himself her lover or her hater.

No matter which identity, she will get a reason to live.

Thinking of her friend doing such a thing just to make her live, Shizu feels complicated.

Happy, sad, apologetic, like-love, etc.

A lot of emotions began to impact her heart like crazy.

She is happy that Miyuki can do such a thing for her.

She likes Miyuki's care for her.

In her long life, no one treated her as gently as Miyuki. Only she treated others gently.

She is sad that Miyuki has to do such a thing for her.

She began to understand what love is because of Miyuki's actions.

Under Miyuki's action, the heart that had become silent after an unknown number of years began to beat.

At this moment, the young girl's heart was flooded with a lot of intense emotions and the light of life slowly began to become brighter and brighter.

Since Miyuki can do such a thing for her, she will not disappoint him.

She will live, even if it's just for him. Even if it's for just one person, she will continue to live.

Immediately, Shizu hugged Miyuki back and responded to his kiss.

"Um..." Now, it was Miyuki's turn to surprise.

He thought that even if he wasn't hated by Shizu, he wouldn't be liked by her after what he did.

Becoming indifferent was the best result he could imagine.

So, he never expected Shizu to take the initiative to respond to him and hug him.

Immediately, Miyuki opened his eyes and saw Shizu's clear eyes that had gained hope of life again.

Then, Miyuki's heart bloomed with happiness, and he hugged Shizu tightly and began to suck her lips.

Holding Miyuki's neck, Shizu responded to Miyuki's attacks weakly.

Even though she has lived for a long time, Shizu is a complete novice in this area. So, she can only passively respond to Miyuki.

After kissing for a while, Miyuki stopped sucking the sweet lips of Shizu and said, "Shizu, you now have a reason to live. So, give me a good life. You can never say anything about dying.

"Yes..." Shizu's head was dizzy and she spoke with a red face like an apple.

Because she was born in ancient Japan, she is extremely conservative, so, she was quite shy about Miyuki's behavior.

"But, Miyuki, can you give me some time? I am not ready yet." After coming back to her senses, Shizu still continued to hug Miyuki and asked.

The emotions in her heart were constantly fluctuating and she doesn't know whether she really fell for Miyuki or was it an impulse.

So, Shizu needs time to adapt to such fast change.

"Okay." Miyuki immediately nodded after hearing Shizu's words.

He doesn't lack time, so, he can give her enough time. Besides, saving Shizu was the main purpose and now it has been filled.

"Thank you." Shizu has a lot to say but in the end, she just said two words, thank you. She is grateful that Miyuki is willing to give her time.

Whether it is Miyuki's action of wanting to save herself or it is the determination when he kissed her, she is grateful because if it wasn't for him, maybe she would have accepted her fate.

This time, Miyuki accepted Shizu's gratitude and didn't refuse.

"Shizu, your situation isn't optimistic. So, let's start treating you quickly." Now, Shizu has the hope to live, therefore, Miyuki thinks it's the best time to help Shizu recover and suppress Ifrit inside her.

Shizu didn't immediately let Miyuki treat her and asked curiously, "By the way Miyuki, I have been curious as to what your treatment method for me is."

She knows her situation best. She is slowly being possessed by Ifrit and being transformed.

Even the Demon King Leon Cronwell can't save her. So, in her thinking, unless Creation Star Dragon King comes, it's almost impossible to save her.

Therefore, she is really curious about what type of method will Miyuki use to save her.

As for the method told to Rimuru and others.

If it was that easy to save her then even Demon King wouldn't be helpless.

"Um,... the way of treatment is just like what I told Rimuru and others. I will first help you recover to your peak and then I will transform your body and make you stronger while letting you gain eternal life." Miyuki hesitated for a moment, then he chose to tell the truth.

"After becoming immoral species, you will no longer have any worry about lifespan and with stronger strength, you will be able to easily control Ifrit."

"Therefore, the possibility of this method is extremely high."
