Chapter 123 - Preparing for the future

After hearing Miyuki's order, Benimaru took the order with excitement and went to prepare.

After he joined the federation, there was no fight and it was hard to show his ability.

This time, he must seize this opportunity and show his fighting ability.

It's just, compared to Benimaru's excitement, Rimuru who was on the side was taken aback, "Eh!!!"

"Wait! Miyuki-san. Annex the Lizard Clan? Why are we doing this? Shouldn't we support them in fighting the Orc race?" Looking at Miyuki, Rimuru asked after being stunned for a while.

It's no wonder that Rimuru will have such thoughts, after all, Rimuru is a pure and kind-hearted Rimuru, who was hesitant even Benimaru's proposal before, but now that Miyuki is about to annex the Lizard Clan with a big wave of his hand, naturally, it is even more impossible for him not be confused.

However, in the face of Rimuru's surprise and confusion, Miyuki behaved calmly and said, "Rimuru, you know that after losing Veldora's aura, the power of the entire Great Jura Forest has undergone earth-shaking changes."

"If there is such a big mess, then, as that guy's friends, both I and you are obliged to return this forest to peace and stability!"

"You shouldn't object to this, right?"

Hearing Miyuki's words, Rimuru fell silent.

Of course, he was very clear about the meaning of Miyuki's words.

After all, he was the one who caused the disappearance of Veldora's aura, and the chaos in Jura Great Forest was naturally inextricably related to him.

Miyuki is also his and Veldora's friend. So, for the problems caused by his own friend are something that he should also solve.

So, Rimuru understands what he means by that guy's friends.

Therefore, when Miyuki said that the two had the responsibility and obligation to return the Jura Forest to peace, Rimuru agreed very much.

It's just that at this moment, Rimuru still hesitated and asked, "Although I understand what you mean... but, Miyuki-san what does this have to do with the annexation of the Lizard Clan...?"

"The reason is simple." Seeing that Rimuru was still naive, Miyuki expressed his thoughts, "Since we have formed the power of the Federation, the voice of our power should only exist in the Great Jura Forest!"

"Don't forget, the reason for this turmoil is not only the internal factors of Great Jura Forest but also the Majins, who are secretly playing tricks."

"If we can't unify the many forces in the forest as soon as possible, then in the future, it is very likely to become a hidden danger for us. So the Lizard Clan is actually just the beginning."

"After solving the threat of the Orc tribe, we must bring more monster forces under our command as soon as possible!"

The so-called do not seek his own government when he is not in the position.

Before becoming the leader, Miyuki could let Rimuru develop the Federation at will.

But since he is in charge now, he must change his previous laxity and develop this emerging country as quickly as possible!

Then after Miyuki finished his reasons, Rimuru's expression was a little dazed.

He didn't expect that Miyuki's plan would be so big that he even wanted to bring the entire Jura Forest under his command.

Hesitating for a while, Rimuru spoke again, "That... Miyuki-san... you do this, you don't want to start a war, do you?"

"Beforehand, I'm a pacifist. If I take the initiative to invade another country's territory... I still hope you can think about it more carefully!"

The plot of the reincarnated person coming to a different world to expand the territory, Rimuru before the reincarnation did not miss it.

Therefore, he subconsciously thought that after Miyuki became the leader of the Federation, maybe the protagonist's ambitions were born.

Hearing Rimuru's words, Miyuki was stunned for a moment, then he laughed out loud and said, "Start a war? Invasion of other countries?"

"Oh... Rimuru, you think too much. You're a pacifist, am I not? Don't worry, I never had any idea of ​​conquering the world, it doesn't exist at all!"

Miyuki wasn't bothered by being misunderstood by Limuru.

In fact, if he really had this kind of ambition, he might have already put it into action a long time ago, so why wait until now?

After all, with his current strength, it is easy to form a country.

"Scared me, I thought Miyuki was really planning to conquer the world." After confirming that it was a misunderstanding, Rimuru finally let go of what was still hanging in his heart.

It's just, he was relieved for a while, but, Miyuki's next words stunned him on the spot again!

Miyuki looked at Rimuru and said, "Although I have no intention of conquering the world, Rimuru, we can't let our guard down because of this."

"You should know that the establishment of the Jura Ariyama Tempest Federation as a monster country will inevitably arouse the hostility and fear of human forces, and even... the existence of you and me may have attracted the attention of many interested people long ago. !"

"So, this time, I want to unify the entire Great Jura Forest as soon as possible, and more importantly, I want to master the means of self-protection!"

"Not only must we beware of the malice of human forces, but we must also be prepared to face those demon kings!"

"Huh?" Rimuru was stupid after hearing these words.


How could it be so good that it somehow provoked human forces?

And... What's going on with facing the demon king head-on?

I'm just a little slime, why did the scene become so big all of a sudden?

Rimuru really couldn't imagine how he, who just subdued a small goblin village not long ago, would be noticed by the Demon King.

Especially after seeing Miyuki's determined expression, he couldn't help blurting out, Miyuki-san, do you know something?"

According to Rimuru's understanding of Miyuki, his words are definitely not aimless.

But when he looked at Miyuki again, the other party shook his head slightly and said, "It's not that I know anything, but that our arrival is destined not to calm the world down!"

"Okay, Rimuru, you don't have to worry too much, even if the sky falls, I will still be there. You don't have to think about anything now, just be yourself."

"After this fight, you should evolve into demon king seed and I should also be promoted."

"At that time, even if some malicious guys come to the door, with the strength of the two of us, we will definitely not make him feel better!"

Although Rimuru already knew many of Miyuki's secrets, Miyuki didn't intend to tell him the fact that this world originally came from a two-dimensional work.

What he is thinking now, besides solving the current Ogre incident, is to collect 20,000 souls and be promoted to awakened demon king with Rimuru after becoming demon king seed.

After all, now, he no longer just has to worry about Yuki and Yuri in the god-killer world, and Ais and others in the dungeon world. Now, he also needs to worry about the future of the Reincarnated world. After all, he has many confidants and friends in this world.

When it comes to the future of this world, he knows very well.

In the work of reincarnated slime, there are different timelines.

And when Rimuru's strength can break through to the stage of the demon king is the key factor that determines the direction of the timeline!

So, Miyuki definitely doesn't want to procrastinate, he and Rimuru must improve their strength as soon as possible.

It's just that in this slime world, it's difficult to collect 20,000 souls in a short period of time, so he has to go to another world.

Maybe Resident Evil or Highschool of Dead will be suitable worlds to collect dead souls.

When the time of harvest festival comes, not to mention Rimuru and him, maybe the dead souls will be enough for dozens of demon kings.

All in all!

Under Miyuki's persuasion, Rimuru didn't think about it anymore.

After all, in his view, since Miyuki is his good friend, he will not harm him. If there are some things that he can't figure out, I believe that Miyuki is always right!

The opinions of both parties reached a consensus.

Next, Miyuki also brought the Ogres headed by Benimaru and went straight to the territory of the Lizard Clan.


Due to racial reasons, the living environment of the lizard tribe is in the wetland, and they use caves as their nests.

"Everyone is..." In the brightly lit cave illuminated by the torch, the leader of the lizardmen who was sitting in his seat saw the menacing Miyuki and his party, and stood up almost subconsciously!

Although the origin of this group of people is not very clear, since the other party can break through the heavy guards and come in front of me without anyone noticing, it shows that the strength of these people must be extraordinary!

In particular, the sense of oppression that hit the face made the heart of the leader of the lizard clan jump suddenly!

This group of people... are definitely not characters to mess with!

"Your Excellency is the leader of the Lizard Clan, right?"

"Let me introduce myself, I am the leader of the Jura Federation whom the leader sent someone to lobby for - Miyuki!" Looking at the obviously nervous leader of the lizard tribe in front of him, Miyuki slightly raised the corners of his mouth and introduced himself calmly.

To be honest, the appearance of these lizards is really not in his aesthetics. In comparison, those goblins who have evolved through the name of Rimuru will all come with more delicate features.

However, considering that the lizard tribe can also transform into a human form after evolution, and even the daughter of the leader of the lizard tribe in front of him is a beautiful girl, Miyuki felt that it is better to remain polite for the time being.

Unfortunately, however, although Miyuki didn't show any haughty expression, as soon as his words fell, a blue lizard man jumped out beside him, interrupting his conversation with the leader of the lizard tribe very flamboyantly——

"You are lying! The leader of the Demon Kingdom Federation is clearly a blue slime!"

"Who are you guys? What kind of conspiracy is the Lizard Clan behind us? My generation, Gabiru, will definitely not let your plot succeed!"


Is this the funny Gabiru?

Sure enough, he danced very well!

Just as the other party was jumping and shouting loudly, Miyuki also observed the other party leisurely.

But then, he did not answer the other party's question but turned his head to look at Benimaru and Shion beside him and asked, "He's the one who came to the Federation at noon, right? It stands to reason that you should have met him face to face, right? Why doesn't he know you?"

Yes, Miyuki knew that Gabiru had visited the Jura Ariyama Tempest Federation in the name of a visit. As one of the important members of this country, Benimaru and the others must have appeared at that time.

It's just, based on other paty's current performance, it seems that he doesn't recognize everyone at all.

This is very wrong!

"Yes, Lord Miyuki, we have all met that Gabiru before, but we have not formally introduced ourselves. So I don't really understand why it deliberately pretends not to know us." Regarding Miyuki's question, Benimaru also gave his answer in a very puzzled manner.

Gabiru's funny performance once left a very deep impression on him.

But now the other party is pretending not to know, it's as if he really doesn't know them.
