Chapter 129 - Back to the Dungeon World

Dungeon World,

On an unknown floor inside the dungeon,

A white light flashed and the figure of a black-haired boy appeared.

"Finally back." The black-haired boy that is our protagonist Miyuki looked at the dungeon walls around him and muttered.

In the Reincarnated world, after he was promoted to Demon King Seed, quite a few things happened.

First of all, after becoming a demon king seed, his level was promoted to SS- and his combat strength directly reached SS+.

Haruna and others were also promoted to S- level, while Shizu reached SS- unexpectedly.

Rimuru, that guy swallowed the Orc demon king and he also directly skipped S and S+ and reached SS-.

Now, the Jura Ariyama Tempest contains three SS-level demon kings, one of whom already has the strength to fight the awakened demon king.

And the number of S-level monsters has reached double digits.

As for A+, there are at least hundreds while A- and A levels are also countless.

After becoming a demon king and letting his subordinates experience a wave of upgrades, Miyuki directly launched the plan to annex the whole Great Jura Forest.

The Orc tribe lost the leader and it was brought under command.

Then, Miyuki left the naming of the Lizard clan and Orc clan to Rimuru.

After that, he let Benimaru and others annex all the monsters in the Great Jura Forest.

After all the monsters were brought under command, he built the monster city of the original work with the help of the dwarfs.

And he left the naming to Rimuru.

For about half a month, Rimuru was tired of naming everyone.

During that time, Miyuki was also busy.

Dealing with housing, food, clothing, weapons, etc. A lot of things had to be handled. So, Miyuki had to be busy.

He also had to arrange the affairs of the dead Orc demon king. After all, if he didn't arrange it then the human army might enter the Great Jura Forest.

In order to completely eliminate the incident of the Orc demon king, he found the trio who became the fake champion in the original work and let them spread that they are the real heroes who defeated the demon king.

After all, in Miyuki's mind, this trip was trustworthy and they could take the name of the champion.

While solving the problems for the monsters and the matter of the Orc demon king, Miyuki once again opened the trade channel between the Dwargon Kingdom and the Beast Kingdom.

He let the Orcs build a road connecting the Dwargon, Eurazania, and the monster city.

By opening roads, trade became easier and the situation of the monster city became extremely prosperous.

Now, all kinds of monsters are living in the monster city(Jura Ariyama Tempest Federation), and their life is way better than before.

Other than this, he also strengthened the guard of the city against any possible attacks from Clayman.

After all, he didn't know whether Clayman would attack because of his existence.

While dealing with everything related to business and the development of the city, Miyuki also has to take care of his women.

Although he became the lord of a monster country, Miyuki didn't forget that his women were because of power.

Every day, he would spend some time with Shion, Shuna, and Haruna.

At night, he would also visit Anrietta and Albis.

While dealing with the girls who had already confirmed a relationship with him, he also didn't forget Shizu.

He already had a certain foundation with Shizu and during this time, he took advantage to pursue her.

Later, Miyuki also talked about bringing Chloe and others and healing them.

As he and Shizu became familiar, their hearts came closer.

Now, their relationship is extremely close and there is only a think window paper between them.

So, it's only. a matter of time before two people come together.

As for Souka and Treyni who later became his subordinates.

Souka became his loyal guard and she spent most time beside him other than Haruna.

Whenever Souka would be alone, he would tease her and try to enhance the relationship.

Souka would also respond to him due to some unknown reasons and she was also extremely close to him.

Although the two people haven't become lovers, he is still able to hold her hands.

Besides, an unexpected thing happened during this period of time.

Treyni, whom Miyuki never thought of attacking, took the initiative to contact him.

Although Miyuki didn't know why Treyni was attracted to him and why she was close to him, he still used the chance to increase his favor with Treyni.

Now, he and Treyni can be said to be extremely close just like Souka and Shizu and the only remaining thing to do is to date.

After spending another week in the reincarnated slime world, the system informed him that it was time to return.

Although he would leave the Reincarnated slime world, the passage of time will be extremely slow and it will not take a long time for him to return.

So, after knowing that he had to return, Miyuki immediately came back without saying goodbye.

Also because the time to leave had come, Miyuki couldn't bring back Chloe and others from the Free guild.


"I have to say, the dungeon feels pretty weak." Miyuki stretched his hand towards the dungeon and clicked it while muttering.

For the current him, dungeon walls and monsters in this world are extremely weak.

In fact, the greatest gain during this travel is the great increase in strength and the ability to gain terrifying skills.

Calculated according to this world, his strength has reached the main god level without relying on any artifact.

Opening the Psychic eyes, Miyuki looked at the stats and attributes that had changed a lot.

{ Name: Miyuki

Title: Demon King

Status: Demon King ( Unawakened )

Race/Species: King of Moon, Dragon man

Level: SS-

Combat: SS+


1) Psychic Eyes: These eyes have the about to see through all types of falsehood, illusion, hypnosis, charm, etc.

They can block spiritual attacks and see through the level of the opponent.

They can also be used in battle to find the flaw of the enemy.

2) Lord of Creation: This skill consists of four skills fantasy materialization (magic type), fantasy materialization (normal type), treasure creator, and Creation.

It allows the user to create anything and it is no longer limited to weapons and non-living objects.

Now, spiritual bodies can be created.

Concepts can be given to weapons or objects.

Attacks and skills can also materialize into reality according to the imagination.

Even it allows the user to create brand new skills based on the information obtained from analysis and the user's desires.

3) Conceptual immortality: This is a skill that evolved from the Immortality of Horai.

This skill bestows Conceptual immortality on the user and any attacks of the material plane can't kill the user of this skill.

It allows the user to transform into a perfect existence, both in terms of body and soul.

Even if the user is crushed to pieces and the soul is destroyed, the user can be revived to the peak state with the passage of time.

4) Demon King Coercion: This skill allows the user to suppress his opponent.

And it can be used to make people lower than themselves submit.

5) Absolute Nullification: This skill is a fusion skill that incorporates, Magic resistance, physical resistance, spiritual resistance, Anti-Magic, against magic, abnormal resistance, charm resistance, etc. resistance-type skills.

This skill nullifies all the magic, physical, and spiritual attacks below the same level and it nullifies 90% of attacks of the same level, 70% for one level higher, 50% for another level higher, and so on.

6) Solomon: All types of magic have been combined into a skill.

This skill allows the user to control all the elements in the world and use whatever magic he wants.

Attack, defense, transmission, enchantment, all types of magic can be used.

Using this skill, his consumption will be reduced by 50% and the attack power will be increased by 200%.

It also allows the user to perfectly control his magic.

7) King of Earth: All kinds of martial arts and close combat skills have also been combined to form this skill.

It allows the user to display all types of martial arts to the limit of humanity and it also him to use any type of weapon and display a power far beyond the original.

(Note: Limit of humanity here refers to Hinata Sakaguchi)

8) Supernatural monster power: This skill passively increases strength by three times.

In an active state, it increases the user's strength by ten times.

9) Spatial Domination: This skill is the enhanced version of teleportation that allows the user to, among other things, Teleport instantly with little to no delay, to a place the user has coordinates of as well as lock the local space around the user to prevent space from being manipulated.

It can also teleport other people who have been marked by the user to the place where the user is.

10) Miracle: As the name suggests, it allows the user to perform a Miracle that is impossible to appear.

11) Regeneration: It accelerates the recovery rate of the user and allows him to heal from any type of injury quickly.

12) Super lucky: It enhances the user's luck value to the limit and the user will always get lucky whenever he activates this skill.

13) Self Update: This ability allows the user to self-update God's Gift.

14) Son of the World: This skill makes the user be favored by the world.

It can increase luck, increase world favorability towards the user and the user will always be taken as order friendly force.

15) Gift of Veldora: This skill allows the user to borrow power from Storm Dragon Veldora.

16) Controller of Storm: This skill is upgraded from one of the skills gained from Storm Dragon Veldora.

It allows the user to control storms and thunder.

17) Haze Style Swordsmanship: This is a skill learned from the famous Ogre Hakurou and it has an extremely lethal effect on the evil and demon attributes.

It is divided into three parts-

-Cherry Blossoms - Eight Petals Flash

-Flowing Water Slash

-Rumbling of heaven and earth

18) Thought acceleration - It accelerates the thinking ability of the user to a terrifying degree.

19) Fighting qi: It condenses the magic power and transforms it into fighting qi which can be used to strengthen physical strength.

20) Magic power release: It can use magic power to increase physical strength.

21) Inherent enchantment: It's magic that is closest to magic performed by a true magician.

It can make the mental image in one's heart erode reality and pull opponents into different spaces to fight.

22) Golden Rate-Ex: This ability increases the luck value related to money and treasures. With it, one will never lack money, treasures, and artifacts.

23) Will of Moon: With the blood in your body, you have the authority to control the power of the moon.

Using the power of the moon, you can temporarily enhance your strength in a short time and you can use the moon as your power bank.

24) Degenerate: You can fuse all kinds of skills and form a new skill.

You can also return the fused skills back to their original form.


Besides these skills, Miyuki still has quite a lot of skills.

This trip to the reincarnated slime world has benefited him a lot.

His bloodline which originally belonged to Arcueid has evolved and it has reached the level of Crimsion moon.

Now, although he isn't the will of the moon, he also has the authority to control the moon just like Crimaon.

Besides, he also got Crimson Moon's terrifying physical strength and magical power.

Although the level is only SS-, his magic and strength are already comparable to SS+. And as he continues to grow the blessing will only become more and more terrifying. After all, Crimson Moon is at least star-level existence. 

Besides evolving the bloodline of Crimson Moon, his Dragon Physique also transformed into the bloodline of Dragon Man.

In fact, the reason why Souka was attracted to him was mostly because of the Dragon Man bloodline.

As a Dragon girl, Souka has an innate desire to evolve and reproduce.

He belongs to the same race as her and his bloodline is higher than hers, naturally, Souka carves for him.

This is the main reason why he was able to increase the favourability of Souka in a short period of time.

Well, let's put Souka aside.

Besides the gain of bloodline, the biggest gain is that the restriction of god's gift and been lifted, and now he can self-upgrade.

You know, God's Gift can only be promoted to Lv10 at most and then evolve into a god.

But after lifting the restriction, it can be upgraded to unknown levels.

Now, Miyuki no longer has to worry about the steady development of strength in a short time.

As for self-update ability, that's even more crucial.

He will travel through the world and he can't always return to the dungeon World and find Hestia in case of emergency.

So, the self-update came in a timely manner.

Besides, these two things, the fusion ability called [ Lord of Creation ] is also extremely strong.

Previously, he could only produce imitations.

Now, he can produce genuine ones.

Now, he is able to create the Red Dragon Emperor's cage hand that can enter the balance breaker.

The Excalibur of Artoria, the dumb king can be mass-produced.

And even those treasures with extreme god-killing attributes can be created.

Besides this, his previous fusion skills remain the same but his ability is still strong.

He also got conceptual immortality that has theoretically made him completely immortal.

Now, except for those powerhouses who can directly erase existence, no one should be able to kill him.

And now, he can definitely survive in the time-space storm that the gods can't survive.

After all, he also has Regeneration besides immortality.

So, it's difficult for him to die even if he wants to die.

Besides, he has so many skills to increase his luck, that he doesn't believe that he can't survive a mere time-space storm.

As for the unknown monster in the future.

He is no longer worried.

After all, his own strength has reached SS+ that continental level existence.

What's more, he still has Veldora to borrow power from.

According to the system, he can still borrow the power of Veldora even though he is in a different world.

All in all,

Now, Miyuki has swelled up.

He feels he is so strong that it can explode.

Well, with the current level of strength, it is normal to swell.
