Chapter 133 - Wiene

The sudden appearance of the hollow on the eighteenth floor surprised Ray and Ranye.

It took at least hundreds of years for adventurers to conquer the eighteenth floor.

But until now, few people know that there are other caves in the safe floor.

"This is a man-made labyrinth built by the Daedalus family for generations. The deepest place has only been excavated here. The man in the sunglasses I solved before is a descendant of this generation of Daedalus." Along with the automatic opening of the metal gate, Miyuki also introduced the history of the man-made labyrinth to them.

Under Miyuki's explanation, Ray and Ranye understood the information of the man-made dungeon.

Soon through the last metal door.

"It's the smell of a fellow countryman!" Ray and Ranye reacted immediately after the door was opened.

It's just, because Miyuki is also with them, they didn't set off and looked at the boy who saved them and affirmed their existence.

"Let's go." Miyuki smiled at Ray and Ranye's action and walked into the man-made dungeon.

Ray and Ranye are willing to wait for him. This already shows that he has gained a lot of their favorability and now, two monster girls treat him as their own.

While walking down in the man-made dungeon Miyuki sniffed around trying to find how Ray and Ranye found other Xenoses.

Unfortunately, he found nothing.

In the end, Miyuki could only conclude that it was an instinct of Xenos and he couldn't copy it.

Walking down, they quickly reached the end.

Stepping on the last stone steps, Miyuki's vision suddenly opened up and he saw the front scene.

The space is rectangular, about 100 meters wide, and the dome is extremely high. The entire area is almost the same size as the area where Goliath is located on the seventeenth floor.

There is a magic stone lamp in the room emitting a bright halo.

On both sides of the wall, there are countless pitch-black cages.

The metal cage was filled with monsters in human form.

Half-human dragons, half-human snakes, mermaids, etc., are all half-human creatures with beautiful appearances and body shapes.

In addition, there are rare species such as gem beasts and unicorns.

There are many types of monsters, but the only thing they have in common is.

Xenos, who have been devastated.

Perhaps this was done on purpose to prevent their escape.

Seeing them, Ray and Ranye's eyes instantly turned red.

So many compatriots were captured by hunters, and the blood smeared on the ground stimulated people's sense of smell.

It is conceivable that before this, how many people of the same race were treated cruelly?

Ray and Ranye could no longer care about Miyuki and they immediately rushed over, destroyed the cage with the weapons in their hands, and rescued their compatriots.

"Who?!" Seemingly hearing a noise, several adventurers who were resting here ran out holding weapons.

When they saw the Xenos destroying the cage, their faces were shocked.

They never imagined that the entrance hidden on the safe floor would be discovered by Xenos.

The sudden situation caused the hunters to panic.

But after a few seconds, he reacted and rushed toward the two monsters with a roar.

After all, there are only two...

Then, they found a figure who appeared in front of them at some unknown time.

A smiling young man with black hair and black hair.

"I was worried that some fish might slip through the net but now it seems I don't have to worry anymore," Miyuki spoke words they didn't understand.

Judging from what they have done, the Ikelos family is an out-and-out dark faction. Therefore, when he did it before, he was straightforward.

However, in order to solve the problem of Xenos once and for all, we still need to eradicate it.

Where there is demand, there is a market.

Excessive aristocrats in the outside world, in order to seek excitement, let merchants and Dix and others start a business of selling Xenos.

Just like the black slaves in the history, the Xenos who were caught would be violently beaten in advance, and after being punished with torture tools, their desire for freedom would be ruined and they would become obedient slaves.

The way of education is exactly the same as white people used to treat black people in the past.

Even if the Xenos have a terrifying body shape, their minds are no different from ordinary people. They will roar, cry, mourn because of pain, and finally despair and obey.

"You guys will tell me honestly later, the information about the hunters who are still cooperating with you." Miyuki walked up to the man and lifted him up.

The man and his companions in front of him were about to get angry but when they recognized Miyuki's face, the fierceness of the fire suddenly cooled down by half, and he sat on the ground decadently.

They are only lv2, how could they resist such a ruthless person?

"Are there any more?" Miyuki threw away the man and walked toward the depths of the room.

Miyuki's back was defenseless.

Just as the desperado was about to risk his life, a wave of aura swept him away and he fainted.

Miyuki didn't immediately kill him because he still needed information.   

Instead, he walked to the depths of the room.

Just now, he heard a faint cry for help.

At the end of the room, in a recessed place, a ragged girl opened her eyes.

Her limbs were bound in chains and her body bore scars from knife cuts.

Long blue hair, amber eyes with tears flowing, blue skin with some scales, and a red gemstone inlaid in the center of his forehead.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Miyuki sighed and he stepped forward, walked up to the girl, and stretched out his hands to break the chain.

Losing the hanging arms immediately caused the girl to fall to the ground.

"Woo woo woo..." Seeing the man in front of her, Vouivre girl hugged her body tightly with her arms, trembling and crying.

When she saw Miyuki squatting down, she even forgot her instinct as a monster, and curled his long hands with nails into a ball, fearing the boy and desperately backing away.

But the back is the wall, no matter how much you step back, it won't help.

Looking at the trembling girl in front of Miyuki sighed, "It's just why would you be here."

In the original work, she should be sent to the lair of Xenos by Bell.

So, Miyuki doesn't understand why she is here.

"Don't care, help first." Muttering to himself, Miyuki took out a panacea from the system space, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured it on the girl's body.

"Ahhhhh..." Seeing the burning sensation caused by the unknown liquid pouring on her body, the Vouivre girl sitting by the wall trembled in fright and screamed desperately.

"What happened!"

There was a sound behind him.

Rescuing her companion, Ranye, who already believed in Miyuki, rushed over quickly.

For Miyuki, Ranye has already developed trust and has quite a lot of goodwill.

So, when she saw Miyuki taking out a potion and pouring it on the Vouivre girl, she stopped and no longer advanced.

Looking at the Vouivre girl, she could see that her injuries were recovering quickly and she no longer screamed.

It's just, does anyone pour healing potion like this?

Although Miyuki's actions did make people complain a bit, what he did was indeed rescue people.

The Vouivre girl who was watered by the panacea recovered and recovered.

A bottle of panacea worth nearly a million Valis, if other adventurers see it being used like this, they will definitely feel distressed.

Unfortunately, our Miyuki is a man who lacks anything except money and treasures. So, it's easy for him to spend panacea-like that.

After Ranye settled the Vouivre girl temporarily, she used simple herbs to bandage the wounds of the rest of her companions.

"No different from those Rigurd, Ranga, Benimaru, and others." Miyuki looked at the Xenos who helped each other, cried, and hugged each other in joy, then he muttered.

Xenoses have human emotions just like monsters in the slime world.

They can feel pain, happiness, sorrow, joy, etc. emotions.


"Miyuki." Just when Miyuki was immersed in thinking, a call came from the ear.

The spider girl Ranye, who comforted her companion, came to Miyuki full of joy for rescuing her companion and gratitude to him.

Compared with the initial mistrust, Ranye is obviously a different person

Being vigilant and even hating adventurers, she never thought that apart from the hateful hunters, there are humans who really recognize them, affirming them, and they are willing to help them.

"Ranye, do you believe me now?" Miyuki asked in a playful tone.

Although two people already developed trust while coming here, he just wants to tease this spider beauty.

"Feel sorry," Ranye remembered the previous behavior she blushed due to embarrassment and then apologized.

If it weren't for Miyuki, she wouldn't experience the joy of being recognized and, there would be no way to save so many companions.

"In that case, at least don't wear a helmet when you apologize." Miyuki still looked with a playful smile and said.

He doesn't know whether it is the Reincarnated Slime world that changed him, but now, he enjoys teasing monster girls and he feels happy whenever they blush because of him.

Hearing Miyuki's words, Ranye immediately took off the rusty armor.

Immediately, the pale hair fluttered in the air as the girl shook her head.

A beautiful face, the appearance that even a goddess would envy appeared in Miyuki's eyes.

"Very beautiful'". Miyuki immediately praised her.

Hearing this, Ranye blushed slightly and said, "Because there are some eccentricities among human beings, I had to use a helmet to cover myself."

Although she is a monster born with intelligence, Ranye also knows that her appearance will cause some men to go crazy.

"And... thank you very much for this time." After that, she bowed her head and spoke in an extremely soft tone.

"Okay, the matter is over, and it's time for you to go back to your original place." Miyuki looked at Ray and Ranye, then he said, "After you go back, remember what I said. Don't communicate with any adventurers for the time being. If possible, try to minimize the time you go out. I can save you for a while, but I can't save you for a lifetime."

"We will keep it in mind." X2 Ray and Ranye looked at Miyuki gratefully and nodded slightly.

"Mi... Miyuki..." While Ray, Ranye, and Miyuki were talking a young voice babbling next to him sounded..

Hearing the child-like voice, Miyuki lowered his head and saw the Vouivre girl who was rescued by him standing beside Ray.

In the original work, the Vouivre girl can be said to have taken on a lot of roles. Although she has the appearance of a Vouivre girl, her mind is no different from that of an ordinary cute child.

Miyuki squatted down and stretched out his right hand to stroke the girl's hair and said, "What can you do with me?"

"Thank...thank you." The girl said and she looked at Miyuki, there was no fear in her eyes like before.

"Are you going to talk so soon?" Miyuki rubbed her head and thought while speaking.

Then he said, "Just give you a name."

"Name?" Vouivre girl showed a hopeful expression after hearing Miyuki's words.

"It seems that this little guy likes you very much, Miyuki." Ray flew next to Miyuki and said softly.

"I'll call you Wiene," Miyuki remembered the name from the original work and he directly took at Wiene's name.

After all, there is no need to change the name that he remembers deeply.

"W... Wiene, Wiene! Hehe! Wiene!" After muttering to herself for a while, the happy little Vouivre girl rushed over and hugged Miyuki's neck like a cat in her arms, constantly rubbing against him.

The touch is great, but the scales are a bit pulling.

Holding Wiene, Miyuki let her rub. After all, with his defense, there is no way for Wiene's scale and claws to break through.

Besides, Wiene also needs someone to rely on.

After a while, Miyuki put the girl on the ground and said, "Okay, Wiene-chan, you should go."

"I...I don't want to leave Miyuki's place..." Wiene pulled Miyuki's sleeve and said with a very reluctant tone.

"Wiene, you have to be obedient, our existence cannot be with Miyuki." This time instead of Ray, it was Ranye who spoke and advised, and at the same time, she gently took Wiene's little hand away.

When Ranye held Wiene's hands, Wiene's expression became lost, visible to the naked eye.
