Chapter 149 - Killing Antares and two new tasks

The facts are just like Miyuki thought.

A moment later,

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." Antares, let out a scream, as if it had returned to life.

You must know that the monster is not painless, at this moment, its neck was slashed and most of its body was burned.

The place where the neck was slashed was wriggling with meat, and it was also dripping purple-black corrosive blood from its body.


A strange buzzing sound sounded, and the carapace on Antares' chest bloomed like a petal, revealing a blue crystal condensed by divine power.

And in the crystal, a naked blue-haired goddess was sleeping.

It was Artemis, the goddess of the moon who was devoured by Antares!

I saw that after revealing the position of the goddess, Antares's damaged body quickly recovered in the white light.

In the next second, as if he had never experienced a battle at all, he let out a roar intact and unharmed.

Even the damage on the neck was also recovered.

The pressure and momentum are even stronger than before!

"Tsk, have you entered SS-." Miyuki couldn't help complaining with disgust: "This monster is squeezing Artemis's divine power to become stronger."

If this goes on then maybe he will have to spend a lot in this battle.

Antares stared at him with scarlet eyes, and hammered the ground angrily with his giant tongs, his resentment towards Miyuki was almost beyond words.


Just now Miyuki noticed that something was wrong with the shaking of the ground, and then a gap opened under his feet instantly, and the scorpion tail and the barb at the end suddenly drilled out of the crack and stabbed fiercely at his chest.

Boom! "A loud muffled sound sounded.

Miyuki's body was severely whipped by the tail whip, like a kite with a broken string, he flew upside down unable to control himself, and landed on the ground not far away, he rolled awkwardly a few times before he stabilized his stature.

"Ahem——" After coughing twice with a bit of distress, Miyuki stood up with the Hestia Blade.

"I'm careless, after extracting the divine power, the IQ of this thing has also increased, and it even gave me a trick?!"

Fortunately, with absolute nullification, the highly poisonous tail needle was weakened by 90%.

Because Antares has reached the same level as him, Miyuki can't ignore his attack even if his defense is much stronger.

Even though the poison was blocked, the strong corrosiveness still made Miyuki feel the flesh and blood in his chest as if being dissolved by sulfuric acid, and there was severe pain.

It was the first time that Miyuki became so embarrassed since he traveled through time. It has to be said that Antares made him suffer a big loss because of carelessness.

Feng Shui took turns, and this time it was Antares's turn to make trouble.

The pitch-black energy lingered around its ferocious mouthparts, condensing into a ball of purple light that could not be released, whirling in the mouthparts at a high speed, exuding a terrifying aura that would destroy everything.

"I will no longer be careless." Miyuki looked at Antares, and then a scythe appeared in his right hand and he took the Hestia blade in his left hand.

Perseus Scythe.

The scythe that killed Medusa. It has immortal killing characteristics.

The one brought out by Miyuki is this scythe. It was specially created for opponents with Immortal characteristics.

"Fighting Qi"

"King of Earth"

Miyuki activated one skill after another.

Then his aura became far stronger than before.

While Miyuki activated his skills, the dense magic light condensed in the mouthparts of Antares exploded instantly, turning into a purple beam of light, which shot out.

The sky-piercing light beam was shot out, and the space directly burst into a series of dark cracks, making the world seem to be overshadowed and become boring.

"Haze Style Swordsmanship, Rumubling of Heaven and Earth"

With a soft murmur, the blade in Miyuki's hand was like flowing water, it slashed the magic beam.


Accompanied by a bang, the slash and magic beam collided, and the airwaves caused by the two colliding beams exploded instantly, destroying the entire ruins of Elsus covered in darkness to pieces.

It was as if the scene of the doomsday judgment was unfolding in front of Artemis. The earth was collapsing and the sky was being torn apart. Even if they had witnessed the battle of gods, they had never seen such a scene.

The purple light beam containing the divine power of the Moon Goddess was entangled with the golden slash containing the profound meaning of breaking evil.

The violent air waves formed again, the hurricane blew, and the tornadoes swept across the sky, making the surrounding air feel both cold and hot.

In the end, the golden beam overpowered the magic beam and cut Antares into two again.

And, two cracks with invisible bottoms were left on the ground. Immediately afterward, the ruins collapsed and everything was exposed to Hestia and others who were bound by magic barriers.

"This is..." The girls of Artemis familia couldn't believe that such exaggerated destruction could be caused by humans.

Hestia was also shocked but then she felt it was normal.

To be able to kill god, Miyuki must possess strong enough strength.

"Orion..." Unlike Hestia, Artemis isn't so calm.

Looking at Miyuki, she even felt that maybe he could save her.

But at this moment, the earth trembled again.

A huge figure jumped into the air from the thick smoke. The moment everyone saw this monster, the pupils of the two goddesses and girls from the Artemis familia shrank suddenly.

For a moment, they lost the ability to think.

However, in the next second, a figure shining with a golden streamer slammed into Antares who was in mid-air, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Without him, who else could this golden figure be?!

"I am not giving you a chance again." Miyuki inserted the Perseus blade inside Antares and frantically injected magic power into the blade.


Antares body was penetrated again and the scythe in Miyuki's hand began to work.

The recovery speed of Antares did slow down.

But it didn't immediately die

"Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." Feeling the crisis, Antares roared and tried to shake Miyuki off of its body.

Unfortunately, Miyuki didn't get off his body and he even pulled out several weapons with immortal killing characteristics and inserted them into Antares.

He even used the Haze Style Swordsmanship with demon-breaking attributes to cause extra damage.

"Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." Antares roared in agony.

"This...." The girls of Artemis's familia, Hestia and Artemis couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Antares was being one-sidedly slaughtered by Miyuki.

Even Hestia who knows about Miyuki's deeds can't believe it.

Then, under the stunned eyes of the girls and goddesses, Antares, who was able to destroy the lower realm, was beheaded without the ability to resist at all, leaving only a huge magic stone and a holy blue crystal in place.

Inside, the sleeping face of the goddess seemed to become peaceful.

After Miyuki defeated Antares, he walked in front of the blue crystal.

He has already seen naked Artemis, so it probably should not matter.

Besides, he will create a dress for Artemis before her consciousness returns.

At the same time,

[ Congratulations on completing the mission ]

[ The host gets 3000 points, one ability lottery, Divinity (Artemis-God of Moon), Arrow of Orion ]

Miyuki was satisfied with the rewards.

Points are needless to say, the ability lottery is more special than the normal lottery

What's more, Divinity and the Arrow of Orion are also good things.

However, he didn't immediately use them because he had to attend to Artemis first.


At the same time,

In the forest, the miasma subsided and all the subspecies born from Antares disappeared.

"We won..." I don't which adventurer screamed but only after hearing his words that all the adventurers reacted.

"Yes, we won." xn A huge cheer sounded up to the sky.

Immediately all the adventurers began to celebrate their victory.

Well, they crusaded over a monster that the gods couldn't defeat, and although it wasn't them who killed it, they still feel happy and excited.

"Let's go and meet up with goddess Hestia and others. For some reason, I have a bad feeling." While everyone was cheering, a blue-haired girl said to her companions after looking at the crimson moon.

Hearing their leader's words, all the familia members entered the depths of the forest.



The sound of glass shattering came, and the crystal of the guardian goddess slowly dissipated as if knowing that her mission had been completed.

Seeing that the goddess of the moon was about to come into close contact with the earth, Miyuki subconsciously caught her.

At the same time, the conscious body of Artemis in the distance also felt that the backhand that protected her body before had been released, and now the conscious body has been attracted and wants to return to the body.

Orion, he really did it!!

Looking at Miyuki who held her main body, Artemis gradually returned to her main body.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes, and Miyuki's slightly embarrassed face suddenly appeared in her sight.

Not only that, but she also felt the same feeling pressing on her body as when she was riding the flying monster some time ago.

"Wait, listen to my sophistry, no, listen to my explanation."

Miyuki put on a righteous expression, and said in a serious tone: "Believe me, things are definitely not what you imagined, this is all force majeure."

Perhaps because of getting used to it, Artemis didn't blush as embarrassingly as she did at the beginning even after gaining a body.

She even winked at Miyuki playfully, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and teased in a playful tone, "Does Orion like me so much."

"Ah...Um..." Miyuki was taken aback after hearing Artemis's words and he subconsciously nodded his head.

But then he reacted and he knew he had been tricked.

"Hehe... I really can't anything about you, From now on, I goddess of the moon will belong to Orion." Artemis let out silver bell laughter then rested her face on Miyuki's chest as if resigning to fate.

She had already decided what she would do after being saved, so said these words.

After all, she has fallen for Orion.

"Huh!" Miyuki heard Artemis's words and he was dazed for a second.

He gained a goddess as a wife in just a few seconds.

Just when he was happy, Miyuki sensed a crisis that could endanger him.

Immediately without any nonsense, he jumped from his precious place and held Artemis tightly.

Then he stretched out his hands towards the source in the sky and seven cherry petals made from light appeared in front of him.

"Rho Aias: The Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens"

With Miyuki's murmur, the seven petals turned into a seven-layered Bounded Field in the shape of an iridescent flower.

"What are you doing Orion?" Artemis was stunned at Miyuki's action and she couldn't help asking in a puzzled tone.

Then under the stunned eyes of Artemis, a huge white light beam from an unkown source hit the cherry petals.



A huge explosion sounded.

The airwaves dilated and the atmosphere was destroyed, even small black cracks began to appear at the source.

The earth shattered, the sky cracked and the aftermath raised the whole forest to the ground.

Immediately all the adventurers were exposed to the aftermath.

Meanwhile, inside the closed barrier,

"What's going on?" Rethusa looked at the white light beam that was constantly impacting the barrier and destroying the surrounding and frowned.

Antares just died, so, who could possibly launch such an attack?

"Is it finally here." Hestia looked at the world destruction scene and sighed.

She knew the real opponent finally appeared.

At this moment the girls of the Artemis familia were also shocked, and panicked and some were stunned.

After the aftermath subsided, the scene finally became clear.

The whole forest disappeared and it was sunk by several meters.

As for the adventurers, most of them were lying on the ground and only some adventurers with high enough strength were standing.

Among these adventurers, the blue-haired girl and her familia were one of them.

"Who the heck caused this?" The blue-haired girl looked at her surroundings which were destroyed and only a few people remained standing.

Immediately she looked at the center of the explosion which was slowly becoming clearer.

In the center, a huge pothole was visible and inside the pothole, a pink light flower formed by seven cherry petals had disappeared, now, only one last cherry petal was remaining and it was still full of cracks.

At this moment, Miyuki was holding Artemis with a solemn expression and his reaction due to Artemis had died down.

If he didn't prepare defensive treasures before, maybe he would survive the attack but Artemis who has lost most of her divine power, and Hestia and others, none of them will survive.

It was thanks to the Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens, that blocked most of the attack.

Otherwise, it would not be as light as the forest being destroyed and adventurers being injured.

Maybe they would die directly and at surrounding a hundred miles will be gone.

"Who can...? Artemis looked at the scene in front of her with a touch of fear and muttered.

Such destructive power is stronger than Antares.

Maybe only great gods like Zeus and Ouranos can deal with an opponent, who possesses such strength.

f not for Miyuki, she might have not survived.

"Miyuki..." Artemis wanted to say something but she was interrupted by Miyuki.

"Now is not the time to talk. He is coming soon." Saying so, Miyuki launched the teleportation skill and disappeared with Artemis.

Then he appeared in front of Hestia and others and sent Artemis inside the barrier.

After that, he looked at the sky with a solemn expression and launched several skills.

"Thought Acceleration"

"Spatial Domination"


"Lord of Creation"

Relying on thought acceleration, Miyuki accelerated his thinking, then he used spatial domination to teleport all the adventurers inside the barrier.

Miyuki was thankful that he secretly marked all the adventurers last night.

Otherwise, these guys would die tonight.

Then, he used Solomon and the lord of creation to create a magic barrier that could withstand the aftermath of the battle he was going to face.

"Where are we?" The blue-haired girl looked at the surrounding that had changed and then looked at the transparent barrier with doubt.

After that, she looked at Miyuki and then she seems to have guessed something.

Then under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Miyuki completed the barrier formation.

"The next battlefield isn't something that you can set foot into so, stay put in the barrier," Miyuki said then he flew into the sky without waiting for everyone to react.

He is not magnanimous enough to save everyone but the reason why he did is that two tasks suddenly appeared.

[ Ding! Important mission sign-in has been triggered ]

[ Mission Name: Savior

Introduction: The One-Eyed Black Dragon has mutated for some reasons and it is likely to cause the destruction of the world.

Task: Stop the One-eyed Black Dragon from destroying the world and save as many people as you can.

Successful Mission Sign-in Reward: 10,000 points, lottery x3, additional reward depending on the number of people saved ]

[ Ding! System promotion mission triggered ]

[ Mission Name: Promotion

Introduction: The existence of a traveler has been detected and it is suspected to be the one-eyed black dragon or someone close to it.

Task: Kill the traveler and recover the system or artifact of the other party

Successful Mission Sign-in reward: 20,000 points, system upgrade, Entrustment function unlocked, bloodline lottery x1 ]
