
My eyes widened when realization dawned on me. He is the King!

But… he wasn't the King I expected. I thought he was someone older, but this man, he seems to be in his twenties. He looks really young to be a ruler of a big kingdom. But then I remember, he's no human. He's a shifter, an alpha even. Of course, he is capable.

He walked through the marbled floor without saying anything. Then midway, he suddenly stopped.

He raised his head.

His gaze met mine in an instant.

I suddenly felt anxious, frightened even. I usually don't back down against anything but this time, I sensed real danger. I sensed something that will swallow me whole if I won't avoid it. I feel that way and it's crazy.

His bright amber eyes were like blazing gold. Those had nothing but empty coldness and his lips were pursed in a line, but there was something so intense with those orbs that I couldn't fathom. It's making me feel a cold hollow in my stomach. Why is he looking at me that way? Did he sense I was staring at him right when he entered? Did I catch his gaze because I'm a new face?

And what should I even do? Should I say, "Hi, Your Majesty! Nice to meet you!" or should I turn my back on him and run? Neither doesn't sound good. I'd just make myself look foolish.

So, I just bowed my head since a formal greeting or curtsy isn't suitable with our distance.

After that, I didn't look at him again and waited at the door of the room where Claire and Prince Marcel were talking. But they were taking too long and… I have to admit, the King scares me for some reason. I don't want to get caught up with him here in the corridor.

I stared at the door, my hand aching to knock. What are they talking about that's taking so long?

Half a minute passed and it felt like an hour. The next thing I knew, heavy footsteps were approaching and when I turned to my side, I saw the King walking toward me and I felt suffocated.

Oh damn… I can't help but gasp. The King looked really good when I first saw him a minute before, but I didn't know he looked a hundred times better up close. He is more than breathtaking. I don't even know if there's a word suitable enough to describe the oozing manliness he has. He's tall, lean but muscular, clean-shaven, has a prominent jaw, aristocratic nose, short chocolate brown hair neatly combed back to the sides. And above all, his eyes. Those are like two pools of daylight with crystals that make it look shining.

I never liked the eyes of wolf shifters before, but for the first time, I feel mesmerized by it. It felt like I was compelled to stare. It captured my interest. It got me hooked really bad.

"Your Majesty," I curtsied, my gaze was somewhere on the floor. I'm no fool to continue staring at the King. I can't embarrass myself that way, can I?

I thought he would just pass by, but I was surprised when he stopped. He stood a foot away and I had no choice but to face him. Eye to eye.

He's really tall, I can't help but think. I'm not petite, yet he's towering over me. So, that must say something.

"Who are you?" he asked in a deep cool voice. His face held no expression. There is something in him that says he's a lot of work, like he's a man one should never mess with. Some of the rumors are true, after all. As to how cruel he is, we will see if that is true.

"Luciana Davis, Your Majesty. Clarette Davis' sister," I replied in my usual tone. Not so usual, actually. I think only when I'm in a formal mood. It applies when I'm talking to elder people, except my mother, and to respected ones.

"But everyone calls me Lucy, so you may address me that way," I added and I wished I didn't. I think he'd prefer calling me Miss Davis since Claire will soon have a different title so there will be no confusion in the future.

The King's eyes narrowed a bit. "So, Miss Lucy… why are you standing out here staring at the door? Waiting for someone?"

If I was someone as timid as Claire, I would be stammering right now, but then I'm Luciana, the outspoken and easygoing Miss Davis. Although it's my first time meeting the intimidating King, I can fake confidence and act like I'm not the least bit intimidated by this man's presence.

"My sister and Prince Marcel are inside. I'm waiting for them to be done since Claire and I have something to get in her room."

"I'll go ahead, then," he said but the way he looked at me made my heart anxious. There was something with the way he looked that seemed dangerous. Or maybe is it just me overthinking?

When Claire was finally out, we headed to her room at Prince Marcel's chambers and asked her about the King.

"You have been here for three days. Have you seen the King?"

"No. The day I arrived here, Marcel said the King had to leave for three days because he had some matters to attend to. I guess he will be back anytime."

"I've seen him."

Claire was surprised. "Really? Does he…" She looked around as if someone was with them and she's afraid of getting heard. "look ruthless like they say?"

I thought about it. He looks kind of intimidating and dangerous but he hasn't done anything yet to make him appear ruthless to me.

"Well, in a way, maybe. But he hasn't done anything yet so I think I'll spare my judgments later. But he looks really intimidating. So, just a piece of advice, don't look into his eyes, else you'd be scared."

"For you to think that way, he must be that bad." Now there's a worried look in Claire's face.

I chuckled. "Oh, Clairey, you don't need to be scared. You'd be a princess soon since you're marrying a prince. The King won't touch us."

Just when we got back to the tailor, a servant arrived and told us that the lunch was served, and the King would be joining us.

I didn't know exactly what to believe. Hours ago, I was just sleeping peacefully in my bed. Then suddenly, the fire happened and I just found myself at the brink of death. I was ready to die when something strange happened to me. Then a voice kept on talking in my mind, and now claiming that he's actually a dragon spirit, my dragon spirit to be exact. Worst, I was just informed about my ability and the possibility that my mother lied to me. How could I take that all at once?

I'm sorry if everything is confusing you. But there must be a reason why your mother hid your real identity. That is what we need to know, Raja said. The caravan is now moving.

"What else do you know? How about my father? If he's not a mage, then what kingdom is he from?"

That is something beyond my knowledge, Lucy.

"And what about this birthmark? I'm very much confused..."

That's something you have since you were born, only hidden by some sort of sorcery. But after your body recognized your ability, and with you facing life and death situation, the sorcery can no longer can hide it.

"Don't you think it has something to do with my father?"

Most likely.

I snorted. "How can I find him if I have little to no knowledge about him?"

Only fate can tell.

I sighed. "How about my clothes? Money? How will I be able to survive for the next days or months if I have nothing? Perhaps, can you make some... you know, silvers or a few jewels at least? Or do I have the ability to do that?"

There was a low growl and a bit of... laughter?

I wish I could give you golds, Ophelia. I can do nothing with being just a spirit. I can only motivate you, help you make feasible decisions. And you don't also have the ability to do that.

"Good. Looks like I'd be starving then."

You won't gain anything without doing something, Ophelia.

Right. I should do something. I'm free now. That means I can do anything I want. I have full control over my life and I can't just stupidly idle and wait for fortune to come. If there are no chances for you to take advantage of, then you make one.

It's past midnight. Just sleep for now. You need rest for our journey. I'll wake you once the carriage stops.

And that's what I did.

I only woke up when I heard my name being called by a rough voice for several times.

Ophelia, the voice became clear when I opened my eyes. I realized it was Raja, and the carriage was now steady.

You had a good dream, my lady? I called you for thirty-six times before you woke up, his voice full of sarcasm.

"Why are you so sarcastic? You were the one who told me to sleep, remember? And I was tired, so—anyway, where are we now?"

I peeked out and blinked when the sun hit my eyes. It's already morning. I looked around and saw a partly crowded place—probably the market. I never saw one before this, but it was mentioned by other palace workers. It was described as a place where merchants sell their products, so this is likely a market.

"We're in a market," I whispered as I talked to Raja.

The merchants are discharging their products from the first caravan. They're distracted. It's your chance to leave without them noticing.

"Are you sure?"

Not a hundred percent. Though I'm sure if you stay here longer, they'd find out soon that you hitched a ride without consent, and would most likely accuse you of theft.

I grimaced and immediately jumped out of the caravan without a single sound and in the fastest way I could. It's okay to be caught but the latter sounds a lot of work. Being accused of a crime will make my life more complicated than it already is.

Didn't know you're actually fast, Raja teased.

"Oh, shut up," I muttered as I blended with the people in the market.

However, most of them were looking at me oddly.

"What's wrong with their looks?"

Raja cleared his throat as if he's a man about to make a speech.

I think you should change your clothes. If you've forgotten, you're only wearing a nightdress—which is considered to be as an undergarment. Wearing it in the public is unethical.

"Oh!" I reacted with horror. I forgot about that! I looked around, panicking, and was about to find a place anywhere out of the public's sight, when I felt something over my shoulders.

I turned and my eyes widened when I saw who was standing tall beside me, putting a black cloak over my shoulders.

Even he was meters away when I first saw him, it's impossible to not recognize him, nor mistake him for any other man. His crystal clear, pitch black eyes were like no other. And how could I forget how he looked at me that day?

"Wait... your eyes," the man muttered in a low baritone. "Perhaps, are you from—"

"I-I beg your pardon, sir. Thank you for the cloak but I have to go..." Before he could move an inch, I turned away and walked as fast as I could.

What if he recognized me? Will he bring me back to my kingdom? And where am I even? If that man is from Eravia, then does that mean I'm still around the kingdom?

No, you're not. I guess we're in Solterra, Raja interrupted my haywire thoughts.

"S-Solterra?" the tone of my voice echoed my shock. "You mean Solterra—the kingdom of earth summoners?"


Then that means that man isn't from my kingdom. To attend such prestigious royal celebration, he must have a rank. Thankfully I didn't mess up with him. Another complication is not on my priority list now.

Who is that man? Looks like he somehow knows you.

"He was once a guest in the palace. We never talked before, though. We don't know each other." I walked pass the people, just walking without any point of direction.

What about you seek for his help? I think he's a good man.

"Should I trust your judgment?" I whispered, my lips almost not moving. I don't want people to think I'm a crazy girl talking to herself.

Should you?

I groaned softly. "Tell me. Do you even have a strong basis for that judgment? What made you think that he's a good man?"

He gave you a cloak. He didn't want a woman to be humiliated in public.

I didn't answer and think about having some sense of direction. Where am I exactly heading? Should I find an entertainer's house and apply?

Great idea, Raja again with his sarcastic tone.

"What? Do you have any idea better than that?" I unconsciously raised my voice, reason why the group of women nearby looked at me.

You know what, why don't you just talk to me through your mind, instead of speaking loudly? People might think you've lost your sanity.

Right. If he can read my mind, then there's no need for me to be verbal when talking to him. It's just, I think I found it a bit weird talking to someone in my mind. It's not something I'm accustomed with.

Now, may I ask if you have any idea where we can go? I asked him through my mind now.

Why don't you try to ask for that young man's help? I think he'd be willing to do so.

I can feel my eyebrows twitching.

Pardon? Do I even know that man? And you're telling me to ask for his help? What if he'd recognize me as Eravia's most paid entertainer and bring me back?

What would he get by doing that?

And what made you think he's good enough to help me? I retorted.

So you're only option is to find a whorehouse and work there, is that it? Raja growled in disapproval.

Whorehouse! I'm not a whore!

Did I say that you are? he replied innocently.

I was ready to continue the argument when the next moment, I found two horses running quickly toward my direction. Everything happened simultaneously, I barely had a fraction of second to react, but my mind knew what would happen to me. I'd definitely be crushed by either of the two untamed stallions. I'd have a lot of fractures, broken ribs, broken legs, and the worst—broken skull.

But what I expected didn't happen. Just a second before one of the horses crush my fragile body, a strong force grabbed my arm, slamming me onto something hard. I winced in shock. I thought I slammed myself onto a granite wall but when I heard a rough breathing and a heartbeat, that's when realization dawned on me.

"Are you all right?" the familiar voice asked.