"Every victorious warrior draws his strength from the highest source; his love." -Tapan Ghosh
Me and Roland descended near the front of the Kingdom's gate. I have no idea why do we have to land here first if we can just fly over this high walls. It made me curious that's why I asked the question.
"Why do we have to descend here? We can just fly over and head directly to your house can't we?" He just smiled at me and mess my hair.
"There's a magic barrier protecting the entire kingdom and my flight magic will be dispelled once we hit that barrier."
I see, now I understand. I followed him as he started walking towards the kingdom's gate. I can't help but to be mesmerized by the size of their gate, it's extremely huge!
When we're almost near the Kingdom's guards, Roland whispered something to me. "We'll get in trouble if they know that you're not from this realm. Let's avoid that and follow my lead."
I'm still confused about what he said but I guess I have to obey him, afterall, I still haven't learned anything about the mortals since I came here.
Before we completely enter the Kingdom, all of the guards salutes at him. He's very famous huh? He entered first and I quickly followed him but I was blocked by the Kingdom's guard.
"Please state your name and present your emblem." I don't know what to do and I have no idea what are they talking about. I'm not even from this realm in the first place.
I was about to run away but one of the guards grabbed my wrist. This is bad, what should I say?! And why isn't that guy not doing anything?! "Speak up!"
I started chanting my spell to release my divine power but Roland tapped the guard's shoulder and smile while saying.
"Please take your hands off of my wife." My blood quickly runs to my head and my heart starts to beat faster than normal, I can also feel my face burning! Just what in the world is he talking about!?
I saw the guards looking at me full of confusion while the guy who caused it just winks at me. I see, so this is why he said that I follow his lead earlier. I sighed in disbelief. He's really a fool isn't he?
I took a deep breathe and smiled awkwardly to the guards. "Y-yes, Roland is my husband. My name is Azrael." I hesitantly said, and hoped they'll believe us.
I was so shocked when the guards kneel before me and bow their heads. "We're so sorry for our impudent act towards you, Lady Azrael! We'll accept any punishment from you!" They respect Roland so much to the point that they will even serve me, his wife.
Though I'm not his real wife anyway. I looked at him but all I saw was a grin pasted in his face that pisses me off! I'll definitely punish him later.
"I-it's fine, it's fine. It's not that big of a deal."
"We thank you for pardoning us, Lady Azrael. But we would like to ask you to please go to the Kingdom's guild office and ask for your own emblem and identification card." One of the guards ask and handed me a piece of card. "For the meantime, use this temporary pass so you can enter the city anytime you want." He added and returned to his post.
"Got it." I said and quickly run towards Roland and hold his arm. I angrily smiled at him and pinched his arm. "You fool, why did you tell them I'm your wife, huh?" I angrily whispered at him.
"Calm down, it's better than introducing you in other ways." He said while laughing happily.
I can't help but to smile while watching him laugh. This man is indeed a good person. His heart is so pure.
"Let's head out to the guild first before going home." He said and we continue to walk and after a few minutes of walking, we stopped infront of a huge building with many people inside it.
Most of them are eating, drinking, talking about their weapons, and others are checking at the quest board looking for a job.
I see, so this is the guild huh?
We head directly to the receptionist's desk to get me a citizen card. I hope this will end fast cause I'm really curious to where Roland lives, and I also wanted to rest.
"We're here to take a citizenship card for my wife over here." Roland said to the receptionist and winks at me.
Tch. This guy is such a pain.
"Oh, she's your wife Sir Hero? I'll arrange it immediately." The receptionist said and took out a weird looking ball and a few papers. "Please put your hands on this magic crystal to see if you have committed any crime and measure your magic powers."
I obediently put my hands on the crystal and it glows as soon as I put my hands on it.
The receptionist also cut a small wound in one of my fingers to take a blood sample and drop some of it on the paper. Words and symbols magically appeared on the paper and the receptionist scans it thoroughly.
"Sir Hero, Lady Azrael, would you please follow me to the guild master's office?" She said and went up to the second floor.
Me and Roland followed her to where she's headed to and we entered a big room that looks like an office. Well she did said that this is the guild master's office though.
Me and Roland sit at the couch while the receptionist sits to the chair infront of us while still scanning the paper with my informations in it.
"Lady Azrael hasn't commit any crime, but there is something unusual." The receptionist said and handed over the piece of paper to Roland. "As you can see, Sir Hero, her magic power is almost as strong as yours but hers is a little bit stronger." She said that is why I immediately look at the paper that Roland is holding.
"I can see that, as expected of my wife." Roland said with a grin on his face and messes my hair.
This fool! Doesn't he realized what this woman says?! I'll become suspicious if my power is greater than his, the hero himself!
"Sir Hero, is Lady Azrael a hero from another Kingdom or something?" The receptionist asked but Roland just smiled at her and said.
"My wife is just a normal civilian, and please, I would like you to keep her powers as a secret."
The receptionist agreed to what Roland asked and continue to work on my citizen card and she also gave me a badge saying that I'm officially a resident of the Kingdom of Enthopia.
After getting my cards and badge, me and Roland decided to go home to his house to take some rest and eat. I also left the temporary pass that the Gate's Guard gave to me at the guild cause the receptionist said that the guards will pick it up there.
I'm actually curious on what will Roland's house looks like. I bet it's big and decent, afterall he is this Kingdom's Hero.
We walk for a while and after all those walking, we're now in a middle of a field with only few houses were built. It's like, it's not the part of the Kingdom at all.
We walk towards a not so big house, it's plain but it seems peaceful here, there's also a big tree beside it. Roland opened the door for me and the interior of the house is highly organized and it's clean. This is also different from the house that I saw earlier.
"This is me and my foster father who also happens be my Master's house. Sorry to disappoint you, but yes, I don't live in a fancy house like what you saw earlier in the other districts." He said while scratching the back of his head.
I hold his hand and smile at him. "Don't worry, I love the atmosphere of this house, It feels like I just found myself a home."
He smiled back at me which made me feel embarrassed. I quickly let go of his hand due to nervousness.
"That's right! You must be hungry, let me cook something for you." He said and quickly run to the kitchen.
I can't help myself but to chuckle. I guess he's just as embarrassed as me, huh?
I roam around the house when I saw a gigantic sword, and its shape is unlike any other. It's a thin single bladed sword that is slightly bent.
It's a bit worn out but the quality of the sword is still impressive. The looks of this sword proves that whoever wields this sword, fought countless of battles and survived.
"This sword is unusually big, just who is the owner of this sword? I can't imagine Roland wielding something like this." I mumbled.
I think the sword is atleast half the length of my height, the man who wields this sword must be a big guy.
"That sword is called, The Nodachi. The longest sword ever forged that only I, the Sword Saint can wield." A deep hoarse voice spoken behind me that gives me shiver down to my spine! Geez! I'm having a goosebumps!
I immediately look behind me and there, I saw an old guy with a long Silver hair due to old age, staring at me. His body is also full of wounds showing he's indeed a strong swordsman.
I can't speak a single word nor move a muscle as if my own soul left me. His pressure is suffocating but I didn't even feel his presence when he got near me.
Who in the world is this old man? No, just how strong is this person who's infront of me right now?
"Who are you? Why are you here in my house?" I still haven't been able to move because of fear. This person is frightening.
Good thing we heard the voice of Roland coming from the kitchen saying "Are you still good there? This won't take long." And that caught the man's attention.
The old man smacked his hand with his fist as if he just realized something important. "I see! That's how it is!" He said and his frightening aura earlier disappeared and change into a refreshing one.
My eyes widen when he picked me up like a little kid and lift me up!
"I just got myself a daughter haven't I!? Damn, this feels great!" He stated as he lift me up and down while laughing!
Just what in the world is this old man's problem!? Who is he in the first place!
"P-Please put me down, sir!" I pleaded as I feel my tears starting to build up. He's a really scary person.
"I'm sorry for startling you uhh... What's your name little girl?" He asked with a big smile while patting my head.
"I-I'm Azrael." I stated and brush up the tears that was building up in my eyes while looking down.
He showed me a huge smile which decrease my fear for a bit. doesn't seem like a scary person when he smile.
"Azrael-chan huh? That's a nice name."
I heard a footsteps coming from the kitchen, and I bet that's Roland. He must be done cooking by now.
"Lady Azrael, the food is-" His eyes wided when he saw me with this old man as if he just saw a ghost. "Shishio! What are you doing to Lady Azrael!?"
He immediately run towards me and lift up my face. "Did he scare you?" He asked and a shake my head as a response.
"Relax, Ro-kun, I just greeted my new daughter what's wrong with that?" The old man says while laughing out loud with both of his hands on his waist.
"You're misunderstanding something, Shishio."
Roland explain to the old man who I actually am and what am I doing in their house. He also told him how we met and where did I came from.
"I get it, my bad Azrael-chan, I thought you guys are already lovers and it got me a bit excited." He said awkwardly while scratching the back of his head.
"T-That's fine, that's fine."
He thinks me and Roland are lovers huh? Well if it's him, it's not that bad if you think about it- No, no, no! Just what am I saying!? We're not like that! And Roland won't see me as a lover anyway...
"Anyway, this is my Master and my foster parent, his name is Kojiro Sasaki." Kojiro Sasaki huh? That name is seems unusual.
"I bet you're thinking that my name sounds weird, huh?" Wait, did he just read my mind? "I'm already used to that though, I'm not originally from this Kingdom that's why my name is a bit different." I see, I understand now.
The three of us continues to eat the food that Roland prepared while talking about me and why am I here. We also talked about Roland's mission that failed.
"The demon's are really one heck of a trouble, huh?" Master Kojiro uttered while chewing the food in his mouth. "Sadly I'm too old to fight them now, I can't do much unlike when I was in my prime." He added.
I learned that Master Kojiro is a well-known fighter and holds the title "Sword Saint." I also learned that this world is being threatened by the demons.
Brother Michael never mentioned this to me before I descended here in the mortal realm.
Roland also mentioned that most of the Kingdoms in this continent has already fallen to the hands of the Demon Army, and currently there are only two Kingdoms that are standing against the Demons, and that is Enthopia and Camelot.
Each of the Kingdoms has a hero. He represents the Kingdom of Enthopia while his friend, the Hero Prince Lionheart represents the Kingdom of Camelot.
I still haven't been able to understand this world completely but I guess staying with them will help me learn even more.
End of Chapter 3