Chapter 5 - The bet (Revised)

Chapter 5 - The bet

He was stunned to learn that many were lusting for him when he revealed his identity.

Many families tried to arrange marriages with his father on his behalf before, but he always rejected them because he wanted freedom.

His father respected his decision and supported him. 

Despite being a womanizer, he never mistreated his romantic partners. 

He couldn't even count the number of ex-girlfriends he had, but they were all beautiful. 

After breakups, he often gave them mansions or valuable treasures as parting gifts.

Yeah, he could be seen as a scoundrel, but with elegance and generosity.

He didn't want to be tied down and desired to enjoy his life as a teenager. 

Even though it was legal to marry at a young age in this world, he wanted to savor his youth and freedom.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Dave's sin points had reached a total of 190, and they were still increasing.

Dave decided not to purchase items or weapons immediately since the items available in the system were of low level, and he aimed to level up to access stronger equipment.

After the introductions, many girls attempted to strike up a conversation with him, but they couldn't find an opportunity due to the presence of a fierce young woman nearby. She wore a gloomy expression, and her demeanor indicated that she was ready to take on someone.

Since her birth, everyone had treated her with respect, and nobody dared to bully her.

However, now, there was a young man who was getting on her nerves, and she was determined to teach him a lesson. 

Yet, she was well aware that he was stronger than her.


[Ding! You've gained Sin Points]

Wrath + 50

SP: 240


Dave was stunned and looked at the tigress near him with a smirk. "You want to teach me a lesson, but I am stronger than you, and you can't use your identity to oppress me, so just give up. Maybe we are destined to be with each other."

Rose was taken aback by his audacious response and replied angrily, "Who wants to be with you? You're famous for being a womanizer, hmph!"

Dave's reputation as a womanizer was well-known in the empire, and he never denied it. "Yeah, I'm a womanizer. So why don't you become my woman? I don't have any girlfriends right now. What do you think?"

He teased her because she was supplying him with endless Sin Points.

Rose was fuming, and her face turned red with a mixture of shame and anger. 

"You damn pervert! I'm not finished with you," she said, trying to calm herself. As the tyrannical princess, she found it difficult to control her anger and just wanted to beat him badly.

[Ding! You've gained Sin Points]

Wrath + 100 (Rose)

SP: 340

Dave now could see the names of those who had given him many Sin Points at once.

Dave realized that Rose might be a goldmine for Sin Points, considering how easily he could provoke her.

. . . . . . . . . 

Rose was experiencing conflicting emotions. 

Despite being irritated and angered by Dave's teasing and presence, she also felt a strange attraction to him, which left her confused. 

Her usual tigress-like demeanor had transformed into something more gentle and vulnerable, and she couldn't quite understand why. 

Her feelings were a mix of frustration, curiosity, and an odd desire to be near him. 

While she admitted Dave's attractiveness, she was determined to maintain her tough exterior and not let him get under her skin. 

She sought an outlet for her anger, which led her to confront a boy whom she had seen observing her.

"What are you looking at? You want to be beaten?" She said as she was looking at the ceiling for a while, contemplating, and didn't realize what was happening in the background.

"No, no, I was just curious why his face is near you," the student replied in fear, pointing at Dave near her.

Rose immediately looked to her side and saw that Dave was staring at her face. Their faces were only 1cm apart, and their lips almost touched.

Rose suddenly blushed and immediately looked away, saying, "Why are you staring at me?"

Dave was amused at her blushing face and said, "I suddenly realized that you are very cute when you are blushing. Are you sure you don't want to become my girlfriend? I am handsome, rich, and powerful. I have a high status and a pretty huge di."

"Stop, pervert!" 

Rose was angry as she didn't expect him to be shameless enough to say such a word to a woman.


Dave continued as he looked at her with a playful smile. 

"Hey, what are you thinking?"


"Maybe if you become King Level this month, I will agree to you," 

Rose said with a mischievous smile, confident that he wouldn't be promoted to King level that easily. 

She didn't know why she said that, but she wanted to see him lose face. 

Dave constantly irritated her, and she wanted to make him look bad.

Dave smiled and then held her hands, saying, "Really? Can you promise that? What if you're just fooling me?"

Rose wanted to free her hands, but for some reason, her body didn't move as she allowed him to hold them.

"We can sign a contract," she sneered, preparing a contract connected to the soul. It stipulated that if someone breached it, they would suffer consequences such as death or severe injuries. 

 Dave was stunned that she willingly signed a contract with him. 

He read it and then signed it. The contract stated that if he didn't reach King level in a month, he would become her slave for a year, but he was confident in his abilities.

Rose also signed it, and their contract was now valid.

 She sneered in her heart, imagining him becoming her slave for a year and planning to make him do many things.

Dave knew what she was thinking and said, "Well, get ready to be my girlfriend, my beloved Rose." 

He winked at her and then closed his eyes.

Lina, who was teaching at the front, saw their interaction and, with her strength, could hear what they were talking about. 

Even she didn't believe that he could reach King level in a month. She resumed her classes and didn't mind Rose and Dave.