Chapter 7 - (R-18) Susan (Revised)

Chapter 7 - (R-18) Susan

Dave released his aura, and then he stood up and looked toward Susan. His aura was domineering yet cold, making others feel reverence.

He didn't even bother to look at her butler and her guards. They were just ants in his eyes that he could crush anytime.

"Stop it! How dare you? She is from the duke's family."

He walked towards Susan, but her butler tried to block him, so he just slapped him as he did to the owner.


"So what?"

Dave smiled, and he didn't care, even though she was a princess or a duke's daughter. 

He had even toyed with a princess a while ago, so how could he be afraid of a mere miss from the duke's family?

Everyone was shocked by his power at a young age. He was a very handsome young man who looked like the same age as Susan.

No one saw how he moved, but Susan felt danger as she looked into Dave's charming eyes. 

He was like a demon, yet he was very handsome, which made her heart beat faster.

Susan was also shocked, and she didn't expect to provoke a genius here in the restaurant.

 Even so, she was not scared, as she had a special identity. She calmed herself and tried not to appear afraid.

Dave walked towards Susan. No one could move their bodies, and they were sweating.

Only Susan remained composed. 

Dave held her chin and brought his face close to hers. Her skin was soft, and her red lips were attractive.

"You know, I was waiting for my order to eat, but you disturbed my mood, and I lost my appetite."

"How can you compensate me?"

Susan was stunned by his actions, but she calmly replied, "What do you want?"

Dave brought his face closer to her ear and said, "Your body."

Susan blushed as she could feel his body heat due to their closeness.

"Is that really what you want?" she asked calmly, not showing any fear. 

She gazed at his handsome face and blushed slightly, feeling dwarfed by his strong body.

"Yes, you must make my appetite come back," Dave replied with a wink. 

His hands lightly touched her lips, as if he were drawing her in.

Susan smiled and replied, "Then lead the way."

Her words stunned everyone present, as they didn't expect her to agree. 

Her bodyguards, in particular, were shocked, knowing their miss was usually arrogant and looked down on men.

Susan looked at her bodyguards and butler, saying, "Don't worry about me; go home without me."

The butler immediately replied, "But, young miss, the Duke will be angry if you don't return with us. He might punish us severely."

Susan responded angrily, "You dare to question my decision, hmm? Go back and tell him I'll come home later, or I'll be the one to punish all of you."

With a menacing look in her eyes, she left her butler and bodyguards with no choice but to follow her command.

. . .. . . .. . .. .. . 

Dave and Susan left the restaurant, heading toward Dave's dormitory. Susan asked calmly, "So where will we do it?"

Dave was amused by her response, aware that she was likely scheming something, but he didn't mind. He smirked and asked, "Can you handle me?"

Susan pouted her cheeks arrogantly and replied, "Hmm, I bet you can't last 10 minutes."

Dave smiled and decided to show her what he was capable of. He hugged her waist, and in an instant, they disappeared.

Five minutes later, they reappeared in Dave's dormitory. 

Dave had used concealment techniques to avoid being noticed. Even Susan was stunned by his abilities. 

Bringing a woman into a men's dormitory was strictly forbidden, so he relied on his concealment skills.

Looking at Susan, Dave said, "I'll just take a shower."

Susan, still surprised by Dave's concealment skills, nodded, and sat on the bed, waiting for him. 

Dave proceeded to the shower. While Dave was taking a shower, Susan acted quickly. 

She retrieved a vial of wine from her spatial ring and laced it with an aphrodisiac. 

Her intention was not to engage with Dave but to embarrass him by leaving him in an aroused state.

Unbeknownst to Susan, Dave's extraordinary senses allowed him to observe her actions. 

He realized her intentions but chose not to reveal that he knew what she was doing.

After a few minutes, Dave emerged from the shower, his upper body exposed and a towel covering his lower half. 

He walked over to Susan, who was seated on the bed.

Susan smiled and suggested, "Why don't we have some wine first?" However, she couldn't help but feel attracted to Dave's muscular physique.

Dave noticed the two wine glasses on the table, and realizing Susan's intentions, he decided to play along.

Pointing at a beautiful painting on the wall, Dave asked her, "Do you find that painting good?"

 Susan recognized the painting and knew its significant value, costing half a million gold coins. Unbeknownst to her, Dave had already swapped their wine glasses.

Susan complimented the painting's beauty and nodded at Dave. He smirked and raised his wine glass for a toast.

"Cheers," Dave said before quickly drinking his wine.

As Dave finished his drink, he stood up and embraced Susan, giving her an unexpected kiss.

 Susan was taken by surprise but didn't resist, as she was waiting for the drug's effects to take over.

Dave's hands began to explore her body, and he squeezed her breast, causing Susan to blush intensely. 

She felt her body heating up and her thoughts turning lewd. She realized something was wrong, and as her imagination ran wild, she saw Dave grinning at her.

 It became clear that she had been deceived.

Angrily, Susan pushed Dave away and confronted him, her face flushed. "What did you do to me?"

Dave chuckled and admitted, "I just swapped our wine glasses, so you know what happened."

Furious and feeling betrayed, Susan attempted to punch him, but Dave effortlessly took her hands and hugged her.

"You can't escape from me" After he said that he used his "Hands of Pleasure" to caress her breast.

"Ahhh" Susan suddenly moaned in pleasure. She was surprised to see herself moaning like a whore.

Dave smiled and didn't say anything as he pushed her towards the bed. 

He removes his towel and Susan can see his large dragon who is pointing at her.

Susan blushed but before she could say anything, Dave kissed her lips as he continued to fond her breasts.

Susan who was also affected by the drug didn't struggle as she removed her clothes and then looked at Dave lustfully.

Dave's lust skills were very effective and easily took Susan's mind.

Dave smirked then he put his mouth towards her pink cave then he licked it.

"Ahhh, ahhh". Susan moaned as she felt so much pleasure.

2 minutes later, Dave immediately positioned his dragon near her cave and then rubbed it.

Susan begged, "Please, I want it."

Dave teased, "What? I didn't hear anything."

Susan immediately responded, "Please, I want your big dragon in my wet cave."

Dave smiled and then guided his erection towards her entrance.

"Urghh," Susan moaned as her hymen was torn apart, and red blood became visible on Dave's shaft.

Dave's face was filled with pleasure as he slowly moved his hips, continuing to make love to her.

Plak! Plak! Plak!

He plowed her nonstop for 20 minutes and Susan's face was lewd because of pleasure.

[Ding! You Gained Sin Points]


Lust + 300 (Susan Kern)


Lust + 300 (Susan Kern)


Lust + 300 (Susan Kern)


Lust + 300 (Susan Kern)



Dave ignored the notification because he was busy plowing Susan who moaned loudly.

Luckily, his dorm had sound proof so he was sure that no one could hear them