Chapter 9- Skills Upgrade (Revised)

The next morning, Dave was suddenly awakened because he felt movements from the bed.

He saw that Susan was staring at his handsome face and she was trying to get out of his arms because they were both hugging each other.

She was struggling to get away from his embrace and her body was pinned to his chest.

"You pervert, you took advantage of me," she complained in anger.

Dave smirked and answered, "You are the one who put drugs in the wine, so you just reap what you sow."

"I also remember that you begged me and screamed my name many times, so don't act like you are a victim here because it is evident that you were lusting after my body."

Dave smiled and looked at her naked body. His dragon suddenly woke up again because he remembered how she moaned loudly yesterday.

The scene still couldn't get out of his mind, so he became aroused again.

Susan was stunned because she felt his dragon suddenly become excited. She was scared to see how huge it was, and she didn't know how it fit in her cave yesterday.

She didn't expect to lose her virginity here, but she knew that it was her fault to fall into such a trap.

She wanted to get away, but Dave didn't let her get up, so they had sex again.

She couldn't stop her body's instinct, as it still wanted the same feeling again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

30 minutes later, in the kitchen, Dave cooked a variety of foods for Susan because she couldn't walk properly, and she was tired from their morning activities.

During their previous session, her voice had been loud, and her resistance had disappeared in the face of his domineering attitude.

While she looked at him with a resentful expression, she had become more obedient than before and didn't attempt anything funny.

Dave carefully carried her to the table and had her wait for the food.

[Ding! You gained Sin Points]

Wrath + 500 (Duke Kern)

Sp: 500

As he cooked, he was stunned to see that Duke Kern was angry with him. He understood why because Susan hadn't returned home the previous night. Even though the Duke didn't know his name, Dave could still collect the sin points.

Dave also checked his stockpiled Sin points. Sometimes, he would gain +1 SP every second or minute. He didn't know their names, but at least he could accumulate points.

Stocked SP: 600

Dave collected the points, and now he had 1100 SP.

He directly converted them into Skill Points and gained 11 skill points.

[Ding! Do you want to level up your "Sword Dragon Technique to level 2?] (0/2)


(-2 SK P)

[Congratulations to the host for upgrading your technique - Sword Dragon Technique to level 2]

[Ding! Do you want to level up your "Sword Dragon Technique'' to level 3?] (0/4)


[Congratulations to the host for upgrading your technique - Sword Dragon Technique to level 3]

[Ding! You've gained a new skill "Sword Intent" - you can easily comprehend sword techniques and release an aura of a Sword Master].

He was astonished to gain more skills just by leveling them up.

He still had 5 Skill points, so he also leveled up his other skills.

[Ding! Do you want to level up your skill "Conceal" to level 2?] (0/1)

(-1 SK P)

[Congratulations to the host for upgrading your skill - Conceal to level 2].

[Ding! Do you want to level up your skill "Conceal" to level 3?] (0/2)

(-2 SK P)

[Congratulations to the host for upgrading your skill - Conceal to level 3].

[Ding you've gained a new skill "Disguise"].

[Ding! Do you want to level up your skill "Magical Eyes" to level 2?] (0/1)

(-1 SK P)

[Congratulations to the host for upgrading your skill - Magical Eyes to level 2].

Current SK P: 0


Name: Dave Alexander

Age: 15

Race: Human


Power Level: Top Tier King Level


Lv.3: Sword Dragon Technique (0/8) - if you upgrade this, any skill that is on its bracket will also increase the level.

Magic Skills:

Lv.3: Conceal (0/4) - if you upgrade this, any skill that is on its bracket will also increase level.

Lv.2: Magical Eyes (0/2)

Primordial Sin Skills:

(Lv.2) (0/10) - if you upgrade this, any skill that is on its bracket will also increase the level.


Skill Points: 0

Note: You can convert your sin points into skill points. Ratio: 100:1


Lv: 4

HP: 10,000/10,000

MP: 23,000/23,000

Exp: 0/8000

Str: 600

Agi: 800

Int: 1,100

Sin Points: 0


After he organized his status, he went to the table and sat near Susan as he said, "Eat first to have more energy in screaming my name."

He teased her, and Susan blushed as she remembered how she acted like that. 


She didn't mind him as she ate the food he prepared. She was astonished at how well he cooks, which could be on par with some 5-star chefs. 

Dave learned to cook in his past life as he was always alone for many years and needed to learn to cook.

Dave also started to eat as they both enjoyed their meal.

After they ate, Susan looked at him and said, "What's your plan now? You took my first time, so you must take responsibility."

Dave replied with confidence, "Of course, you are now my girlfriend, so no one would try to bully you if they heard it."

Susan was amused by his confidence. She knew that he was strong and rich, so he must have come from a noble family or had a good background.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"You can just call me Dave Alexander," Dave said with a calm expression.

"What?" She was shocked to know that the one who took her purity was the Rising Champion of the Dragon Empire and the only son of the Guardian.

"You are the son of the guardian?" She asked to make sure that she was correct.

"Yes, you don't need to be shocked. I know that I am handsome," he teased her again.

"So you? What's your name?" Dave asked, even though he already knew, for her not suspect him.

Susan rolled her eyes, knowing that he wanted to change the topic.

"My name is Susan Kern, the daughter of Duke Kern," she said, knowing that he would not be shocked because his status is even higher than hers.

Dave suddenly stood up, held Susan's hands, and spoke. "Maybe your father is worried about you now, so you could go home first. If someone bullied you, except me, just say that you are my girlfriend, and let's see who dares to offend you."

Susan was stunned but didn't disagree, as this could become her advantage, and Dave is a prodigy who could become a promising figure in the future.

"Okay," she replied in a low voice, but she was blushing.

After that, they prepared their clothes. Susan's clothes were torn apart because of their wild fight yesterday, so he just lent her some clothes. Susan looked cute while wearing his clothes. Dave, on the other hand, wore his school uniform to attend classes.

He used his concealment techniques as they both went out of his dorm. He accompanied her outside the gate, and then said goodbye to her.

"You can just inform me if you want to scream like that again or if you need help."

He teased her one more time and winked at her. 

Susan was angry, but after she saw him disappear, she smiled sweetly, as she remembered how Dave cared for her.

After they had sex, she felt like she was nearing her breakthrough, and her face suddenly became more beautiful than before. She didn't know that it was the effect of Dual Cultivation with Dave.