Chapter 21- The tournament (Revised)

Chapter 21 - The Tournament

Dave walked forward, but Rose asked him with doubt, "What did you say to his ears that made him so scared?"

Rose was curious, and she realized that Dave was very strong and brutal. Luckily, it seemed he wasn't taking to heart all the curses she had said to him, and she became his official boyfriend.

Dave smiled and gently touched her chin, replying, "I only told him my name, and he became scared immediately."

"I didn't know my name is very scary."

Rose was stunned. If she were in his place, she would be scared as well. She was certain that the Duke would not seek revenge, but the worst-case scenario involved Erwin being killed to please the Guardian.

To become a Duke, one must serve the empire for many years and perform meritorious deeds. However, if they dared to offend Dave, a single word from the Guardian could lead to their title being revoked, or even their death.

This was the harsh reality, and while holding the status of Guardian was prestigious, the responsibilities were heavy. He deserved such treatment.

Fortunately, the Guardian didn't oppose every emperor as long as they followed the rules and carried out their duties. The Guardian had the authority to even demote the emperor.

As they walked and conversed intimately, they bumped into their teacher, Lina.

"Good morning, Teacher Lina," Rose greeted her, feeling a bit shy because she was still holding Dave's hand.

Lina observed their affectionate display and felt an unexplained irritation. She glanced at Dave, finding it hard to forget what had happened between them. He had left an unforgettable mark on her.

Dave smiled and greeted her, "Good morning, Teacher Lina."

Lina nodded but couldn't meet his eyes. She was struggling to face the man who had conquered her, a situation that was strictly forbidden given her role as a teacher.

Dave smiled and led Rose toward the classroom. Lina watched his back and felt a wave of sadness. Perhaps it was because she had threatened him, and he now held some disdain for her.

She tried to suppress her growing feelings for him, but they only seemed to intensify. Seeing him with another woman pierced her heart like a needle, causing emotional pain.

After their intimate session with Dave, Lina noticed a remarkable change within herself. She felt like she was on the verge of a breakthrough, not only in terms of strength but also in her appearance. She had become more beautiful, and it seemed like her limits were just within reach.

She quickly refocused and made her way to the classroom.

Dave and Rose sat closely, Dave occasionally holding Rose's hand and stealing a kiss on her cheek. Rose felt cherished as he openly displayed his affection for her.

Her classmates looked at her with envy, especially the girls, as if she had stolen something precious from them. She paid them no mind, as she only wanted to be with Dave.

On the other hand, the boys were disheartened to see the most beautiful girl in their class becoming Dave's girlfriend. They looked at their reflections and wished they were as handsome as Dave.

Teacher Lina made an announcement, "Students, I'm pleased to inform you that we will be holding a student tournament. You will compete against students from other years and sections to earn the opportunity to represent our school in the annual tournament."

Dave saw this as a chance to accumulate Sin Points. The annual tournament was highly competitive, with Dragon Academy being one of the top-ranking institutions in the empire.

Many students were eager to participate, and excited about the upcoming tournament. They discussed their preparations and improvements with enthusiasm.

After class, Dave and Rose left the school together. Dave invited her to his dorm to discuss their plans for the tournament. Rose also wanted to become strong enough to join him in the competition.

In his dorm, Dave changed his clothes and prepared a meal for Rose and Draco. 

Draco had a big appetite, so Dave cooked a lot of food, serving it one dish at a time. 

The delicious aroma filled the room as they enjoyed their meal and playfully teased each other.

"When did you learn how to cook?" Rose inquired with amazement, looking at Dave in astonishment. "You're on par with the chefs in the royal castle."

Dave chuckled, "I thought you might think I'm a spoiled man who has his maid do all the cooking for him."

Rose was genuinely surprised by Dave's culinary skills. "You still don't know many things about me," he replied with a smile, leaving an air of mystery around his past and abilities.

After eating, Dave began to unveil his plan to Rose. She couldn't believe how audacious it was. "That's your plan?" Rose asked in disbelief.

Dave explained, "We've already done it, so you won't lose anything, and you'll gain more strength. I have dual cultivation skills, and we just need to engage in it several times for you to grow stronger."

"I trust you, and as my girlfriend, it's my responsibility to take care of you," Dave said earnestly. "I want you to become stronger so that if I'm not around, you can protect yourself. Even though you're a princess, there are still many who might target you."

Rose was deeply moved by Dave's words and the genuine care he expressed. His caring and gentle demeanor touched her heart, and she couldn't help but smile. At that moment, she realized that she was falling in love with him, and she was discovering the sweetness of love in a way she hadn't expected.

Rose remembered feeling stronger after their first intimate session and now understood why she had suddenly become more beautiful and powerful. His essence had enhanced her body and skin. Her friends even asked about the beauty products she was using. They had a week to prepare for the tournament, and Dave believed he could help Rose reach Top-tier King in that time.

Blushing at his proposal, Rose agreed, as she saw it as the fastest way to become stronger. She was ready to commit to him and make him her lifelong partner. Before engaging in this cultivation, Dave checked his Sin Points, which had reached 900,000. He decided to level up first to ensure a stable foundation for her cultivation and a more significant boost to her strength.