Chapter 25- Teacher Lina's thoughts (Revised)

Chapter 25 - Teacher Lina's Thoughts

After their session, Dave looked at the mess they had created, but he continued cooking and allowed Susan to fix herself.

Susan smiled, her desires now sated, and she wanted to spend more time with him. That's why she had visited him. She was bored in their territory, so she told her father that she would visit Dave. Her father even told her to bring all her clothes with her and live with him.

She had cursed her father for being crazy, but she had considered the idea. In the end, she decided not to go through with it, as she didn't want Dave to feel restricted.

As Susan was about to get her clothes, she saw Rose looking at her with a deadly stare.

"Hmm, you are a bastard, Dave!"

Rose stared at Dave with killing intent, but Dave shrugged his shoulders, blaming his handsome face for being so attractive.

Susan smiled provocatively and immediately hugged Dave, even though she didn't have clothes on.

"Hubby, she's scary, huhu. Leave her for me."

Susan was a seductress, and her acting was very convincing.

Rose was angered by her actions and felt provoked.

Rose knew that she couldn't monopolize Dave, as he had a bright future, and he was a known playboy. She had been prepared for this kind of situation in the future, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Hmmp, who are you to command my boyfriend? Do you want to die?"

Rose directed her killing intent toward Susan and was ready to fight her. Her power rose to another level, and Susan was no match for her.

Rose tried her best to change herself so that Dave wouldn't leave her. Dave saw this scene, so he cleared his throat and said, "Hey ladies, please calm down. Let's eat first, shall we?"

Rose and Susan stopped their hostile intentions as Dave released his domineering aura. Both calmed down, and it was rare for them to see him become so serious.

The women agreed to eat, but Dave could still see the killing intent in their eyes toward each other.

Dave smiled and knew that it would take time for both of them to accept each other.

They ate in silence, but Draco was eating cheerfully, innocent and oblivious to what was happening.

Draco ignored them and happily enjoyed the food on the table.

After they finished eating, Dave looked at the ladies and spoke, "You both know that I like both of you and love you. Please don't fight, as I only want you to live in harmony."

"I don't want to see both of you fighting to the death, or I'll feel guilty for life if one of you hurts the other."

"It's like hurting my heart, and I cherish both of you."

Dave used words that easily tugged at the women's emotions, and it was very effective. His handsome face added to the factor, and both women were convinced that he was sincere.

The ladies looked at him with guilty expressions and agreed with him.


Rose apologized to Susan, and Susan apologized as well.

"I'm also sorry."

Both of them loved Dave and didn't want to make him sad because of their fighting.

Dave smiled, then held both of their hands and kissed each one.

"Thank you."

Dave smiled in his heart and mumbled, 'It's good to be handsome, huh?'

Afterward, Rose and Susan tried to talk with each other and discuss how they had met Dave. They quickly became close, as they discovered many similarities and common hobbies.

In just one day of their meeting, they had become like friends who had known each other for years. They talked about their feelings and thoughts about Dave.

"Women are truly hard to understand," Dave thought.

Dave also revealed his dual cultivation skills to Susan, and she finally understood why she had suddenly felt stronger. She expressed her desire to join the sessions every night.

Because of this, she now planned to live in his dorm, and Dave was okay with it. Dave had no reason to disagree, and it was good to have both of them with him.

The princess also wanted to join, and he agreed to that as well. He didn't mind having someone else in his dorm, as he felt lonely even though Draco was there, unable to speak. At least someone could keep Draco company and prevent him from getting bored inside the dorm.

He remembered when he had returned to his previous life, where he had to rely on himself and always strive to gain the attention he had never received. Fortunately, in this life, he had a father who loved him dearly, and he no longer needed to prove himself. He had vowed to live his life to the fullest, given this second chance.

"Why not live life to the fullest?" he thought.

Today was Friday, the last day of school for the week. Dave planned to visit his father the next day and introduce his girlfriends to him. He knew that his father probably already knew their identities, but he wanted to surprise him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Teacher Lina's Point of View (POV)

"What's wrong with me?" she mumbled to herself, as she didn't understand why she kept having dreams about Dave.

In the dream, they engaged in intimate scenes similar to what they had done in her office. Little did she know that Dave was orchestrating these dreams every night to guilt her.

She felt the need to distance herself from Dave since he was her student. She tried to suppress her feelings and forget about everything, but she couldn't continue like this. She wanted to talk to him.

Dave was indeed someone she couldn't remove from her heart and mind. She felt that if she forcefully removed him, she would die from heartbreak. She also started to develop a mental demon because of him.

It felt as though if she didn't express her feelings, her heart would burst. She cleared her thoughts and prepared herself to go to her classroom.