Chapter 34-  Swordsman Levels (Revised)

Chapter 34- Swordsman Levels

Dave visited many shops and armories, purchasing fine swords from renowned establishments.

Despite their quality, he soon realized that when he applied his techniques, these swords crumbled into dust—an outcome expected given that his father had taught him the formidable techniques.

After spending several hours strolling and exploring, Dave returned to the mansion. He found everyone gathered at the table, enjoying a meal.

The girls were already awake, having breakfast with his father, while maids served them.

Upon Dave's appearance, they greeted him warmly. He sat beside his father and happily partook in the meal.

"The food is delicious," Dave praised.

The chef in their mansion was renowned in the empire, with even the emperor finding it challenging to convince him to cook, given the health benefits of his dishes.

Draco relished the food, consuming large quantities, leaving the maids sweating as they struggled to keep up with his voracious appetite.

Lucas, aware of Dave's routine of morning strolls around the city, refrained from asking about his whereabouts.

The ladies eyed him suspiciously, but Dave smiled and explained, "I bought new swords today because my previous sword was broken."

The ladies accepted his explanation without doubt, but his father, Lucas, was shocked.

"You destroyed that sword I gave you?" Lucas asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I tried the technique you taught me, but with just a single slash, it was already broken," Dave admitted.

Lucas examined him closely, surprised by what he found. "So you now have the sword intent. You can be called a sword master."

"In truth, that sword technique was created by your mother while she was pregnant with you."

Lucas handed the sword to Dave when he was younger and its quality is noteworthy and potentially treasured by others.

Lucas hadn't anticipated his son destroying a sword while using the techniques he had passed down.

Dave, taken aback, asked, "There's a level in being a swordsman?"

"And Mother created that sword art for me?"

Lucas nodded, "Yes, your mother is a genius after all."

"Also, the swordsman levels are called:

Sword Apprentice

Sword Master

Sword Grandmaster

Sword King

Sword Emperor

Sword Venerable

Sword Saint

Sword God"

Dave and the ladies were stunned by the revelations. Lucas smiled at Dave and explained, "The levels of a swordsman are different from cultivation levels; they rely on your comprehension of the sword."

"It doesn't mean that if your cultivation is strong, you can attain a high level of swordsmanship. Some weaker cultivators, with a profound understanding of the sword, can outmatch others with higher cultivation."

"You are emitting the aura of a Sword Master, a rarity for someone your age to reach such a level," Lucas added.

"You surely got that talent from your mother."

Immediately, Dave realized that his Sword Master level might be attributed to his sword technique reaching level 10.

Curious, he asked his father, "What level are you at now in terms of swordsmanship?"

Lucas smiled bitterly and replied, "I'm not skilled with a sword, preferring bare-handed combat, but with your mother's guidance, I reached Sword Venerable level."

Dave was taken aback. He knew his father for his strong physique, but he hadn't realized the depth of his father's swordsmanship.

It seemed his father was downplaying his abilities, and Dave couldn't help but consider his father as a true protagonist.

"Is there anyone who can reach Sword God?"

Dave inquired. Lucas responded with a touch of sorrow, "There's only one person who reached that level, but she died after giving birth to you."

Dave was shocked to learn that his mother was a sword genius who had achieved such a high level. He regretted not having the opportunity to learn from her.

"She was titled Sword Goddess and was the only one who could match my strength," Lucas added, his eyes reflecting the sadness of remembering his late wife.

Whenever Lucas recalled his mother, Dave noticed a profound sadness in his father's eyes.

Dave comforted him, saying, "Don't worry, Dad. I will reach that level and even surpass it."

Lucas smiled, expressing his trust in his son's determination.


Dave enjoyed his time accompanying the ladies over the weekend, and they engaged in nightly training sessions.

Despite Lucas occasionally worrying about his son's health, particularly his kidneys, he was amazed that Dave remained strong and healthy.

And so, the weekend came to an end in this manner.