Chapter 39-Flower Academy (Revised)

Chapter 39-Flower Academy



Dave continued his hunt, slaying numerous monsters in the forest and storing their bodies in his spatial ring.

The meat would serve as food for Draco, his growing dragon companion.

With each monster he killed, Dave felt a surge in strength, unaware that he had already dispatched hundreds of beasts and ventured deeper into the forest.

As he hunted, the clash of swords reached his ears. Concealing himself, Dave investigated and stumbled upon a scene of bandits engaging in a battle against a group of women.

The bandits, burly and muscular, were led by a towering figure with an eye patch.

"Haha, what a good catch! We'll enjoy ourselves, hahaha," the bandit leader exclaimed, his members joining in the laughter.

"Haha, yes! We've been thirsty for women after a whole month in the forest, and we didn't expect to find beautiful women here."

"Just give up; we've already drugged you all. Soon, you'll be begging for us to have our way with you," another bandit added, causing the women's faces to grow sluggish and red.

Enraged, one of the women declared, "How dare you scheme against us! We are from the academy, and our professor will hunt you down!"

One of the women shouted and her movement was starting to be affected.

"Haha, we, the Red Bandit, never fear anyone," the bandits scoffed, undeterred by the women's warnings, their lust-driven actions clouding their judgment.

Observing the scene, Dave realized that the bandits had likely sabotaged the unsuspecting women, taking advantage of their vulnerability.

Drugging their water source, the bandits now moved to exploit the situation.

Feeling a sense of duty, Dave couldn't stand by and watch.

With determination, Dave moved forward, embracing the role of a saint when it came to protecting women.

A firm resolve fueled his actions—to serve and bring happiness to those in distress, even if it meant sacrificing his own innocence.

Recognizing that the women needed his help, he prepared to intervene and ensure their safety.

He swiftly approached, unsheathing his sword with lightning speed. In a matter of seconds, a red line appeared on the bandits' necks, and their heads rolled to the ground.


The bandits didn't even have time to scream before meeting their demise. Dave examined his sword, now broken into pieces.

"I'm sorry, buddy. It's not you; it's me," he sighed, acknowledging the sacrifice of his weapon for the sake of justice.

After that, he looked at the women who were now affected by the drugs.

They looked at him with confusion and they were trying to suppress the drugs, but they failed.

Their minds were devoured by the drugs and their desire rose after seeing his handsome and attractive face.

His charming aura also affected their minds. They charged toward Dave and brought him down to the ground.

They tore his clothes and started to vent their lust on him.

Dave just lay there and did what they wanted, as he was not a doctor or a physician and couldn't remove the drugs.

But even if he were one, he still wouldn't do anything, as he was a villain, right?

Dave created a barrier for others to not see this crazy scene where five women were ganging up on him.

Dave was surprised as they were all virgins, and it was their first time doing this.


After five hours, the five women were lying on the ground looking satisfied.

Dave checked their condition and found that all five were representatives of Flower Academy, each aged 17 or older.

Flower Academy ranked 3rd among academies and only accepted female students. The girls from Flower Academy were all beautiful, much like their dean.

They had come to Dragon Academy to watch the school tournament and scout potential representatives for their own academy.

Many academies sent students to spy on others during such events.

On their journey, they were attacked by bandits aiming to take advantage of them. Luckily, Saint Dave appeared and saved them from a dangerous situation.

The most assertive woman, Layla Scarlet, was revealed to be one of Flower Academy's core students. She was as strong as Rose, reaching Peak-tier King level, and had long white hair and green eyes.

While traveling, they decided to camp in the forest and find a water source. They stumbled upon a pond, unaware that the bandits had orchestrated the entire ambush, leading to their drugging.

Without Dave's help, they would have faced the grim possibilities of assault or being sold into slavery by the bandits.

"They should thank me for being generous, sacrificing my great body to fulfill their desires."

"As expected of me, I'll rescue every lonely and sad woman in the world as long as they reach out to me, hehe."

He chuckled, looked at them, and decided to place them in the bed.

Waving his hands, beds and some spare clothes appeared. He dressed them and allowed them to rest on the bed.

Creating a barrier that only the Heavenly Sage could penetrate from outside, he ensured their privacy.

Dave noticed he gained 600,000 Sin points during their session.

He was pleased that he could now afford the sword after dual cultivating with the girls.

Before leaving, he wrote a few words on a piece of paper and then vanished into the forest, as it was already 11 pm.

His lovers might be feeling worried about him, and he still needed to fulfill his role for them.