Chapter 44- Competition (REVISED)

Chapter 44- Competition

Dave effortlessly qualified for the finals, leaving other contestants envious and frustrated.

"Damn, I'm dying of envy."

"Seriously, why is his luck so good?"

Injured contestants, being treated by medics after entering the top 25, cursed Dave's seemingly charmed journey.

They suffered through pain from battles, their armor and weapons damaged, while Dave, wearing no armor and only neat clothes, looked fresh without a speck of dust.

Ignoring the envy around him, Dave spotted Susan munching on food while watching the tournament. He walked over and sat with her.

"Wow, looking good as always. As expected of you,"

Susan laughed, kissing Dave's cheeks. She glanced at other women with a sneer, as if saying, 'You need to enter the tournament to kiss him, but I can kiss him anytime.'

The girls glared at Susan, expressing killing intent, and wished to switch places with her.

Meanwhile, the men envied Dave, who seemed to have time for flirting during the competition.

The dean, watching Dave with interest, chuckled as he realized he couldn't see through him today.

He suspected the guardian had given Dave a treasure to conceal his cultivation and didn't dare to probe further, not wanting to provoke him.

Even though they claimed not to care about anyone's status within the academy, the son of the guardian was an exception.


"This round will have the same rules as the previous round. Pick your number from the box to see who will be your opponent," Lina announced.

Rose and the other 23 students picked up their numbers. Rose discovered that she was number 3, and her opponent was a student from section C.

He had the same height as Dave but had dark skin. He had fought hard to reach this level.

His name was Orlando, the son of a baron.

Orlando's physique was robust, and he excelled in hand-to-hand combat.

Despite not expecting the princess as his opponent, he didn't want to surrender.

He loved to fight, and this was his chance to gain fame.

Rose, on the other hand, remained calm. From the start, she hadn't drawn her sword.

Many noticed her strength as she effortlessly defeated her opponents with punches.

Aside from her strength, students avoided provoking her because she was a princess.

All the students went on stage to begin their fights.

Rose understood that not many would surrender at this stage, being so close to the finals and vying for a spot in the top 10.

Even though she was a princess, Rose had no intention of using her status to overpower the other contestants.

She despised such actions, as it would only suggest that she relied on her father's status to suppress others.

Proud of her abilities as a genius, she aimed to prove her talent and worthiness of the title "Princess."

All contestants headed to their designated stages. Many eyes were fixed on Rose's stage, eager to witness her full strength.

"Start," the referee declared, initiating the battle. Orlando respectfully bowed to the princess and apologized, "Sorry to offend you, princess. I hope you give me a good fight."

Rose smiled and replied, "I hope you can take many punches from me."

Known as a tyrannical princess who enjoyed a good fight, Rose lunged towards Orlando with her fist.

Orlando, aware of her strength, swiftly dodged the attack.


The impact of Rose's strength was explosive, leaving many professors and even the principal in shock as they experienced the true power of the princess.

"I had no idea that the emperor had another genius child," Julius remarked, expressing joy at the potential of winning the school competition once again.

Rose's strength resembled that of a beast, with her punches carrying a destructive force capable of leveling buildings.

Orlando's face glistened with sweat. From childhood, he had been known for killing a tiger with just his fists, earning him a reputation for possessing a bestial physique that could surpass those at the same level.

However, he had not expected the princess to not only match his strength but also surpass him in the one aspect where he excelled – physical strength.

While Orlando was contemplating, he sensed an attack on his back, unable to dodge in time as Rose's fist struck.


He was sent flying off the stage, but his body didn't sustain severe injuries as Rose adeptly controlled her strength.

Observers, including experts, couldn't help but praise her.

"She possesses impressive strength and control. As expected of the princess, another powerhouse will emerge in the future."

The referee promptly declared, "Winner, Rose Oragon."




Applause resounded through the arena, with their fight becoming the highlight.

The princess's strength was now acknowledged to be on par with 4th-year students, leaving many astonished.

Even students from other schools in the crowd, while surprised, somewhat expected this outcome, knowing she was a princess with access to abundant resources for reaching such a level.

The other professors and the principal knew that they were spying on them, but they didn't care as they wanted to make them nervous as they could see the strength of their students.

It was just a competition but the principals were treating it as war because it represents the image of the academy.

On the other hand, the dean of the dragon academy didnt mind and their academy always got the first place since the tournament of schools was founded.


The other students had finished their fights, and the top 10 from 1st to 4th year were already selected.

Dave had directly secured a spot in the top 10 without even having to fight, and many acknowledged his luck.

The last known level for Dave was Grandmaster, and it had only been two weeks since he started school.

People initially assumed his strength might be at the Low-tier King level. Given the resources and treasures the guardian could provide him, they expected him to be even stronger.

However, due to his luck in entering the top 10 without breaking a sweat or engaging in a fight, Dave didn't have the chance to showcase his strength.

Now, 40 students were set to compete for the 10 slots to represent the school. Dave gained numerous sin points, most of which stemmed from envy.