Chapter 52- Ghost City (Revised)

Chapter 52- Ghost City

At 5 pm, Sandy woke up and noticed Dave staring at her with a smile. He said, "You finally woke up. How is your body?"

Dave wore a handsome smile that left the beautiful Sandy feeling a bit dazed. Even though she already knew Dave was handsome, she could never tire of it.

Touched to see him still by her side, she couldn't help but feel more secure with him there.

Sandy smiled sweetly and hugged him.

"Thank you for your concern. My body is still sore because you were so wild."

She pouted, but her face blushed as she realized her words were inappropriate.

Dave smiled and replied, "I can be wilder than that if you want."

Sandy blushed, finding it hard to believe that she, the cold beauty of the Academy, was now acting shy in front of Dave.

Dave smiled and asked her, "If you don't mind, you can stay at my dorm with Rose and the other ladies."

Sandy knew that he had many girlfriends, but she didn't mind, as, since ancient times, strong figures had multiple wives and concubines.

She also couldn't monopolize Dave alone, considering he was an outstanding individual.

She said, "I can't, as my father will get angry at me. He wants me to marry Sebastian, the son of Duke Glenn."

"I don't like that guy, so I entered the academy to escape for the time being. But I know my father is persistent and won't surrender easily."

Dave smiled and replied, "Don't worry about them. I'm sure they don't have the guts to antagonize me. Rest assured, I will never mistreat my woman."

"I'll deal with him if you want."

Even though he was a playboy, he wasn't the previous Dave who was irresponsible.

Dave's exes fully accepted their breakups, and only Dianne was so obsessed that he decided to end the relationship.

Sandy smiled and kissed his lips, saying, "Thank you, but he's still my father even though I hate him."

Her smile bloomed as the burden that had been making her cultivation stagnate disappeared with Dave's reassuring words.

After that, he concealed both of them and helped Sandy move into his dorm.

Sandy noticed her strength was nearing the low-tier emperor level, and Dave explained that it was the effect of Dual Cultivation.

Sandy now understood why Rose had suddenly become stronger.

Dave brought Sandy to the dorm and introduced her to the girls. Only Sophia was not there, as she was always busy with their business.

Dave had already informed them about all his women, as he trusted them and never wanted to hide it.

Sandy was shocked when she learned that even Professor Lina was one of Dave's women.

She was shy at first, but they got along because of Dave, who made them feel connected.

Dave went to check Draco's status as he grew rapidly. Draco still acted like a cat, only interested in sleeping and eating.



Race: Ancient Dragon

Age: 2 weeks old

Power Level: Top-tier Emperor

Technique: None

Hp: 9000/9000

Mp: 25,000/25,000


Agi: 700

Int: 400

Description: Hungry

Awakening Process: 3%


Dave observed that Draco's awakening process was at 3 percent. He guessed that once it reached 100%, the baby dragon might develop new skills beyond eating.

Dave didn't mind Draco's laid-back behavior, as he loved the little dragon. However, Dave realized the importance of strengthening himself for protection.

In Dave's dorm, the atmosphere was lively. Dave cooked a variety of foods, and the ladies laughed heartily while discussing him. Sandy was surprised to see even the teacher hooked by Dave, but it was proof of his excellence.

Dave suddenly spoke, "I have something to do later, so please don't wait for me. I'll make it up to all of you later."

Rose smiled and asked, "Are you looking for a new target today?"

Susan laughed, and Lina was smiling. Sandy was in a daze, not expecting such harmony, thinking they were competing for his attention. Dave smiled, pinched her nose, and said, "Looks like I must tame this tigress again, huh? Next time, I'll let you feel my dragon fiercely."

Rose blushed, and everyone laughed, knowing Dave was gentle with his women and only fierce in bed.

Susan pouted, "I also want that, hehe."

Dave smiled and replied, "Of course, I would never forget my cute Susan."

They talked about many things while eating. Draco, on the other hand, didn't care about them and continued eating cheerfully.


8 pm

Dave needed 2 hours to reach Ghost City, which was near the Black Turtle Empire. With his VIP card, he managed to hire a fast carriage to enter the city, hiding his face to avoid alerting potential enemies.

He arrived in the city at 8 pm and discovered that it was filled with wicked people and had no rules. Most criminals lived here, fearing arrest by other empires.

Ghost City earned its name due to rumors of many ghosts haunting the area.

No empire attempted to claim it, as the land was infertile, and there were rumors of a formidable figure residing there.

Though few had seen the mysterious figure's face, they knew this individual had killed an arrogant prince from the Black Turtle Empire who tried to dominate the city.

Attempts by the Black Turtle Empire to avenge the prince resulted in mysterious deaths, leaving no survivors.

Since then, the Black Turtle Empire ceased sending troops to Ghost City.

Only the Dragon Empire was not intimidated, but they had no intention of ruling a city populated by criminals and wicked individuals.

The city witnessed frequent deaths, with gang wars and robberies being commonplace occurrences.