Chapter 55- Strange woman (Revised)

Chapter 55- Strange Woman


In the Black Turtle Empire, Prince Trent was sleeping, but he suddenly woke up and screamed, "fvck."

Trent appeared to be 19 years old, a tall but skinny guy. He could be considered handsome, but he always had a sinister aura around him.

He heard that Karl failed to assassinate his target, so he doubled his payment, but until now, he still hasn't heard a message from them.

He secretly hired them, as he knew his father would kill him if he found out he plotted against Dave.

He didn't know anything about the Dragon Empire Guardian, but his father feared him so much that he had trauma.

His father always told him not to provoke the Dragon Empire, or else even he couldn't save him.

He decided to sleep first to rest his mind, but his dream was weird, and he woke up immediately as it was cringe.

He saw in his dream that he was being fvcked by his father, and they were enjoying it. Until now, he felt a chill in his mind when he remembered it.

Since that day, he could never get a good sleep.


Dave didn't go to his dorm immediately as he tried to take a stroll in this wicked city.

No one knew what he did, as their base was isolated and he killed everyone there.

Even his sword attack caused so much explosion, the space isolated everything inside.

He took their wealth, and Dave was stunned as he felt that it was easy to gain a lot of money.

The wealth accumulated by Karl was enough for him to live prodigally without worrying about dying of old age.

Dave was already wealthy, but he stuck to his principle of "Rob the Rich and Help the Poor," and he felt that he was the poor.

Dave's money can now buy a whole city, but he plans to use it to feed his glutton dragon.

He also planned to construct his mansion inside his storage space where he could lie if he wanted to rest.

Since living beings can enter his space, it is like a mini world, but he still needs enough resources before he starts his plans.

As Dave was walking on the streets, he saw an average-looking woman staring at the moon alone on the rooftop.

It was an astonishing thing to see, as her surroundings were chaotic.

There was some fighting and killing each other, but she just silently looked at the moon without others noticing her.

Dave knew that she was strong enough to not be noticed, but he was not scared, as he could even escape against a Low-tier Heavenly King Sage.

He didn't have anything to do, and he was curious about the woman. Seeing her look sad, he remembered his number 2 principle: to help every sad woman in the world.

Dave jumped and landed on the rooftop. His movements were smooth, and he sat near her.

He saw that she didn't react as if she treated Dave as air, so he went nearer to her and looked at the moon.

Still wearing his mask, Dave asked the woman, "Why are you alone here, girl?"

He was curious, so he went to talk to her. Dave had almost everything, but he didn't have a mother, so even though he was doted on by Lucas, he was still always leaving the empire to settle other matters.

Dave was always alone in the mansion, so all he could do was practice alone and look at the moon every night. He felt that she was like him, so she caught his interest.

The woman had already detected his aura, so she was not stunned. She looked at Dave and saw that he was wearing a mask, but she could feel that he didn't have bad intentions.

She could see his eyes and feel loneliness, sensing a similarity to her.

She smiled and said, "Only by staring at the moon, I can feel that I have a companion who can understand me."

"The moon lights the night, so if I ever feel alone and my life is dark, I will always stare at the moon to overcome it and make me feel that I exist."

Dave didn't check her stats, as he felt it was disrespectful, and he didn't really want to know her personally.

Dave smiled at her answer, and he didn't reply as he just looked at the moon with her.

He lay on the rooftop, removing his defenses, and the night became warm yet quiet, even though the place was chaotic.

He felt like his mind was calming, and he didn't realize that he had fallen asleep while looking at the moon.

The woman looked at him and saw that he was sleeping on the rooftop with a stranger.

"What an interesting guy."

The woman didn't expect a stranger to trust her, and the guy didn't fear her killing him and even slept near her.

She was curious about him, as he noticed her even though she concealed herself.

She opened his mask to see his real face, and she was stunned as she saw the most handsome face she had ever seen in her life.

"So handsome."

She remembered this face in her heart as she disappeared from the rooftop.

After 2 hours, Dave realized that he had fallen asleep on the rooftop but sighed in relief as he was okay.

"Hah, I've been careless. Luckily, my handsome face saved me."

He saw that the woman was not there, but he had a feeling that they would meet again. It was now 11 pm, and he checked his system.

[Daily Report]

[Sin Points Gained Today: 5,000,000]

[Total Sin Points: 8,000,000]


Name: Dave Alexander

Age: 15

Race: Human


Power Level: Low-Tier Heavenly Sage


Lv.13: Sword Dragon Technique (Max)


Magic Skills:

Lv.15: Conceal (Required to reach Heavenly Sage Emperor)

Lv.15: Magical Eyes (Required to reach Heavenly Sage Emperor)


Primordial Sin Skills:

<> (Lv.12) (0/20000)

<> (Lv.12) (0/20000)


Skill Points: <<6,952>>

Note: You can convert your sin points in skill points. Ratio: 100:1


Lv: 14

HP: 40,000/40,000

MP: 70,000/70,000

Exp: 0/8,000,000

Str: 1,700

Agi: 1,900

Int: 2,000

Sin Points: <<8,000,000>>


Dave smiled, then decided to go home. He brought a Teleportation Scroll to reach his dorm faster.

[Ding! You purchased Teleportation Scroll]


[Please imagine where you want to be teleported]

He imagined his dorm, and then he disappeared from the Ghost City.