Chapter 69- Snatching the Holy Fruit (Revised)

Chapter 69- Snatching the Holy Fruit

Dave uses <> and copies the image of the monkey king. His body morphs into the image of the monkey king.

His body suddenly transforms from a handsome man to a fierce man whose height is 3 meters.

His skin turns gray, and he now looks like the monkey king.

He brought a robe like the one the monkey king in the picture wore to the system shop, and it cost him 50 sin points.

It was cheap, and he could buy anything in the system as long as he had sin points.

After seeing that he already looks like the exact monkey king, Dave Un conceals himself and walks toward the guard.




His steps are heard by the guards, and they look at him with reverence, and Dave's aura perfectly matches the aura of their king.

Dave's composure also adds to the effect, and they don't notice anything wrong.

The guards bow to him as they don't even detect that he is an imposter.

"We greet the king!"

"We greet the king!"

Dave doesn't speak to them as he needs to be more like the king. He continues to walk forward and just nods at them.

The guards are familiar with their king's behavior, so they are not offended, and they don't have the right to be offended.

The guards open the chamber and let Dave come inside.

Dave smirks secretly as he walks toward the chamber. Before he leaves, he realizes something then he says a few words to them.

"If you see someone who looks like me, attack him immediately as he may be an imposter."

"We need to be careful and use everything you have to kill the enemies."

The guards nod, and they know that their kingdom may be attacked at any time, and many will try to secretly infiltrate their kingdom to steal the holy fruit.

"Yes, monkey king."

Dave continues to walk forward, and he sees many paintings of every monkey king of each generation on the wall. Then there is a shining light in the middle.

The holy banana is encased in a radiant energy shield, pulsating with a mystical aura. Dave carefully examines it, noting its size, color, and the energy it emits.

Dave thinks, "This must be the holy banana they were talking about. It does look special."

He checks the aura surrounding the holy banana, trying to understand its properties.

Dave remembers the urgency of the Monkey King, emphasizing the importance of this fruit to their bloodline evolution.

"Kuku, forgive me but this fruit is destined to be mine."




A rare and sacred fruit bestowed upon the beast world by the divine Holy Banana Tree. Radiating a celestial glow, this extraordinary fruit is a symbol of purity and power.


Bloodline Enhancement: Consuming the Holy Banana can elevate the purity of a beast's bloodline, granting them strength and abilities beyond their current state.

Evolution Catalyst: The Holy Banana possesses the unique ability to catalyze bloodline evolution, allowing a beast to transcend its current form and reach new heights of power

(Countdown to Ripening: 30 minutes)


Dave saw that he still needed half an hour for it to ripen.

He wanted to steal it and then let it ripen inside his storage space.

The problem was the barrier because he didn't know how to remove it.

The king had a way to remove it, so if he tried to take it, it would set off an alarm, and everyone would realize that he was fake and trying to steal the holy fruit.

He asked his almighty system, "System, do you have any suggestions to remove this barrier?"

[Answering the host, yes, if you buy the Formation knowledge in the system.]

The system answered him.

Dave knew about formations, as every empire had its formation protecting it, and many formation masters were treated the same as alchemy masters.

"How much?"

[Ding! The system can only give you some knowledge of a 5-star formation master because your points are not sufficient if you want to acquire the knowledge of a 9-star formation master.]

[It requires 30 million sin points.]

There are ranks in being an alchemist, blacksmith, and formation master. It was classified as a 1-star to 9-star rank.

There is also the possibility of having a higher rank than 9-star, and in the spirit world, the 9-star is the highest.

Dave knew how precious the knowledge of a formation master was, even if it was only a 5-star, so he agreed.

Others took many years to hone and deepen their knowledge, and it was their pride, so many masters were arrogant and prideful.

Now, he can learn better than them just by using sin points.

Dave closed his eyes as he felt heartache spending that many sin points, but he remembered that it was for his cute baby dragon, so he steeled himself.

[Ding! You've acquired the knowledge of a 5-star formation master.]


[Total sin points: 6,035,200]

Dave's mind suddenly reveals a lot of information about the formation that even 50 years of experience and studying can't reach anyone.

His head feels dizzy for a moment, but a lot of information barrages his mind, and he feels like he is the one who learned that knowledge by himself.

"Wow, amazing."

Dave smiles, realizing that when he acquired the knowledge, the experience was also there.

The process took only 10 seconds, and then he looked toward the barrier.

He saw that even a 1-star formation master could remove this formation, as the one who created this formation was an amateur.

Dave expected this, as beasts were not into studying, but they preferred fighting.

He points his finger to a part of the barrier, and then the barrier deactivates. He easily learned the components of this formation, and he knew its core, so he easily bypassed it.

"Tsk, a mere 1-star formation cannot stop me."

Dave smirks and approaches the tree. He feels like it was full of energy when he went near the tree, and he doesn't hesitate to take out the holy fruit and bring it to his storage space.

"Hahaha, the monkey bastard's face must be good to watch if he saw that his last hope was stolen."

He laughs as he leaves the chamber secretly by using his teleportation and disappears from the place.