Chapter 78- Reunited (Revised)

Chapter 78- Reunited

The skill <> from the Sin of Sloth is a useful ability, even though it lacks offensive capabilities.

It enables Dave to enter the dreams of other people, and as a devil, he finds it amusing to occasionally induce unsettling dreams, as he did to the prince of the Black Turtle Empire.

Additionally, the skill can be utilized for communication with others, requiring specific details about the target person, such as their appearance, age, and background.

Dave and Olivia waited at the old location of the rabbit clan, anticipating Olivia's father's response.

Dave believed that a desperate person would not hesitate to take a chance, gambling on whether the dream he sent was true or not.

He assured Olivia that he successfully created a dream for her father, and now they just needed to wait.

Olivia rested on his shoulders, trusting in Dave, which helped her stay calm.

Meanwhile, Dave's system continued to receive Sin Points as the war between the turtle and monkey races persisted.

The mastermind behind the conflict rested for many days with beautiful women beside him, while others suffered from his schemes.

Dave remained indifferent and unapologetic about his actions, as he had sworn to live his life to the fullest when given a second chance.

Now reincarnated, he was determined to pursue his desires and goals, whether they led to good or bad deeds.

Dave observed that his Sin Points had reached <<400,000,000>>, and he still had some stocked sin points in his system, keeping them for potential future use.

In the Spirit world, the ladies receive the message of Dave from Lina, so they are still doing their lives as usual.

Draco was always with Susan and eating at many restaurants in the city.

They didn't worry about Dave's safety as he was strong enough to protect himself.

The ladies were practicing themselves and helping each other in managing the dorm.



After three hours of travel, a man holding a woman behind him arrived at Dave's location.

He rushed without caring about exhaustion, fueled by the feeling that he might see his daughter again.

His clan had suffered immense pain, and he didn't want his daughter to endure the same.

Blaming himself for being weak and failing to meet the expectations of his trusting clanmates, he carried the weight of their collective hope and trust.

At times, he contemplated ending his own life, but the glimmer of hope kept him going.

Now, his priority was to save his daughter. Using his powers, he rushed to their former base, carrying his wife behind him.

Despite exhaustion, upon reaching the location, he saw a handsome man resting on a tree.

The man's appearance stunned him and his wife. The clan leader was astounded because the man's face resembled what he had seen in his dreams.

The man smiled as he looked at him and then shifted his gaze to the beautiful woman nearby, Olivia, lying on his lap.

Seeing the smile on his daughter's face, the clan leader sighed in relief.

Full of joy, he shouted Olivia's name and ran towards her, with his wife following.

Tears streamed down their faces as if they hadn't seen each other in centuries.

Olivia, who had been waiting, stood up and rushed to hug her parents.

"Father! Mother!"

Overwhelmed with emotions, Olivia embraced her parents, tears streaming down her face.

She cried like a child, expressing her happiness and delight.

Yet, her tears also carried the weight of guilt, knowing that everything had happened because of her.

"I'm sorry."

Amidst her tears, Olivia apologized, understanding the toll her situation had taken on her parents.

Her father and mother exchanged glances and reassured her.

"It's not your fault, daughter. The Monkey King is just bad. He will face karma someday."

Dave, in the role of an observer, smiled and decided to let them have their family moment.

He left the place, allowing them to reunite without interference.


Dave easily appeared in the Monkey Kingdom without using much mana.

There, he saw soldiers getting ready for battle, gearing up to support their comrades already in the fight.

Quickly, he disguised himself, making his face look like an average monkey, and put on the soldiers' armor.

In the midst of the crowd, a tall monkey commander spoke, rallying the troops with a spirited speech.

"Brothers, we're marching to take down our enemies, those turtle bastards. Let's unite and give it our all to protect our clan and seek revenge for our king."

The soldiers cheered in determination, ready for the battle ahead.

Dave blended in seamlessly, looking like a genuine soldier. Together, they started their march towards the Turtle Kingdom.

On the way, Dave saw the aftermath of war – bodies scattered and fires burning.

Unfazed, he kept his cool, seeing himself as the mastermind orchestrating these events.

To him, it was just the strong dominating the weak, a harsh law of nature.

After half an hour, they reached the Turtle Kingdom, surrounded by water.

The energy of the ongoing battle between the kings filled the air.

Dave guessed these were the ancestors of the Turtle and Monkey clans locked in combat.


The commander's order sent the soldiers charging forward, joining the ongoing skirmish.

As they plunged into the fight, Dave disappeared, concealing himself.

His goal wasn't to participate in the battle but to sneak into the Turtle Kingdom, driven by an insatiable desire to seize and hoard treasures.

Dave confidently advanced and upgraded to a level where even the previous kings and ancestors couldn't detect him.

They were too preoccupied with the ongoing battle to notice the soldiers below.

Now on par with a Low-tier Heavenly Emperor Sage, Dave silently infiltrated the war-damaged castle.

Fires and explosions had left their mark everywhere, even damaging the castle walls.

Using his concealment, Dave effortlessly entered and moved through the castle.

Enjoying the thrill, he decided to follow his instincts without a specific plan.

As he walked, he heard cries coming from a room.

Inside, a turtle boy of the same age as Dave vented his frustrations, feeling unlucky and worthless.

"I'm nothing but trash, devoid of any talent. Everyone looks at me with disdain. Even though I held the title of prince in the kingdom, nobody respected me, and my fiancée was taken away by my own brother."

"Darn it, even in this war, I can't contribute anything to help my clan."

The scene struck a chord with Dave, reminiscent of stories he had read.

A prince or a discarded young master betrayed by his fiancée, finding an opportunity to rise, seek revenge, and shame those who wronged him.