Chapter 80- Karla (R-18) (Revised)

Chapter 80- Karla (R-18)

He didn't want to leave anything here, and he didn't care about Donatello.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Donatello was stunned by his actions, and he told Dave to only get some and tried to stop him, but Dave used <> on him, and he fell to the ground.

"Fufufu, how naive of you to believe anyone easily. Hahaha, all of this will be mine."

He didn't want to kill him as he was one of the protagonists, and they were hard to kill.

Maybe when he is near to killing him, then a strong old man will appear and save him, or he will suffer a backlash from it.

He immediately collected all the treasures until nothing was left. He also wrote a few words before leaving the treasury.

He looked at the sleeping Donatello and copied his form. He was confident that no one would notice it for some time, so he planned to go and have fun.

Then he used <> and appeared in Donatello's room.

He walked outside and saw many people looking at him with a smile, but when he left, they would laugh at him.

Dave didn't mind them as he saw two figures walking towards a room. Both looked suspicious, and one had the familiar face of Donatello, likely his brother, while the other was a beautiful woman.

Dave concealed himself and went with them without them knowing.


"Dylan, are you sure no one will see us?"

"I am nervous."

A woman with green hair, of the same height as Donatello, said and looked at the man who had a similar look to Donatello.

She was beautiful, her body charming, and she bore innocent looks; anyone would love her at first sight.

"Of course, it's my room, and no one will disturb us here."

"Everyone is thinking about the war, and they don't have time to look for us."

"Also, don't be nervous. I know it's your first time, but I will make you feel like heaven."

His name is Dylan, the brother of Donatello.

The woman with him was Donatello's fiancée, Karla and they are planning to have sex.

Dylan managed to convince the innocent Karla because he told her that he would be the king after his father's reign and that he would make her the queen.

Karla was ambitious, which is why she agreed and decided to break the contract with Donatello.

It was her parents who formed the contract, and she did all she could to convince Donatello to agree.

Surprisingly, he didn't reject it but threatened her that she would regret it.

She only sneered and said to herself, "Regret? You are a trash and a guy with poor cultivation talent."


Dave, who was concealed, was stunned, then he smirked.

'Fvck, they had the time to have fun while their clan was at war; new generations let me down.'

Dave sighed as if he were an old man looking at younglings.

He unconcealed himself and said, "As expected of my brother and fiancée, they are having a good time while we are in a state of war."

He was in the guise of Donatello, and his appearance caused the two to stop for a moment.

The two were stunned, and Dylan calmed himself, looking at Donatello with mocking eyes.

"Haha, what can you do? I will play with her and do the things you cannot do before haha!"

Dylan wanted to see his despair, knowing that Donatello was afraid of him and would not fight him.

Even if he told this to his father, he would just be ignored because he was already sure that he would be the heir to the throne.

He wanted Donatello to see how he conquered the girl he liked and played with all of his heart.

Dave looked at him with a sneer and said, "Fufu, you have a good suggestion; let's do it."

Dylan was stunned as he didn't see him feel angry or in despair, only smiling at him.

He was confused but didn't have time to comprehend what was happening as Dave punched Dylan in the face.


Dave had prepared a sound barrier after entering so that no one would notice.


Dylan coughed up blood, shocked by the power of Donatello.


Karla was also shocked, trembling in fear and stepping back as she was afraid of him.

"Hehe, I want you to see me having fun."

Dave smiled and walked towards Dylan, who was crawling and begging.

"Please, don't hurt me; father will kill you!"

He was shocked as he didn't expect Donatello to hide his real powers, and the punch he received almost broke his face, but Dave had held back.

Dave didn't listen and broke his legs.


"Ahhhhh, so painful!"

Dylan passed out due to pain but Dave used and he woke up and even though he wanted to shut his eyes, he could not do anything.


Dylan was roaring, but Dave slapped him, and his teeth flew out of his mouth from his slap.

"Hah! Watch me."

Dave ignored Dylan, then looked at Karla, who was trembling in fear as if Dave were a demon.

"No, please let me go. I knew you loved me, so please don't use force."

Karla knew that Donatello truly liked her, and he was sincere with her, but what can she do? Only by choosing the strongest one and the one with the most potential will her future be better.

Even though Donatello was a prince, he was not talented and thought that it was better to choose Dylan, even though he was a tyrant.

She didn't expect that Donatello was hiding his powers, and now she realizes why he was calm before the breakup of their marriage contract.

She remembered his words that she would regret it, and now she was truly regretting it.

Dave looked at her with a devil's grin and said,.

"Haha, I will play with you and let Dylan watch!"

Karla was scared, but she couldn't move her body as there was a force that was restraining her.

Dave's power easily overpowered her, and she was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Dave holds her chin and releases his <>.

'I hope you are enjoyable.'

Dave whispered in her ear, and Karla was in tears due to fear. 

Karla suddenly felt hot in her body and looked at Dave with a lustful expression.

"Huff, hot, so hot."

She was breathing raggedly, and her body was overtaken by the lust energy of Dave.