Chapter 86- Belle and Olivia (R-18) (Revised)

Chapter 86- Belle and Olivia (R-18)

Dave gazed at the holy tree, uncertain of how to transport it.

The energy surrounding the holy tree was enticing, and the aroma of its fruit wafted through the air, filling it with a delicious scent.

"Truly a treasure!" he exclaimed, admiring the scene. The desire to steal the tree intensified, fueled by the belief that the turtle didn't deserve such a precious treasure.

He turned to his system, inquiring, "System, how can I take this tree?"

[Ding! The system can take this tree and plant it wherever you want in your small world.]

[Sin points required: 1,000,000,000]

Dave acknowledged that the system was a bit of a money-grabber, but he was willing to accept it.

The holy tree could contribute to Draco and Blizzard's bloodline evolution, as well as benefit Olivia and Belle.

Draco's bloodline was still locked, and Dave wasn't aware of its level, but he believed it might be on par with or even surpass Blizzard's.


[Sin Points: <<1,320,000,000>>]

[Deducting 1,000,000,00]

[Ding! You can now choose where you want to implant it.]


Dave observed the reduction in his sin points, with some remaining in storage.

He had spent five days in the beast's world, and with only six days left before the competition, he aimed to ensure the well-being of his girlfriends and father.

Dave decided to replant the tree in the backyard of his mansion, intending to set up formations later for added protection.

As the holy tree vanished, the surroundings began to shake and crumble, catching Dave off guard. It seemed that the tree was supporting the stability of the area.

Before departing, he retrieved a treasure stolen from the Monkey Kingdom and left it on the ground. With a smile, he disappeared.



Outside the castle, the appearance of the turtle king shocked everyone as he engaged in a fierce battle with the first monkey king.

To their surprise, the turtle king had advanced in his cultivation, putting the monkey king at a disadvantage.

The turtle king also revealed his hidden forces, summoning ten mysterious clanmates whose strength was on par with other monkey kings, leaving everyone in shock.

The war turned into a gruesome display of power, and the turtle forces slaughtered many monkey race soldiers.

"Haha, this will be the end of your race! I've tolerated enough for our previous friendship, but you dare to attack my clan," the first turtle king gloated, delivering a powerful punch that sent the first monkey king crashing to the ground.

Suddenly, a rumble echoed through the surroundings, and the onlookers witnessed their castle crumbling on its own.



Amidst the chaos, the first turtle king, still in the heat of battle, shouted, "Lock the whole kingdom and don't let anyone leave or they will be killed."

He roared with rage, realizing that the holy tree he had guarded for years had been stolen.

With quick thinking, he understood that the disappearance of the holy tree was responsible for the castle's collapse, as it had been supporting the core of the structure.

"Shit!" he cursed, also fearing the consequences of the mermaid princess's potential death, as she was his source of mermaid tears.


Dave, who was already away from them, keeps receiving sin points.


[Ding! You gained Sin Points]

Wrath + 1,000,000

Wrath + 1,000,000

Wrath + 1,000,000

Wrath + 1,000,000

Wrath + 1,000,000

Wrath + 1,000,000




Dave smiled, reveling in the chaos he had caused.

Two clans were now unknowingly harboring resentment toward him, their hatred diligently collected by his system.

The prospect of staying longer in the beast's world thrilled him.

After some contemplation, Dave entered his small world and found Belle peacefully sleeping on the bed.

Recognizing that she needed the rest, he left her undisturbed. Olivia was engrossed in playing games, and he decided not to disturb her either.

Teleporting to the location where he planted the holy tree, Dave examined it and estimated that it would take ten years for the fruit to ripen, according to the system.

"System, is there any way to speed up the maturation process?"

He was eager to see the results sooner than the projected timeline.

[Ding! You can use mermaid tears or buy holy fertilizer from the system.]

Dave sighed, growing accustomed to the system's methods. "How much?"

[500,000,000, and it will shorten the time of ripening to 3 days.]

"Buy it."

[Ding! Holy fertilizer acquired.]


<> (1x)


Dave held a bag of fertilizers in his hands and skillfully splashed it onto the ground.

Now, all he needed to do was wait for three days before the five fruits ripened.

Unconcerned about the 500 million Sin Points spent on the fertilizer, Dave's sin points continued to rise at a rapid pace.

He felt as if he were becoming rich once again.

Additionally, Dave had made a promise to Belle to help her find her parents and her empire.

Relaxing on the sofa, Dave decided to indulge in watching the latest episode of Dragon Ball.

Just as he was engrossed in the show, Olivia entered the room and embraced him.

Dave smiled, realizing that Olivia had become accustomed to being with him.

"You brought in a new woman, but you can't make any moves on her, hehe. Are you sad?"

Olivia teased him, and Dave smirked.

"Looks like you've volunteered to be her substitute, hehe. You'll witness the might of my dragon with balls."

After that, they start their new session again. Dave never gets tired of Olivia as she is perfect in bed and her big chest is his favorite thing to play with.

Belle who was just near them both didn't know that 2 figures were fvcking near her as she was sleeping sweetly.

Of course, Dave created a sound barrier for her to not see them, but he didn't even care if she saw them both as she would be the next one to experience it.
