It's cold


' Anna dear please go fill the water bottle na. I'm too busy my facepack will be a waste if I'll go. ' Riya was pleading Anna .

' Dear my ass , can't you see I'm having a facepack too i won't go .' Anna yelled.

Aarvi was making notes and because of their fighting she became frustrated and got up from the table - " I'll get it now shut the hell up. You guys suck me dry ugh. " She left with bottle being annoyed.


She reached the water R.O and was filling water . After finishing when she turned around she saw Atharva sitting near tree with coffee in his hand.

She thought of going to him but then stopped and thought of watching him from far , it was more fun.

He took out his phone and dialled someone.

Her phone vibrated, a smile took place on her face .

She answered it and was still looking at him.

AT : Hey ! Are you free right now?

AR : I'm always free for you. ( God his voice )

AT : I didn't knew about your flirting technique yet . (He chuckled)

AR : Isn't it good , you'll be interested in me for a long time .

AT : Ahha I'm gonna be interested either way.

AR : Hahaha Where are you , dorm ?

AT : Right in front of you .

He winked at her. She was stunned and was so embarrassed.

AR : You have quite a good sight.

AT : Are you good to keep talking from there or ....

AR : Coming.

She disconnected the call and went near him.

" Here , it's your favourite and untouched. " He passed the coffee kept near him to her.

' Didn't you bought it for yourself , you can have it. ' She passed it to him.

" I changed my mind ." He held her hand and handed it over to her again.

' Fine , I can't convince you. ' She pouted and sipped coffee. He smiled slightly and was looking at her.

( Why does just being with her changes the atmosphere , it feels warm and nice. I've always lacked this warmness. It's so cold and dark inside me . If she ever see this darkness in me , Will she still be with me ? Will she leave me for my past ? )

His thoughts were interrupted when she clicked her fingers in front of his face .

' Are you lost baby boy? ' She smiled.

" Yes baby girl I'm lost in you." He looked at her face with flirty eyes making her blush .

She turned her face away.

' Ok that was too straight. ' She was smiling turning her face other side.

He grabbed her by shoulders and hugged her tightly in his arms - " It's cold. "

She felt so warm in his arms . She has always watched such scenes in movies but never knew that it felt this good .

She inserted her hands in his jacket's pocket

and buried her face in his chest and cuddled him more tightly.

' You are so warm. ' She looked up in his eye.

" Is it ? Or should we go in my room and do some warm up. " He kissed her nose .

' What are you talking about ? ' She mumbled and buried her head again.

After cuddling for long time she looked up to find his eyes were closed.

' Are you sleepy? You should go back to dorm or you'll catch cold and the girls must be waiting for me . ' She stood up .

" Are you worried about me?" He looked at her with his cute puppy eyes.

She smiled and cupped his cold face in her warm hands and kissed his lips gently.

' Yes , now go . ' She turned him around .

" Good night and love you." He shouted as he was going making her blush .


She returned to her room and found Anna and Riya standing at door with stern face .

' Did you go to ocean to fill water? ' Riya asked.

" I.. uh.." Aarvi was confused what to say to them.

' Where were you this late , Were you with Atharva ? ' Anna snatched the bottle from her hand.

" Let's sit first ." She made both of them sit .

" Ok so when i was filling water I saw Atharva and then we talked and cuddled that's it . " She explained .

' You should have atleast texted us , you love to make us worried. ' Anna was angry.

Aarvi hugged them both and was apologising to them until there mood became better .

" But guys sometimes I think that how is he so normal with these flirty lines ? Is it that he has done it many times earlier to be this comfortable." Aarvi pouted.

' C'mon Ari he's so good looking, tall and uber hot it's so obvious ..but you shouldn't care about his past , everyone has past and even you too.' Riya comforted her.

" But what if he leaves me one day or what if he get bored of me because im just too normal and not initiative like other girls. " Aarvi was upset just thinking about it.

' You think too much , but the thing is you don't know anything about him so slowly you should get to know everything about him first like his family , friends his goals and everything. ' Anna patted her back.

' And you should make him head over heels for you so don't be shy anymore hot boys love wild girls got it and we're going clubbing this weekend so don't miss such a golden chance. ' Riya patted her back too.

" Yeah you're right . Mission get to know and seduce Atharva will launch tomorrow. " They all laughed so hard at this.
