Chapter 5 Sympathy

Ying Zheng came to a few conclusions about this world.

The first and most likely one to him is that he has been reincarnated into another universe or world and being reincarnated in the same universe just a different world was the likelier of the two.

The second conclusion is that it was perhaps just a dream and the earth probably doesn't exist.

The third conclusion is that he is still in the same world and has been reincarnated into the future or the past during normal reincarnation or he accidentally got lost in the time stream and was reincarnated into the past or future.

But for now, Ying Zheng decided not to think too much about it and continue with his life.

And in the meantime time try to search for the immortal path by roaming the whole world and if there is none then try to create the immortal path himself.

But before that happens he decided to stay with these people in the meantime.

He met with this merchant caravan just half an hour ago

When they saw him they wanted to shoo him away because they had assumed he was there to beg for some money or was a bandit trying to lower their guard down.

But then Ying Zheng half convinced them he was a farmer but his farm was forcefully taken away from him for a low price.

In exchange for his land, they gave him a few silver coins and chased him away.

Seeing that they did not still believe him he decided to cry fake tears.

"Sweet child are you alright? please have some water." a kind middle-aged woman offered him some water.

His tears combined with the mud on his face and the snot dripping from his nose while trying to pull it back into his nose combined with his tight muddy greyish rough farmer's clothes that barely covered his knees brought out people's sympathy.

Sympathy is an emotion that corresponds with goodwill.

In times of importance, it can translate into a willingness to problem solve in ways that might not otherwise occur.

There were a few times Ying Zheng was thankful for the knowledge he had acquired from his past life and this was one of them.

He remembered research on human sympathy although it might have looked useless it was very useful when it matters.

The researchers found out that being transparent about one's misfortune is more effective when initiated by a "low power" negotiator or someone in a weaker position. Negotiators in the stronger position who tried to gain sympathy were seen as manipulative.

The study involved 106 MBA students (30% female) and the negotiations took place as part of one of their classes. Participants were randomly assigned to negotiating teams to play out various scenarios.

One scenario involved a dispute between a general building contractor and a real estate developer regarding overpayment. The study focused on whether feeling sympathy helped the negotiations.

All in all their results seem to be useful for Ying Zheng.

Their findings reveal an optimistic message. Even when people are in powerful positions, situations in which cold-hearted, rational actors might be expected to behave opportunistically, they found out instead that their feelings of sympathy motivate them to help the disadvantaged.

Ying Zheng had no shame while other men might come out straight or even lie none would ask for sympathy.

'Is sympathy considered a sign of weakness or is there a place for sympathy in negotiations?' Ying Zheng did not give a fuck.

He took the water the middle-aged woman offered him. While he was drinking the mud on his face and the snot from his face dripped into the water he was drinking.

Seeing this the middle-aged woman. cried out "Aiyaa child stop drinking that is dirty."

"Yu Lin go get him some bath to clean up."

Yu lin had a pleasing and wholesome appearance. Although her ass was not the biggest he has ever seen it was not flat either her chest size was a C cup and her ass was around 39 and at most 40.

"Right away miss Yan." She replied as she hurriedly left.

Ying Zheng knew that if you are going to do something do it right and go all the way. It is better to go overboard than to come under.

So before the girl that looked like the maid of miss Yan or so he thought left he said in a flurry while looking at the ground embarrassedly "No need miss I can stay like this until I reach the next town I still have three silver coins I can bath after I reach the town."

Hearing that some people smiled at the naivety of the kid. Seeing how naive Ying Zheng seemed everyone started having a better impression of him.

The middle-aged woman smiled at the kid with a caring attitude and said jokingly

"Kid take the bath and fresh clothes right now you stink and by showering you would be doing us a favor."

Everyone laughed and someone urged Ying Zheng "Kid go take a bath and change into a fresh pair of clothes."

Another man immediately chimed in jokingly by saying "Yes kid do you want to slap us and miss Yan across the face."

Seeing this Ying Zheng appeared embarrassed and said "I can not take it please don't force me I beg you."

Hearing this miss Yan and everyone else was surprised by this kid.

Looking at each other they all smiled wryly.

Then Miss Yan immediately had a great idea and said to Ying Zheng "Alright how about you pay us for the shower and clothes?"

Hearing this Ying Zheng was jumping for joy inside but he knew he had to calm down because he knew one hasty action ruins great plans.

Hearing what she said Ying showed a bit of surprise and said "Oh yeah! Silly me why did I not think of this before."

Ying Zheng then asked miss Yan" How much are you charging miss?"