Chapter 40 Assassination

I will edit this part out in a few hours but before that I barely found any history or documentary of Qin Shi Huang before the Chu conquest as I was searching I found myself in Alexander the great materials which were more abundant then I managed to convince myself that since this was not a documentary I could add anything I want as for the Han Qin Wars from the last chapter I will continue it in the next or the one after it but before that enjoy and do comment where I should edit before that thanks.


With the Qin revolts crushed and the Hans all but defeated, Ying Zheng, despite growing divisions in his army, set his sights beyond the borders of the Qin and other states and onto the barbarian subcontinent.

Motivated in equal parts by strategic and personal reasons, the barbarian campaign, which took mostly in the north and north-western regions, would turn out to be Ying Zheng's costliest and might have nearly led to his death several times.