Chapter 45 Conceal Your Intentions

Ying Zheng was excited about the prospects of his new kingdom. He hoped in a few years preferably 3 years to conquer the whole of china and the barbarian subcontinent and then move to the Persian subcontinent.

Ying Zheng had effectively created one of the best working war machines that could ever be envisioned.

The Qin Kingdom had the best-trained army be it in numbers or training and that army had effective generals who could guide it seamlessly.

And Ying Zheng made sure the army would be loyal to the King rather than the generals since he fed both of them.

But Ying Zheng did not stop but had several generals in one army although that might cause chaos but it would be an effective redundancy Incase they rebelled and turned the army towards Xianyang.

Ying Zheng himself started taking more active roles in the military such as leading war meetings and the war itself.