Chapter 60 Conquering Chu.

Ying Zheng had his suspicions about Carnage's true identity.

Ying Zheng had a feeling that Carnage was a fake and he was about to expose him but something stopped him.

Carnage said that he was immortal and could not die but that is merely an illusion.

I do not believe someone as long lived and wise as Carnage does not know this.

Life like the night and death is like the rising sun and day.

No matter how long the night is be it minutes months or even years it always sees the day.

Life is born, life fights and finally life dies.

Ying Zheng didn't completely trust Carnage, but he didn't completely distrust him either.

He was perplexed by why Carnage left him with the useless copy, and he was also confused about who had actually made a deal with him. He had suspicions about Carnage's true identity, and he was about to expose him, but something stopped him.
