imagine that

Frisk POV

"I'm fine" I smirked at the shocked looking adult

"…" he tried to shift his face to nonchalant, he failed… it looked as if he tried to swallow a lemon

I finally stood up on the golden flowers and looked around the cave we were in. It looked like a natural cave, but it was also very symmetrical.

The adult took my standing up as a signal to stand. He still seemed very disturbed by being here and looked around him as if seeing colors I couldn't see.


James Pov

I had this strange ability to analyze things. When I saw Frisk on the floor and wondered if she… he? Really is the same person from the game, I sort of felt waves release and return to me like ultrasonic waves. My brain sort of gained information about whatever I was curious about.

So first things first… magic, or aura.

Frisk's aura is so dense it's fucking scary, mine is a 10th of theirs at best.

Also, I noticed that I could somewhat see/feel souls, or maybe they were mana focal points or some shit, but while I couldn't see into Frisk's soul, I could see into mine.

In my soul, I had… stones? Gems? Crystals of my magic that condensed and formed into… something.

one of them was the very ability I was using, diving deeper and 'reading' them didn't give much information, but somehow in an instant I understood the names and effects of the abilities that they contained.

2 small crystals contained [Thermal Fluctuation resistance] and [Spiritual Attack resistance], the first allowed me to resist cold and heat to extreme levels, and the second… attacks on my soul? Spirit?

The next crystal was firmly more 'slotted' into my soul, it was also somewhat bigger, and it was the very ability I used to analyze stuff, it was called [Analytical Appraisal] it was a bit complicated to explain but I was able to release waves of information that are able to insert themselves into targets, those waves return to me with information of the target.

The last Crystal was much bigger than all other Crystals combined, it contained an ability called [Continual], which allowed me to… persist? It seems like any change or external phenomena cannot change or affect my soul and therefore my abilities and memories, it's all very confusing but I guess I'm immune to soul fuckery? Seems like good shit.

*snap* *snap* fingers snapped in front of my face

I looked down at where the arm was connected to and frisk looked as confused as I was with the situation

"do you know where we are mister?" they asked quietly

"no, not really" I looked around a bit before seeing a way forward further into the cave system

"I'm Frisk, you?" they asked with a small smile

"James, James Script" I returned the smile "I assume you don't know where we are either?"

"well…" frisk trailed off into their memories "I was climbing Mount Ebbot and I think I remember falling…" they raised their arms and looked quizzingly at it "but I feel even better than before, it's like my body is brand new!" they smirked while stretching

"…" I wondered if I should explain what I felt with [Analytical Appraisal] but Frisk quickly walked further into the cave with a skip in their step.

"let's explore this cave first!" they walked towards the carved purple stone door

Naturally, I walked after the eccentric kid, wouldn't be very cash money of me to leave them exploring on their own, I didn't know if things would be the same as in the game but I should probably try to keep things on the pacifist route… but that's placing a lot of faith on the literal child in front of me.

Walking through the door it led to a small patch of grass growing under sunlight, it looked quite surreal,

it was even more surreal to see a flower instantly grow out of the grass, the flower had a face on it… I know where this is going.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" it closed its eyes and tilted its head causing the petals to bounce.

"Hi Flowey!" Frisk excitedly answered "I'm Frisk and this is James" They pointed at themselves and then at me. "I've never seen a talking flower before" Frisk kneeled down with awe on their face"

Seeing frisk get closer to the genocidal flower causing me to slowly lift my hand in an instinctive attempt to pull them back

"you're new to the underground aren'tcha?" it looked from Frisk's awed face to my tense face and returned his face to Frisk "Golly, you guys must be so confused" Flowey's petals drooped like someone drooping their shoulders.

"Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" he quickly continued before Frisk could talk over his little speech again "I guess little old me will have to do" he winked and I swear to god a small white spark shot out like effects from a cartoon.

Frisk nearly squealed at the animated wink, they seemed very awed by the supernatural aspects of the flower.

"…" Flowey smile soon waned, and then his smile completely disappeared his face confused

"is everything ok?" frisk asked gingerly, they didn't expect the go-lucky flower to suddenly be so serious

"y-yeah, everything is fine" his scrunched face told me otherwise "Anyway!" his smile returned. "you are probably wondering how… a talking flower exists right?" Flowey wasn't really good at improvisation huh

"Well, I guess?" Frisk was getting confused by how Flowey was acting

"Well, I am actually made of magic!" he smiled radiantly "You want magic too, right?" he aimed the question at the more impressionable Frisk, he seemed to realize he wouldn't be able to trick me

While Frisk was a bit weirded out by Flowey's bad acting, their reservations disappeared as soon as Flowey summoned a white glowing orb, they quickly nodded causing Flowey to relax a little

"you see! Down here magic is shared through… little white… 'Friendliness pellets'!" his act was getting progressively worse

Around him about 12 other 'Friendliness pellets' appeared

"Move around get as many as you can!" the pellets slowly moved towards Frisk and me

Frisk slowly raised their hand to touch the pellet with their fingers, seeing this, I quickly grabbed their arm and pulled them back

"OW!" in my worry I might have pulled harder than was needed "What are you doing?!" they swiped their arm from my grip and rubbed the place I grabbed on their sweater.

I didn't care, I looked towards the murder flower, fear welling up inside me

If souls didn't exist, would the 'Friendliness pellets' have just maimed frisk?! I can't take any chances, this isn't a game anymore.

Floweys smile switched with a cruel sadistic smile

"Dang it! almost got the kid, it would have been funny" Slowly 'Friendliness pellets' have appeared around us and shot towards us at speeds I could barely react to.

Thankfully frisk this time understood the danger we were in and dodged, however, I wasn't able to dodge all of them and a 'Friendliness pellet' scraped my ribs, Flowey mercilessly continued creating attacks and we continued to dodge all we could.

Getting scratches on my legs and arms I panicked, and I turned on my [Analytical Appraisal] in hopes of getting a view of the 'Friendliness pellet' in my blind spots, as soon as I 'scanned' the attack I heard a voice talking directly into my head

|extra skill: [magic sense] Acquired|

I quickly turned my new ability or I guess skill on and my mind began to explode with information I wasn't ready for.

The information tsunami caused me to freeze while I felt a strong headache, this allowed Flowey to shoot a hole in my stomach, causing me to scream in pain, I never felt anything so painful in my life, I dropped to the floor and nursed the hole in my stomach while Flowey wheezed sadistically before sending more pellets.

It's so painful… I looked up with scrunched eyes and saw at least 4 pellets rush towards me…

'I was going to die… I am going to die!' My thoughts were interrupted when someone pushed me aside… looking to my right it was Frisk, their small stature somehow able to push me enough to get me out of the fire zone… unfortunately Frisk was now there instead of me.

I saw things in slow motion, frisks panicked and worried look still on their face, their head turning towards the pellets about to shred their body apart, unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to do anything.

3 holes were shot through Frisk, on their leg, their shoulder, and their chest fortunately on the right side.

Frisk fell on their good leg and nursed their chest with their good hand, their face scrunched in pain probably greater than my own.

My eyes moistened, feeling the weight of their action in not only saving my life but also dooming themselves, I quickly stood up and ran to the kneeling frisk, my eyes nearly tearing up seeing the child that sacrificed themselves for me bleeding.

"HAHAHA" Flowey laughed "you IDIOT! What are you doing sacrificing yourself like a moron!"

slowly frisk stood up despite the despairing situation, Frisk eyes were filled with determination.

"in this world, it's kill or BE killed!" glowing pellets started appearing all around the cave nearly a hundred if I had to guess

"Die" Flowey spat the word before laughing while the pellets slowly moved to shred us apart.

On instinct I stood Infront of Frisk determined to at least take half the brunt of the attack after their sacrifice to save me, having time before the pellets shred us I looked back at the focused Frisk, Frisk covered my back side much as I theirs, our back to back… Frisk still looked around for any way out of the encirclement.

My eyes widened as an idea appeared in my head, I quickly covered Frisk with my body, and Frisk exclaimed in quick surprise, I hoped that the pellets were weaker this time, giving up quality for quantity… hopefully they wouldn't be able to completely pierce me.

"NO" Frisk seemed very against the idea of me sacrificing myself as well, 

I closed my eyes accepting that I would die a second time, frisk at least should live their first.

*vrowsh* "AUGH" I heard flames and Flowey exclaim in surprise.

I slowly opened my eyes and didn't see any of the pellets, I looked towards where Flowey was and saw… Toriel.

Toriel covered her mouth with her paws before quickly running to us and kneeling before frisk, even while she kneeled she was my height.

I was relieved to see Toriel lift her arms to heal Frisk's wounds.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth" She then looked towards me "Do not worry human, I can heal your offspring" She smiled sweetly before returning her attention to healing the child "I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins..., I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down, fortunately, I arrived on time" she lifted her arms and the green glow ceased, frisk looked amazed at their body.

Toriel then turned to me and gingerly lifted the arm I put on my own wound, I naturally allowed her, and the green glow coursed through my body, it was like entering a hot tub but inside my body, it felt good.

"you are the first humans to come here in a long time." She finished healing me before standing up and smiling softly "Come! I will guide you through the catacombs, this way." She turned around before continuing towards another stone arch door.

Me and frisk looked at each other with embarrassment, we both were quite dramatic not even a minute ago, and the situation was defused in seconds causing us both to feel awkward.


2006 words

can't believe I'm actually writing this, I have so much things to do.

anyway, tell me what you think, did you like it? if you didn't why?

or maybe you just wanted to be here, its also ok, I need some people for a tea party next week.
