Meeting the parents

"My mother's birthday is this Saturday. How about you come home with me?"

Sun He looked up at Gu Liwei and he could see the expectation in his eyes. Gu Liwei had mentioned having Sun He meet his parents a few times, and Sun He had always refused. He had not felt ready. Meeting Gu Liwei's parents to him meant a big commitment. He would be committing to stay in Gu Liwei's life for a long time. At first Sun He was just scared, scared that the feelings he was experiencing for Gu Liwei would dwindle with time. However, his feelings were getting stronger and stronger every day. Gu Liwei was everything he ever dreamed for and more. Then Sun He had felt that he was not worthy of Gu Liwei. He was scared that Gu Liwei's parents would not like him. He wanted to be liked by them. Wanted to have them bless their relationship.

"Is it really appropriate for me to meet them that day?" Sun He asked hesitantly.

"It will not be a big celebration. Just me, you and my parents."

Sun He whispered his agreement nervously. He tried not to think too much about Saturday but still could not help overthinking everything. He kept thinking about what presents he could get and what clothes he should wear. Even at work, he kept getting distracted. Thoughts about whether or not Gu Liwei's parents would like him or about whether they would like the presents he had not even decided to buy yet kept overwhelming him. Sun He really wished he could turn his brain off.

The moment Sun He got home, he dragged Gu Liwei to the mall. Gu Liwei was amused about how frantic Sun He was. He reassured Sun He that his parents would like him and that they would not care too much if he showed up empty-handed. Sun He rolled his eyes at him for the first time ever and ignored Gu Liwei to stare at the skin care packages in front of him. Wang Ling always told Sun He that he should never show up to an elder's house empty-handed, especially if it is his first time meeting them. The elders would probably claim he did not have to bring anything but if he really did not bring anything, their impression of him would definitely be affected. According to Wang Ling, when meeting an elder there were three rules Sun He had to follow: bring a meeting gift, be polite and respectful, and listen attentively. Sun He was more willing to listen to his mother than Mr. Gu "they will not mind if you show up empty-handed" Liwei. After all, his mother herself had always had a great relationship with her elders.

Sun He stared at the different packages in front of him and they all sounded good to him. Should he buy the most expensive one? Expensive is better, right? Sun He frowned and he secretly calculated how much money he had to spend on gifts. Gu Liwei stared at Sun He's anxious face. Sun He's eyebrows were scrunched up and he was biting his lips. Gu Liwei had never seen him this focused besides when he was completing an important project. Gu Liwei felt his heart soften realizing how much importance Sun He associated with meeting his parents. He looked at the products displayed in front of him and he reached for one that he had heard his mother rave praises about. "My mother really likes this brand." Sun He took the delicate package from Gu Liwei's hand and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you! Now what should I get her for her birthday? What about your father, what does he like? Does he like…"

Gu Liwei chuckled and grabbed Sun He's hand stopping his tirade. He used his jacket as a cover to block him and Sun He from view before he quickly kissed Sun He's lips. "You don't have to get my mother a birthday gift and my dad would love whatever you bring him but he really likes tea."

Sun He ignored the eyes of the people around him and pulled Gu Liwei to the cash register blushingly. After paying, he dragged Gu Liwei out of the store. Sun He could feel the warmth of Gu Liwei's hand in his. He felt his heartbeat speed up and his face he imagined was probably as red as a tomato, but he still did not dare let go. Since Gu Liwei himself was not scared to kiss him in public, then he should not mind him holding his hand, right?

By the time Sun He and Gu Liwei got home, it was very late at night. Sun He had helped Gu Liwei choose a jewelry set for his mother and he himself had gotten her a simple but elegant bracelet. Gu Liwei had also help Sun He purchase a gift for his father. They had eaten dinner at the mall and had shopped around for a few before returning home. Sun He video called his mother and showed her all the things that he had purchased and felt relieved when she approved of his choices. Gu Liwei looked as Sun He carefully wrapped the gifts. He even put them in the closet by the front door for fear that he would forget them.

Sun He joined Gu Liwei on the sofa and breathed a tired sigh. Gu Liwei embraced him in his arms and kissed the crook of his neck. "You don't have to be so nervous."

"I cannot help it." Sun He sighed rubbing his head against Gu Liwei's chest. "It was different for you. You had already met my mom before you met me. This will be my first time meeting your parents. What if they do not like me? What if I get too tongue-tied to talk and leave them with a bad impression? I know I should calm down but I still cannot help overthinking."

Gu Liwei rubbed Sun He's hair and landed a kiss on his forehead. "I am sure they will love you. You are wonderful." Another kiss landed on Sun He's eyes. "Kind" was followed by a kiss on his nose. "The only man I love." Gu Liwei kissed Sun He's lips and lingered there. "Even if they don't like you, I will still marry you." Gu Liwei teased.

Sun He's eyes widened. Ever since Sun He had found the ring more than two months ago, he and Gu Liwei had tacitly avoided talking about it. The ring was put back where Sun He had found it and neither of them had touched it. Sun He wondered what Gu Liwei meant and he gripped Gu Liwei's hand that was slowly moving towards his waist. "Are you proposing?" he aske tremblingly.

Gu Liwei looked at his anxious face and whispered, "Well you found the ring..."

"But you did not propose… You never mentioned it since that time."

"You were not ready then. Don't worry I am not proposing."

Sun He did not know he felt relieved or disappointed. He stared at Gu Liwei with a complicated expression on his face. If Gu Liwei proposed, would he say yes? Sun He was lost in his thoughts and could not see Gu Liwei's teasing smile.

"I am still waiting for you to propose to me."

Sun He looked up sharply. Gu Liwei's penetrating eyes made him blush. He could not tell whether Gu Liwei was actually being serious about what he said. Sun He felt like breaking down. He had finally arrived at the conclusion that he would say yes without hesitation if Gu Liwei were to propose, only to be interrupted by Gu Liwei's sentence. Gu Liwei wanted him to propose to him? Sun He never realized how evil Gu Liwei could be until this moment. How was he supposed to sleep tonight? He let go of Gu Liwei's hand before turning away from him while pouting.

Gu Liwei laughed. He had been joking at first about wanting Sun He to propose to him. However, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted it to happen. Gu Liwei imagined how Sun He would propose to him and he could not help looking forward to it. Gu Liwei stared at the aggrieved expression on Sun He's face and smiled. Sun He had become more and more expressive. Gu Liwei did not know if Sun He himself have realized how much he had changed over the last few weeks. While he was still shy, he was no longer scared to tell Gu Liwei how he felt, nor was he scared to show when he was unhappy. Sun He was much livelier than the first day they met and Gu Liwei could feel how much happier Sun He seemed now. He finally felt that Sun He really was happy to be with him. Gu Liwei hugged Sun He's waist and pulled him tight against him. "I love you."

Sun He froze. If Sun He omitted the time he had asked Gu Liwei why he loved him, this would be the second time that Gu Liwei had ever uttered those words to him. He turned back around to face Gu Liwei before hugging Gu Liwei closer to him. "I love you too."

Sun He was very nervous when he met Gu Liwei's parents. He had blushed during his greeting but thankfully he was able to greet them without stuttering. The more Sun He interacted with Gu Liwei's parents, the more comfortable he felt. Gu Liwei's mother, Wei Meihui, was an elegant lady. She looked cold at first, but the moment she smiled, the whole room seemed to light up. Sun He could see why his mother liked her. Mrs. Gu was a warm woman, so unlike her appearance. She had gushed over how handsome Sun He was and she had been very happy to receive Sun He's gifts. Gu Liwei's father, Gu Cheng, was a quiet man. He looked like an older version of Gu Liwei and Sun He could really tell how much he doted on Mrs. Gu. He had smiled briefly at Sun He, and his eyes were almost stuck to Mrs. Gu's happy face.

The dinner itself was actually quite pleasant. They had sung Happy Birthday to Mrs. Gu and the dinner table was filled with conversation, though it was mainly Mrs. Gu and Sun He talking, with Gu Liwei and his father interjecting here and there. After dinner, Mrs. Gu had kidnapped Sun He and showed him several albums full of Gu Liwei's pictures. Sun He had been happy to go through them with him. Gu Liwei was really cute as a baby. Mrs. Gu told Sun He stories about how rebellious he was and Sun He could barely believe them, until he saw pictures of Gu Liwei with blonde hair in high school and a cigarette in his mouth. Sun He had been astonished. He had looked from Gu Liwei to the picture in front of him and had not known what to say. He had felt his imagery of Gu Liwei shatter in little pieces. The stable and mature Gu Liwei was once an unruly kid… Sun He had felt his mouth twitched. He had stared at Gu Liwei next to him and had asked him more questions about his "rebellious phase". Gu Liwei's answers had made him laugh. After Sun He calmed down, he had habitually pecked Gu Liwei's cheek before laying his head on his shoulder. Seeing the smiles on Gu Liwei's parents' face, Sun He had blushed embarrassedly and had straightened up before whispering his apologies. He had felt so happy and comfortable that he had forgotten where he was.

Mrs. Gu had pulled him aside before they left and had told him how happy her and her husband were with Sun He. She had given Sun He her phone number. She had told Sun He to come visit more often. Mr. Gu had also given Sun He his phone number and he had told him and to call him if Gu Liwei ever made him unhappy so he could straighten him up.

When Sun He got home that night, he had jumped on the bed before calling his mother to let her know how he went. Hearing that Sun He had kissed Gu Liwei in front of his parents, Wang Ling had died of laughter ignoring her son's complaints about how embarrassed he had been. Wang Ling had been surprised to learn that Gu Cheng had given Sun He his phone number as well. She had felt relieved because that meant that the Gu parents really were happy with Sun He.