
Are you serious!?!? (Chapter 63)

Mia was at the park waiting

She had a jacket with a hoodie to cover her bruises

She also had on a hat and baggy pants

She was not in good shape but this was important

After about 10 mins Holly soon arrived

Mia saw and got up to greet her but paused when she saw her

Gone were the pink cheeks and puffy face

She was sad and depressed

Her eyes were so red from crying it looked like they were bleeding

Holly didn't even care about her outfit

A big hoodie that belonged to Jasente and some pants with slides

She looked like she hit rock bottom


Mia Evans

Hey Holly....

You don't look too well


Holly Petal


I just have been sad all night


Mia Evans

About my idiot brother


Holly Petal


I just don't get it

He knows that I would never betray him

why would he just break it off so fast


Mia Evans

It's because of our dad


Holly Petal



Mia Evans

Our dad was a prick but bro loved him a lot

Whenever he was there bro would just run to him and beg him to play or do anything

I didn't like it because I knew he was fake from the beginning but not bro

So when he left us it hurt him a lot

To the point where his trust in people hit rock bottom

It didn't help he got bullied a lot but then he met Dave

They were amazing friends but one day he just broke his heart

He beat him and made fun of him completely destroying their friendship

Bro broke himself off from everyone and only talked to people he trusted

He still wanted to be Daves's friend though so he kept talking to him even when he changed


Holly Petal


That explains why he just broke it off


Mia Evans

Yeah he doesn't like to be hurt

He has experienced it too much


Holly Petal

But Mia how did that picture of me and Dave exist?

I know I was drunk but who took it?


Mia Evans



Holly Petal

What shut up

Why would she do that?


Mia Evans

Because she loves bro


Holly remembered how poorly she treated her back in the hospital and on other occasions


Holly Petal

You know that's not hard to believe

But to think she would stoop so low as to break us up

We were perfect and he was so happy

Why would she do that?


Mia Evans




it could be a lot of things but she is the person who tweeted about yall on the rooftop and leaked it

She even did this to me


Mia showed her bruises and Holly gasped


Holly Petal



Mia Evans

It's fine I have experienced the worst but nevertheless, we need to find a bro


Holly Petal

Easier said than done

He blocked me off from everything

I have no contact with him


Mia Evans

I still do but he doesn't talk to me

He did speak to me this morning and said he only trusted Isa


Holly Petal


Do you think that maybe she is trying to steal him from me too?


Mia Evans

Possibly at this point, my head is fucking killing me with all this drama

Like seriously it's not even Christmas yet

I still need to talk to Urick too


Holly Petal

Really what happened?


Mia Evans

I can explain later but for now, we have to find him


Holly Petal

Yeah we need to clear this up I miss him too much


Mia Evans

Mhm and expose Laylani for who she really is


Holly Petal



The two girls walked toward Jasente and Mia's house to find him