In no time, Hae Jae catch up with his sister, he holds her by her left arm and twists it to the back.

"You are hurting me!" Ok Jung yells.

He let go of her hand and says bravely. "You can never beat me in a race, Ming princess."

"Do not brag now Ming prince, when the time comes I will win you in a race." She says panting from the twist hand her brother just gave her.

"We have to walk home not smiling, is that clear?"

Ok Jung nods with a smile. "I am aware of that too."


Minister Jang sits in his room, looking so tensed just as before, Bai his wife acts as a masseuse giving him some body massages.

"My wife." He calls.

"Yes my Lord." Bai answers massaging his shoulder areas.

"If anything happens to me, ok Jung is responsible for it all."

"My lord!" Bai calls and rushes to sit opposite him. "Why are you saying such? Nothing will happen to you." Bai rebukes.

"Can't you see what she is doing? She is bent on cutting my life span so short, if not, why Is she not listening to all we say?" Minister Jang asks.

"Do we get more strict at her? I thought about it, we are too friendly with her, that is why she isn't afraid of us."

"That is true. I also think we should change her guards and maids, to people she is not familiar with, then give them our warnings and instructions."

"That is good too." Bai smiles. "A lady shouldn't hold a sword."

"The annoying part of it is that she performs at giseang parlor! How can a noble lady dress up as a man and display sword skills in giseang parlor?"

"Calm down my Lord, you shouldn't yell too much." Bai tries to calm her husband.

"Father, it is me Hae Jae. I am here with ok Jung." He announces from outside.

"Come in please!" Bai orders.

The siblings enters wearing a dull look and pays their respects.

"Where did you find her?" Minister Jang asks.

"At the front of the giseang parlor we warned her not to ever visit again." Hae Jae answers specifically.

"Again?!" Bai asks yelling.

"Yes mother."

"What if someone sees you and recognizes you? Who would understand that you are there to just display your sword skills? Do you even care about this family's name?" Minister Jang asks annoyingly.

"I am sorry father, I promise not to do that again." Ok jung says with her head down acting as if she is really sorry.

"You apologize every time and repeat it all over again!!!!" Bai yells.

"I can't do this anymore." Minister Jang whispers. "If you continue like this, I will make sure you do not come with us to Ming this year."

"Father!" Ok jung calls loudly and kneels. "Please, do not do that to me. I promise never to sneak out of the house ever again."

"You promise every time, but you never keep to your promise, if you stop sneaking out and going to giseang parlors. You will come with us. But if you keep sneaking out, you will stay here all by yourself with monitored guards." Minister Jang bargains.

"I will stop sneaking out." She whispers scratching the back of her head.

"Start wearing dresses too, not male clothes." Bai adds.

"Yes." Ok Jung's nods and stands. "I will like to go change what I am putting on to one the fanciest dresses you got me." She says with a bit of sarcasm, but her parents didn't notice, only her older brother did. He cautioned her with his eye language. "I will see you later." She says and bows.

"Come and show us what you look like when you put on the dress." Bai orders.

"Yes mother." Ok jung bows and walks out.

Her parents eyes follows her until she finally disappears from the room.

"What do you think? Do you think she will stop sneaking out?" Minister Jang asks his son.

"I think so father, you have put her trip to Ming on the line, I also threatened to take the life of that man at the giseang parlor. She begged with almost tears in her eyes for me to spare him." Hae Jae says with a smile.

"I hope she changes for good this time around." Bai hopes.

Outside, Ok jung stands closely to the door and places her ears on the door listen very attentively to what is going on inside. "Sly" she curses. "They were in on this all along, I don't know what big deal it is just showing off my sword skills." She sighs. "I know what to do, they want to deceive me, I will deceive them too." She hisses and walks aggressively to her room.

"What do you think happened to her this time around?" A maid watching ok Jung asks herself. She follows her as she enters her room and closes the door. "Agassi." She calls as she enters ok Jung room.

"Prepare my bath, and prepare to dress me in my fanciest dresses from now on, get me books to read and prepare colors for me to paint." Ok Jung orders as she sits.

"Why?" The maid asks as she stands opposite her.

"Why?" Ok Jung asks and scoffs. "It all because you didn't do your job well Ae rin!" She yells.

"What? I didn't do my job well? Don't tell me you want to put all the blame on me now." Ae rin says already getting annoyed but trying her best to control her temper.

"Yes! I put all the blame's on you Ae rin. You should have done your utmost best to sound like me."

"Unbelievable!" Ae rin exclaims loudly. "Sound like you? Is it my fault that I couldn't sound exactly like you while pretending to be you and lock myself in your bedroom?"

"At least, when my mother knocked the door she should have tried to fake my voice so she could think I was the one." Ok Jung clicks her tongue. "You have no idea the mess I am in right now." She sighs. "Whatever, you all were against my personality. So I agree to be the nice and dignified lady you has always wanted."