Just as the queen had predicted, Lord Jang walks to see Suk Bin Choi. "Announce me." He says to lady Baek.

"There is no need for that your lordship, she has been expecting you. Please go in." Lady Baek replies.

"Alright." Lord Jang enters and sees the prince having a discussion with his mom. "Your majesties." He bows.

"Have a seat." Suk-bin says with a smile.

"Thank you your majesty." Lord Jang appreciates and sits.

"I knew you were going to come, me and the prince had planned to come and make the official visit to your house tomorrow concerning what you saw in the letter."

"Your majesty." Lord Jang calls. "Why my daughter of all people?"

"I think we should ask prince yeoning here." Suk Bin says pointing at her son.

"What do you mean by that?" Lord Jang asks and looks at the prince. "Do you happen to know my daughter?"

"Yes." Yeoning nods. "We are quiet close, but she doesn't know who I am."

"What? You know ok Jung In person?" Lord Jang asks again.

"Yes." Yeoning nods. "I am sorry to say this, but I am one of the reasons she sneaks out of the house."

"This is unbelievable!" Lord Jang exclaims loudly.

"Lord Jang, please allow me marry Ok Jung, I promise to never make her cry or make her feel bad for any reason."

"He told me about his plans and decisions few days ago, and I think it's best that I make the move as his mom and do it officially." Suk Bin smiles. "Tomorrow, I will come to see what Ok Jung looks like and I hope you will give them your blessings."

"Your majesty." Lord Jang calls. "The queen just asked for my daughter's hands in marriage too."

"What?" Yeoning asks in shock.

"Yes." Lord Jang nods. "But she made it clear and obvious that she only wants to use her as a tool to crown her son."

"She plans to use her son's happiness as a tool to crown him?" Suk Bin asks in amazement.

"Yes your majesty. I will leave my daughter to decide what she wants. I will be expecting you and the prince tomorrow."

"Alright." Suk Bin smiles. "You can get going now."

"Yes, your majesty." Lord Jang says and bows and walks out of the room.

"The queen really thinks everything revolves around the crown prince title, doesn't she?" Yeoning asks annoyingly.

"I am fed up already, actually she was here today to tell me that she wants the both of you to get married, I knew she was up to something but I never had the idea it was involved with Lord Jang's daughter." Suk Bin whispers.

"I just hope she doesn't end up her having her way with Ok Jung." The young prince hopes.

"I won't let that happen, this has to do with your emotions, I won't allow her let her greed stop the both of you." Suk Bin hisses. "She always want to compete every time. Lady Baek!" She calls.

"Yes your majesty." Lady Baek answers as she walks in.

"Prepare every necessary thing, me and the prince are going to Lord Jang's house tomorrow, in the next few minutes. I will like to see the king too."

"Yes, your majesty." Lady Baek bows and walks out.

"Yeoning, I will do whatever it takes to make you happy. Do not worry, Ok Jung is yours alone." Suk Bin assures her son.

"Thank you mom." He bows with a smile.


Suk Bin Choi gets to the kings chambers and could clearly see that the queen and the queen dowager are there, she wants to turn back and return to her room, but she thinks of it again. For how long will she keep running and avoiding them? And again what she wants to discuss has something to do with her sons happiness so she can't just bury it.

"Announce me." She says to the king's attendant.

"Your majesty, Suk Bin her majesty is here." The attendant announces.

"Let her in!" The king orders.

Suk Bin enters and bows to everyone. "Queen dowager your majesty, how are doing?"

"Well, as you can see. I am better than what you expect." The queen dowager fumes.

"Have a seat." The king offers Suk Bin ignoring his mother imprudent speech.

"Thank you your majesty." Suk Bin appreciates and takes the only available seat which is in between her enemies but she faces the king.

"So, what brought you here Suk Bin?" The queen asks being nosey.

"My queen!" The queen calls. "I don't think you should care about why she is here."

"Yes, your majesty." The queen whispers and lowers her head in embarrassment.

"Why is that?" The queen dowager asks fired up. "She is the mother of the nation, and also an elder in the inner court. Asking such questions isn't too much."

"Mom, she came to see me. If not because she met you all here, I am sure you wouldn't have known she came here to visit me." The king sighs. "Please, stop taking sides wrongly."

"If you say so." The queen dowager says accepting the defeat. "I think the princes should get married soon."

"Really?" The king asks and laughs. "I can't believe my children have both grown that much, I remember how I use to carry them and have so much fun with them together when they were much younger."

"The young boys of then, have come of marriage age your majesty." Suk Bin adds.

"So what do you both have in mind?" The king ask as he looks at the mothers of princes.

"There is a girl that the prince actually has his eyes on. He has been friends with her for a very long time but she doesn't know who he is." Suk Bin whispers.

"A low born or slave?" The queen dowager asks mockingly.

"Mom!" The king calls to caution again.

"I am only trying to understand her, what more would you expect from her son?" The queen dowager continues to mock.

"Actually, the girl my son has his eyes on is not a slave or a low born. She is Minister Jang's daughter." Suk Bin says and it sounds like thunderstorms to everyone's ears.