The queen successfully holds back the tears before gushing out of her eyes. After all, the king still take sides with his mistress and her son. "Yes, your majesty." The queen whispers and her voice trembles.

"Yes, that's good." The king smiles. "What about Gwang jae? Does he have his eyes on anyone yet?"

"I don't know about that, your majesty." The queen answers sadly.

"You haven't tried to discuss something of such with him yet?" The king asks again.

"Prince Gwang Jae isn't interested in ladies." The queen fires with a little bit of pride.

"What do you mean? Is it a crime that prince Yeoning is interested in a lady? Every man needs a woman by his side." The king asks.

"My son is busy doing all the things you like hoping you will make him crown prince and you are here reprimanding him for not liking any girl?" The queen asks loudly, letting loose of the tears she held earlier on.

"Queen!" The kings calls loudly.

"Yes, your majesty." The queen replies loudly. "Have you ever even commended him for trying his hardest to do those things? No." The queen shakes her head. "All you are interested in, is this woman and her son."

"Watch your mouth, queen!" The king cautions.

The queen looks at the king and closes her eyes, the tears flows out more, she whispers and bows. "I am sorry your majesty!"

"Suk-bin, leave us alone and return to your chambers." The king orders.

"Yes, your majesty." Suk-bin bows and walks away and her attendants follows.

"Come with me." The king says to the queen, they walk for some minutes with their attendants, and when they got to a certain place, the king turns to attendants and says. "Wait for us here. Queen, let's go." The both of them walk some paces away from their attendants. "Queen! Let this be the last time you will throw tantrums concerning my relationship with prince Yeoning." The king warns.

"I will not stop throwing those tantrums until you balance up the love between them."

"Balance the love?" The king asks. "You mean give Gwang Jae more attention because I shower Suk-bin with more love?"

"Yes, your majesty." The queen nods. "If I can't have your heart and Favour, I believe your son should."

"I do all these things to console Suk-bin."

"Console her for what her majesty?" The queen asks.

"You know I love my sons equally, it is what you know yourself. But your jealousy and envy won't let you rest."

"Then why do you despise one of their mothers?" The queen asks again.

"Because that particular woman is a very terrible one." The king replies. "Tell me, how many of Suk-bin's offspring have you killed?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You think I don't know of you and my mom's actions? I know everything but I had to keep quiet because I was so naive then."

"Your majesty." The queen calls. "I have no idea of what you are talking about."

"Shut it! Do not try to pretend. The entire lady investigators were all aware of the truth then, and that is why they love Suk-bin." The king unleashes.

"It was all for the well being of the nation your majesty." The queen whispers surrendering already.

"It wasn't for your well being but for your greed, I am very sure if I hadn't threaten you and the queen dowager, you would have kept on killing her children."

"Why bringing up the issues of the past your majesty?"

"To remind you of how terrible and ruthless you are." The king exhales. "You terminated 3 pregnancies and killed two infants. In total, five children. How do you expect me to forgive you or forget this?" The king asks.

"Your majesty." The queen calls gently realizing how much pains she had caused the king with her shameful acts.

"You are obsessed with power alone! You do not even know if your son is in love with someone. All you think of is how to make him crown prince. You force him to do all the things he doesn't want to and make him compete with his brother."

"I am sorry your majesty." The queen weeps again.

"Fine, I will crown your son,since that is all you want." The king whispers with a nod. "But note that if you continue to control him, he will never find love and peace."

"Your majesty!" The queen continues weeping.

"I curse the day you were crowned queen." The king whispers and walks out and all of his attendants follows.

The queen falls to the ground and weeps bitterly. She has never seen or heard of him say those harsh words. "I am sorry your majesty." She weeps loudly.

"Your majesty! Please do not do this." Lady Sung tries to comfort the queen.


She sluggishly lays on her bed so quietly and Lady Sung covers her with the duvet.

"Your majesty, why are you still tearing up?" Lady Sung asks feeling so bad.

"I want to leave the palace for a while. These things I am going through is just to much for me to handle." The queen sobs in her laying position.

"Your majesty, please don't talk like that. I have always known you to be a warrior, and warriors don't give up."

"The king isn't making it easy for me. He loves Suk-bin more."

"Please think of the prince." Lady Sung whispers. "What will happen to him if you stop fighting at this end?" she asks.

"I will make sure I repay Suk-bin and her son for all this pains they are causing me at the moment, I won't surrender like this." The queen whispers still in tears. "I will repay her and her entire supporters."

"Yes, your majesty. That is the spirit." Lady Sung wipes off the queen tears. "Put that woman in her place and make her pay for everything."