The boy looks at themselves, none of them is ready to face Ok Jung.

"We do not want to fight you Ok Jung." Yeoning whispers.

"Speak for yourself alone, dear prince." Hae Jae Fumes.

"So? You want to fight her?" Yeoning asks.

"No." Hae Jae shakes his head. "Ok Jung, we do not want to fight you."

"Really? You both are cowards." Ok Jung's mocks and laughs. "None of you want to fight me? Come on!! That's so absurd!"

"You are getting tougher every time." Yeoning laments. "I keep wondering where you get your skills from."

"Nothing special, I just practice a lot." Ok Jung says with pride.

"The queen her majesty!" Lady Sung announces.

The entire compound immediately turns silent, the slaves goes all fours on the floor and the nobles bows their head.

The queen ignores everyone else and walks straight to Suk-bin who is standing very close to Lord Jang and his wife. "Suk-bin."

"Your majesty!" Suk-bin calls and bows.

"I warned you not to come here but you did, why do you disobey my order Suk-bin? Isn't this an insult to the imperial crown?" The queen asks raising her brows.

"Your majesty, I thought we already discussed this-"

The queen stops Suk-bin with a very hot slap. "Shut it! You monster."

"Mom!" Yeoning calls worriedly and runs to his mom. "Are you okay." He asks holding his mom.

"I am fine." Suk-bin whispers in shame.

Lord Jang turns to his maids and servants. "You can all return to your chambers!"

The servants and maids obeys the instructions without uttering a word.

"Prince Yeoning, I can see your mom didn't teach you any manners." The queen mocks with a devilish smile. "How dare you interrupt me when I am talking."

"Interrupt you when talking?" Yeoning asks and scoffs. "I didn't interrupt you, I only cared for my mom. Well, I don't expect you to know how it feels because your son never cares for you."

"You idiot!" The queen exclaims and wants to slap him but she is stopped by Suk-bin who holds her hand tightly. "Let go of me, you pathetic idiot."

"Must we do this every time?" Suk-bin asks and releases her hand harshly. "I can forgive you for all, but please do not touch my son and my people, queen!" She swarms firmly.

"I will make sure you pay for this humiliation, Suk-bin. I promise you." The queen says bitterly.

"Humiliation she says?" Ok Jung asks herself and walks to the queen. "Queen your majesty."

"Who are you?" The queen asks in rage.

"Ok Jung, what are you doing? Step aside right now!" Lord Jang orders.

"I am sure you know who i am now." Ok Jung smiles and continues. "My grand father and the king won't be happy if they hear about what you are doing now."

The queen scoffs and moves closer to Ok Jung. "Clever girl! It's not too late to change your mind. Do not get married to prince Yeoning."

"I will get married to him, Your majesty. Please, do not test our patience." Ok Jung whispers and draws apart from the queen. "If you wouldn't mind, let's have some lunch together in the room."

"I am not here for food and drinks." The queen retorts.

"If not here for food and drinks, please leave now." Hae Jae says with a tone of respect but totally disrespecting her.

"Lord Jang! I can see you have trained your children to disrespect their elders."

"Your majesty!" Lord Jang calls loudly and goes all fours on the floor. "Please punish me, I deeply apologize on their behalf."

"Sure, I have to punish you." The queen smiles. "Let me show your children that I am the queen, mother of the nation!"

"Your majesty!" Lord Jang calls again.

Bai sighs exhales deeply not having a bit of what the queen is pulling anymore. "Your majesty! Please forgive us."

"I will make sure you all pay for this insults dearly, with your lives." The queen threatens.

"With our lives?" Bai asks loudly already fired up. "Queen, you seem to be forgetting who i am so quick."

"Are you threatening me now?" The queen asks sternly.

"You threatened me first, your majesty!" Bai says already attacking.

"So? You are already attacking me?" The queen asks again.

"I am not attacking you , I am only trying to tell you to know your place." Bai response portrays that she is already offended by the queen's awkward attitude.

"Disrespect!" Lady Sung cuts in. "How dare you all talk to the queen her majesty like that? She is the mother of the nation at a whole."

"What is this?" Hae Jae asks and scoffs. "How dare a mere lady in waiting interfere in a discussion?"

The queen faces and Hae Jae and says loudly. "She has every right to speak!" She faces Lord Jang who is still all fours on the floor. "How will you explain this to his Majesty?"

"I am sorry for causing you much insults your majesty, I will accept any punishment you give me." Lord Jang whispers.

"Honey, get up right this instant." Bai orders.

"Do not move! If you make any movement, I will have you beheaded!" The queen orders too.

"Tch." Bai clicks her tongue and smile. "Hae Jae."

"Yes mother." Hae Jae replies walking to his mom.

"Send words to my father, the Emperor of Ming. Tell him how the queen of Joseon insulted me and my in laws to be. Don't forget to tell him how she threatened to behead my husband too." Bai says in rage.

"This can also be regarded to as treason, if she disrespects you, it means she aim at the imperial crown of Ming." Hae Jae says with a smile.

"Yes." Bai nods with a smile too. "Report it as treason." She faces her husband. "Honey! Get up now!"

Lord Jang gently stands and looks at his wife and smiles. "Thank you, for always coming through for me."