It happens to be that, she was just pretending when her rival was around, she was really hurt to read that letter, but she didn't want to show it. Not in front of Suk-bin or in front of her son.

"Ming emperor?" Gwang Jae asks.

"Yes." The queen nods. "Her son is getting married to Lord Jang's daughter."

"How does that even make sense? How can a mere consort go after such a mighty family? As a matter of fact, Isn't Lord Jang a member of the northern faction?" The prince asks annoyingly.

"We already lost that Gwang Jae, all we have left is to make sure you become the crown prince as soon as possible." The queen whispers.

"Only if I marry Lord Jang's daughter, it would have been so easy. Our supporters would have taken proper use of it." He laments further.

"Do not worry about it anymore, I will make sure you become crown prince and sit on that throne. You shall never bow to a son of a concubine."

"Your majesty, the prime minister is here." Lady Sung announces again from outside.

"Let him in!" The queen orders.

"Yes, your majesty."

The prime minister walks in bows. "Your majesty."

"Have your sit." The queen offers with a smile. "I am sure you got the message I sent."

"Yes, your majesty." The minister Lord Yoon says with a smile. "I am so honored your majesty.

"Lord Yoon, your daughter is going to be the crown Princess and the future queen of Joseon. But it is all in our hands." The queen whispers. "I am sure you are very much aware of what I mean by that."

Lord Yoon takes a deep breath and says. "Your majesty, don't you think it will be difficult to do or decide on anything now? I heard that Suk-bin her majesty is after Lord Jang's daughter."

The queen gives a discomfort body movement. "Lord Jang's daughter is going to marry Suk-bin's son, it has already been confirmed by the king."

"Your majesty, this marriage shouldn't take place, its is going to shaken our authority and stand in this country." Lord Yoon whispers.

"But as it is, there is nothing we can do to stop the marriage." Gwang Jae speaks. "But I am sure if all the northern ministers come together, you can come up with something."

"Your highness, what do you think we should do?" Lord Yoon asks.

"I need nothing but your utmost support, with your support. I can even get to send Suk-bin out of the palace, and make sure her son gets beheaded." The prince says with a dumb look.

"Really?"lord Yoon asks. "Do you have a plan?"

"Gwang Jae, what do you have in mind?" The queen asks with a lot of interest.

"I will like to keep the plan to myself now, it is a very dangerous card that I can always pull out anytime."

"Alright." The queen nods then faces Lord Yoon. "I will like us to be very fast with the marriage procedures."

"Yes, your majesty." Lord Yoon says and bows.


Later in the evening, the king decides to take a walk with Gwang Jae who came to pay him a visit, but they were only few paces away from the king's chambers when they ran into Yeoning.

Immediately, hatred and bitterness was written all over Gwang Jae's face.

"Father, your majesty." Yeoning calls with smiles all over his face and bows.

"Oh! Welcome my son." The king greets with a lot of smiles and embraces him. "I heard you and your mother went to pay a visit to your in-laws to be."

"Yes father." Yeoning replies with a lot smiles still. "They were so happy to see us and accepted us wholeheartedly."

"I am happy to hear that too." The king faces Gwang Jae. "Your brother here is also going to get married to the prime minister's daughter."

Both princes look at themselves with eyes of hatred, though they happen to be brothers but they never had any form of love for each other. Even in the presence of their father, they still can't pretend to love each other and hide their real feelings.

"That's good to hear." Yeoning says bluntly not taking a look at his so called brother, instead he places his whole attention and gaze on his father.

"You too shouldn't behave like strangers to each other anymore." The king whispers when he notices their attitude towards each other. "I have told you to be brothers and love ea-"

"Your majesty." Ja won calls cutting the king off. "The ministers you sent for are here already."

The king looks at his eunuch and replies. "Alright, I will join them soon." He looks at his children and says. "I have to go now, you both should enjoy the walk alone." He says and returns to his chambers.

"The fact that father keeps referring to you as my brother is what gets me." Gwang Jae says.

"Are you going to have the walk or not?" Yeoning asks ignoring his remark.

"Why should I have a walk with a son of a concubine?" Gwang Jae asks and smiles. "I do not want to have a walk with a thief like you, who is trying to steal my position."

"Thief?" Yeoning scoffs. "Just so you know, we are both entitled to this position, equally."

"That is why you go after Lord Jang's daughter isn't it? So that you can use her as a tool to crown yourself, isn't it?"

"Enough of the rubbish talk, do not infuriate me. I am sure you do not want a punch like the last time." Yeoning threatens.

"Try it, you bastard. You think I will keep quiet like I did the last time?" Gwang Jae laughs. "I will beat you into pulp you good for nothing."

"Your brags will surely stop one day, I know that for sure. Maybe when you get married, you will learn or know how to be a man." Yeoning says and walks out.