"I will set this nation straight." Gwang Jae whispers. "I promise to do that, I won't be like my father who can come to a single decision for good twenty years because he is scared of what people might say or think. I will be a very upright king."

"Having you rule the nation will be a blessing your highness." Man Ho whispers and bows.

"Let's eat." The prince says picking his chopsticks and filling his mouth with the tasty snacks in front of him. "These snacks are so tasty, the kitchen maids are really doing a great job. They really need to be compensated, I believe so."

Man Ho puts a bit of the snacks in his mouth and couldn't deny the fact that it was actually tasty. "I believe so your highness."

"Do enjoy yourself Man Ho, you will never get to enjoy yourself like this if you hadn't known me. Who knows, your entire family might have starved to death." The prince says still enjoying his snacks and not reading any meaning to all he said.

Man Ho wish he could really punch him hard and teach him a very good lesson, but he dares not. If he tries such, his entire family might be wiped out for treason. "Yes, thank you highness." He says and his voice trembles in pains.

After wining and dining for some minutes, Man Ho finally finds a way to excuse himself from the very terrible talks of the prince. He walks out of the prince's chambers in absolute annoyance and his underling follows. Man Ho keeps on walking until they got to a place that we could actually call his office. "Any news yet?" He asks as he drops his sword and sits.

"Not yet sir." Dong ju whispers in disappointment in himself.

Man Ho bangs the table in annoyance. "We have to act very fast Dong ju, the prince has given us just seven days to find that person."

"Seven days?" Dong Ju asks surprisingly. "But how is that possible? We have been searching for this person for the last two years and he is nowhere to be found, how is it possible to find the person within seven days?" Dong Ju nags.

"We have to try our best, we have to give it all it takes." Man Ho whispers and looks at his underling. "If we want to live."

Dong Ju closes his eyes and sighs deeply accepting his fate already. "Yes sir, but what do we do at first?"

"I need to go to that area again, and ask around maybe they might be an inkling or something."

"Should I call one of the men that were injured that day?" Dong Ju asks.

"Yes." Man Ho nods.


Ok Jung sits opposite her father and beside her mom, she had wondered in her mind before appearing before them, what would have actually make her parents call her that night? "Father, is everything okay?" She asks worried.

"Yes." Lord Jang nods. "We just need to discuss something very important with you."

"Discuss something very important?" She asks again and looks at her mother. "Are you sure everything is okay mom?"

"Yes my love." Bai says with a smile. "We just want to have a small conversation with you this night."

"Alright." Ok Jung nods. "So, tell me what is it about?"

"My daughter, you are no longer a kid. Soon, you will be getting married to the prince of this great nation, and I feel there is a lot of things you need to amend about yourself." Lord Jang starts off.

"Somethings I need to change and amend?" Ok Jung asks trying to understand what that means.

"Yes." Bai nods. "You need to control your temper and learn to ignore some certain things."

"My temper?" Ok Jung asks again.

"Yes, with what happened today, I guess you already know the kind of family you are getting married to." Lord Jang says.

"Yes father."

"They compete a lot, and just as you know. Your husband to be is competing for crown prince's title. Thus, there is a possibility you end up being the next queen of our nation." Bai whispers. "But for that to happen or not, you need to learn how to control your temper Ok Jung, it is very important."

Ok Jung stares at her mom for a while, yet to understand what they are trying to drive at. "I still don't understand you, can you please explain more?"

"What you did to the queen earlier today was very wrong, you shouldn't have interfered at all." Lord Jang hits the nail on the head.

"But I didn't do any-"

"You did Ok Jung." Bai says interrupting her daughter. "It was very wrong, it could have actually had us in big trouble if we weren't smart enough, most especially because she had asked for your hand in marriage and you rejected her."

The young lady sighs deeply, not knowing what to say.

"When you marry the prince, a lot of people will try to do things to make you talk." Lord Jang furthers. "Their main aim isn't to get you but to get your husband and his mom, also their supporters. If they know you to always try to defend them, you might be used as a bait to catch their fish."

"Yes Ok Jung, although you are the grand daughter of the great Emperor Zhu Di but we can't stop those people form harming your husband and mother in law because of you." Bai adds.

"You are marrying the prince because of love, pursue that love and peace alone with him. Don't seek power, you have enough already." Lord Jang adds.

"Father." Ok Jung calls calmly. "Do you think I and the prince can survive without that power now? I think we need power to survive."

"Ok Jung!" Bai calls in a a nagging tone.

"I will make sure I protect you no matter what, I promise you that." Lord Jang promises.